Customer Release Notes for
LMC/NMC 11.0 (28.1) Network Management Software supports the following software releases
Switch/Firmware Version / Minimum Required Console VersionM20 P/T* / NMC 1.2 (
M20B* / NMC 1.2 (
R11-I v1.2M* / Previous to NMC 1.0 (
M20B R2.x / NMC R2.2 (
M20/S xxxx R1.x / NMC R3.5 (
VideoSwitch Express R1.x / NMC R4.3 (
AccessWare 13v3 / NMC R5.5 (
AccessWare 14.3 / NMC R6.3 (
AccessWare 16.0 / NMC 7.0.1 (23.23)
AccessWare 16.1 / NMC 8.0.2 (
AccessWare CS 1.0 / NMC 7.0.1 (23.23)
AccessWare CS 1.1 / NMC 8.0.2 (
AccessWare 17.0 / NMC 8.0.2 (
AccessWare CS 2.0 / NMC 8.0.2 (
AccessWare 2000 R1.0 / NMC 9.0 (26.5)
AccessWare 2000 R1.1 / NMC 9.1 (26.7)
AccessWare 2000 R1.1.1 / NMC 9.1 (26.7)
AccessWare 2000 R1.1.2 / NMC 9.1 (26.7)
AccessWare 2004 R1.0 / NMC 11.0 (28.1)
Miscellaneous software versions:
Time of Day Version: / 23.2SoftLoad Version: /
The following software, Video Reservation System Interface (VRSI) is optional:
VRSI (Video Reservation System Interface) / Version 23.1LMC/NMC 11.0 is compatible with this equipment.
New Features and Enhancements
The new features and enhancements of LMC/NMC 11.0 are listed below:
- LAN connectivity (For NMC Only)
- Windows NT and Windows 2000 compatibility
Software Inconsistencies
The following inconsistencies are present in LMC/NMC 11.0 Network Management Software. When applicable, numbers are provided for identification purposes only. When appropriate, a work-around is provided.
- After the Management Console software is installed, it is organized into a program group named “AccessWare NMC”. Prior NMC software release icons reside under a program group named either “Network Management Console” or “Teleos Management Console”. Due to changes in the program group name, the former program group names and the icons associated with them remain present in the Program Manager display. This does not cause operability problems, as all the icons are associated with the same path to the NMC executables (e.g., C:\NMC), and, therefore, run the latest software.
Work Around: If desired, delete the Management Console group and the icons associated with it.
- A stack fault may occur by attempting to login to the VRSI from a remote terminal if the VRSI modem is not properly initialized.
Work Around: Via the Windows Terminal on the Management Console, enter the following initialization parameters (Hayes-compatible AT command set): AT&F (reset modem), ATS0=1 (answer on one ring), and ATQ1 (result code suppressed).
- Under certain conditions, disconnecting the modem link while communicating with other equipment causes problems. Do not change the physical connections to a modem while communicating with other equipment, or switch the modem ‘OFF’ and ‘ON.’ Should this happen, shut down Windows, either using the {CTRL-ALT-DEL} key sequence, or other means if possible. Reboot the PC, and while at the DOS prompt, run CHKDSK /F (DOS versions prior to 6.2) or SCANDISK (DOS version 6.2). Should either of these applications find file system damage, the damage should be examined and fixed before re-starting Windows and the NMC.
- When you add or upgrade an equipment, the default pathname that appears in the UsePathname text field is not automatically selected.
Work Around: Click on the radio button labeled Use Pathname to enable it. Move the cursor into the UsePathname text field, and click once to highlight the default pathname.
PR52Support for “Australia” E1 protocol needs to be clarified.
“Australia” is a selection for the signaling protocol of an E1 line. There are two “Australia” PRI standards - TS014 and TS038. TS038 is very similar to ETSI300.
Work Around: Choose “ETSI300” instead of “Australia” if you are using the TS038 PRI standard.
03489To Select New Equipment, You Must Re-Enter NMC software
If a New Equipment is added to or equipment is deleted from the NMC, you must exit and then re-start the NMC. Otherwise, the icon representing the old equipment will be displayed, in Network View, as “connected”.
03732NMC Does Not Release Floppy Drive Resources
When archiving a profile to the floppy drive, e.g., drive A, you must immediately archive the profile to the hard drive. This allows the floppy drive to be used for subsequent applications. In addition, a system error message may be displayed indicating that Drive A is not ready when the “Screen Saver” function is invoked.
Work Around: Always archive a profile to the hard drive immediately after archiving a profile to the floppy drive.
04479IMUX BRI DN Provisioning on QRVX Causes NMC Hang
When provisioning IMUX BRI lines, it is necessary to provision the network BRI DNs coming into the Initia AccessSwitch on the QRVX and/or the MCU. When you provision a DN on an MCU port which has already been provisioned as a BRI trunk, NMC will stop running. For Windows 3.1.x systems, a re-boot is required. For Windows 95 users, you can press Ctrl-Alt-Delete, highlight the unresponsive system, and click on the End Task button.
Work Around: You can work around this problem by provisioning the IMUX BRI as a hunt DN.
03213DDE Message Time-outs on large profile submits
When submitting large profiles, a DDE time-out message sometimes appears.
Work Around: Reset the AccessSwitch and submit the profile.
Configuration Unit (CMU) Inconsistencies
- NMC incorrectly allows you to restore a profile for an incompatible AccessSwitch (e.g., allows the restoration of a profile for a 20-slot AccessSwitch into a 6-slot AccessSwitch). Although the software allows it, an incompatible profile should not be restored or submitted.
- When you submit or upload a profile, a message box appears indicating that the operation is in progress. Choosing the Close button from this message box will only remove the message box. It will not cancel the submit or the upload command.
03477 Unable to Cancel a Profile with Incompatible Clock Rates
NMC software allows you to provision mixed clock types. For example, you can provision a PRI as a primary clock type and a BRI as a spare clock type. If mixed clock types are provisioned and a profile is submitted, NMC will warn you, but disallow you to cancel the profile submission.
Work Around: Re-submit the profile to change the clock provisioning, and change the mixed clock type.
NetworkView (SMU) Inconsistencies
- The Administration menu’s Equipment Management screen enables 25 AccessSwitch hubs to be configured. Ensure that no more than 25 pieces of equipment are installed as this is the maximum number the software will support. Installing more than 25 hubs causes unpredictable results. (For NMC Only)
- When upgrading an AccessSwitch to AccessWare 13 version 1.0 without V.25bis enabled, all of the Dialing Interface checkboxes, in all QRVX and SAIU lines, for all profiles being converted, are grayed out and inaccessible. This prevents the CIU from being used to dial from these ports.
Work Around: Check the Dialing Interface checkboxes for all lines in every QRVX or SAIU, for every profile, before attempting an upgrade to R13 version 1.0.
- When upgrading an AccessSwitch to a later release, if sufficient disk space is not available to do the NMC database conversion, an error message will be displayed. At least 5MB of extra disk space is required to perform a conversion.
- The following operation can lead to a serious memory fault in Windows:
If the Alarm Polling feature is provisioned to occur when the PC it is running on is powered off, and the PC is then restarted after the polling time has elapsed, the Alarm Polling dialog box will display a negative number in the “Days from Now” field. If the number is highlighted, the ‘-’ sign remains un-highlighted, and the number will be replaced with a ‘0’. This may cause the system to fail.
Work Around: The number and the ‘-’ should be highlighted and replaced. If you tab to this field, the sign is included in the highlight area.
- Some problems were experienced when closing the NetworkView window using the normal Windows {ALT-F4} keystroke combination. Therefore, you should use an alternative means such as selecting “Terminate System” from the Management menu, or use the keystrokes {ALT+M T} to close the NMC.
Alarms Unit (FMU) Inconsistencies
- Occasionally, equipment selected in the NetworkView window does not appear in the Alarm History or Active Alarms windows. If this occurs, exit (via the File menu) the Alarms unit, then access the NetworkView window. From within the NetworkView window, access the Alarms unit.
- Occasionally alarms are not displayed in the Alarm History or Active Alarms windows. If this occurs, from the View menu, select Active Alarms, or Alarm History (as appropriate). You may have to repeat this procedure a few times.
- An error found in the Alarm History feature of the Alarms window (FMU) causes the following to occur:
After a cold reset, the hub equipment will clear its alarm table, and reset the alarm index of the first alarm to 1.
-When LMC/NMC 11.0 connects to the hub after reset, it collects new alarms.
-New alarms with indices identical to old alarms on the Alarm History table overwrite old alarms
-The alarm description in the Alarm History table may not correctly reflect the nature of the alarm, and may differ from the description text in the Alarm Detail box. If this problem is noted, the FMU should be terminated by selecting “Exit FMU” from the File menu. It can then be restarted by finding the SMU (NMC: S.M.) in the Windows Task List, switching to it, and selecting “Alarms”. You may have to use the Windows task list to switch to the FMU. After restarting, the inconsistency should not occur.
00550 Switching to Alarm History Causes “No CPE Selected” Message
An error message indicating “No CPE Selected” has been observed intermittently. If this message is observed, clear the message box, minimize, and then restore the window. Then, retry the operation in which the error message occurred.
01416 Intermittent DDE Messaging Access Error when Reset for SoftLoad command is issued
A dialog box containing the message “DDE Messaging Access Error” appears after issuing a Reset for Softload command from the Maintenance/Reset System Menu of the FMU. Although this message is frequently displayed, the NMC is still able to reset the AccessSwitch for Softload successfully.
Work Around: Closing the message box will allow the Softload procedure to continue.
Time of Day (TOD) Inconsistencies
- Occasionally in the “Time of Day” module, an empty combination box for the Trunk Group entry is displayed. This occurs when provisioning the “Configure Parameters” window.
Work Around: Re-select the same profile in the “Profile” combination box and all valid trunk groups will appear in the trunk group combination box.
- In the “Time of Day” module, editing the parameters of an active call prevents the call from being disconnected. To disconnect a call in this state, issue a disconnect command from the CIU.
- When NMC is installed, there are two (2) files required by TOD and VRSI that need to be created. These files are created by selecting “Configure Parameters” in the TOD menu in the NetworkView window (SMU). These files must be created before TOD is started; otherwise, database errors will occur. This procedure need only to be done during installation. It does not need to be repeated each time the console is started.
- An inconsistency in the Time of Day feature incorrectly allows you to delete an identifier. The identifier may be deleted even when used in a currently scheduled request. No error message or warning will appear cautioning you. However, an identifier should not be deleted without first ensuring that the identifier is not used in any scheduled requests. Failure to do so may result in established calls not being disconnected as expected, and requiring manual disconnection.
Software Installation Notes
If you are installing LMC/NMC 11.0 software on a console in which a version of console software prior to NMC 11.0 is installed, you must change the system.ini file as described below:
- Click on the Start button. Select Programs and select Notepad from the Accessories menu. Notepad will appear.
- Select the Open option from the Notepad’s File menu. The File Open dialog box appears. By default, the directory is set to C:\windows and the file search is set to *.TXT. Change the file search to *.ini, highlight the system.ini file, and click on the Open button. The system.ini file will appear on the Notepad’s workspace.
- Scroll down until you see the header [386 Enh]. Look for the following line: device=telvcd.386. Change this line to read: device=*vcd.
- Select the Save option from the Notepad’s File menu, then select Exit.
If you close the console from within any other management unit (for example, using Terminate System) and leave the Time of Day (TOD) module active, database errors will occur. The console MUST be started before the VRSI and TOD modules, and the VRSI and TOD modules MUST be closed before the console is closed.
Software Uninstall Notes
If LMC/NMC 11.0 was installed over a previous release of Network Management Software, keep in mind that some program files may not get automatically deleted during the uninstall process. Therefore, you need to do this manually.
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