Wednesday 24th February 2016
Present:Nazanin ShiraniChair
Tina WoodhouseTreasurer
Parents:Paul Mills
Constantin Goras
Daniela Paun
Fiona Gasper
Tina Joshi
Staff:Lucy Saibu
Leilee Shirani
Nick Archard
Michael Walker
Mandy Gunn
Tom Fitzpatrick
Heidi Spencer
Others:Ann FrenchChair of Governors
Meg Khan
Clerk:Linda HoranSAO
1.Apologies for absence:Charlie Cornish, Amanda Marquis
2.Minutes of AGM 25 February 2015:Agreed
3.Matters arising:None
4.Chair’s Report:
NS:asked people to take home to read - talked through a couple of points:
Have had some good CATS events this year: raised £3k+
Race Night
Winter Ball raised £285
Summer BBQ & Quiz raised £257
Farmers Market
CATS have raised, in total, £5K+ which enables us to apply for charity status. Funds will be allocated by the committee
NS thanked everyone who has supported CATS this year, especially Ann & Roy French who organised the very successful quiz night which was attended by 80+ people
We are already thinking about events for this coming year and feel that this has been a really successful year
5. Treasurers Report
As a school we cannot apply for certain grants as we already have government funding. Once a CATS bank account has been opened it will open up a range of grant applications.
CATS money is still held in the main school bank account with its own statement identifying each event
TW talked through the PTA sheet – LBN is still auditing the CATS account via the school account. When the set up changes my counterpart at Rokeby will audit the CATS account and I will do their PTA account.
6. Restructure of Committee
Just a bit of tweaking – would like to elect Charlie Cornish as support staff representative
Election of Officers – All voting Unanimous
Chair Nazanin Shirani(Must be Chair – part of her whole school
Vice ChairMandy Gunn
SecretaryMeg Khan
TreasurerTina Woodhouse
4 ParentsFiona GasperRoding
Tina JoshiThames
Sharon IzukanneBeam
Paul MillsLea
2 TeachersNazanin Shirani
Leilee Shirani
Support StaffLucy Saibu
Amanda Marquis
Charlie Cornish
GovernorAnn French
Associate MembersHeidi Spencer, Nick Archard, Tom Fitzpatrick, Michael Walker
NS thanked everyone for attending
Meeting closed