Assessment and reporting arrangements, KS3 2003 (DfES and QCA)

Submission of teacher assessment results

Schools must finalise their teacher assessment results for the core and non-core subjects by 2 July, or two weeks before the end of the summer term if that is earlier, and submit these results to the national data collection agency by 10 July. The Schools’ guide, containing guidance on the submission of results, along with the necessary stationery, will be sent to schools by the external marking agencies by 11 April.

Music and all other non-core subjects

Schools will be required to provide summary data on the number of pupils achieving

each level.

End of Key Stage teacher assessment

In the non-core subjects teacher assessment provides the sole means of statutory assessment.Teachers are required to summarise their teacher assessment at the end of the key stage for each eligible pupil.

Levels 5 and 6 represent achievement at the nationally expected standard for most 14 year-olds.

The level descriptions in the National Curriculum are the basis for judging pupils’ levels

of attainment at the end of the Key Stage. Teachers should use their knowledge of a pupil’s work to judge which level description best fits that pupil’s performance. In

reaching a judgement, teachers should use their knowledge of a pupil’s work over time,

including written, practical and oral work in the classroom, homework and results of

other school examinations or tests. The aim is for a rounded judgement which:

  • is based on knowledge of how the pupil performs across a range of contexts;
  • takes into account strengths and weaknesses of the pupil’s performance;
  • is checked against adjacent level descriptions to ensure that the level awarded is the closest match to the pupil’s performance in each attainment target.

Reporting pupils’ achievements (Years 7–9)

Reporting to parents

Headteachers are responsible for ensuring that they send a written report to parents

on their child’s achievements at least once during the school year.

The requirements for all pupils in Years 7, 8 and 9

Brief comments on the pupil’s progress in each subject and activity studied as part

of the school curriculum. These should highlight strengths and development needs.

The reporting regulations require schools to report to parents of pupils at the end of

Key Stage 3 (usually Year 9) their child’s teacher assessment levels, test levels, comparative school results and, from the previous year, comparative national results.

Additionally, schools must provide a brief commentary setting out what the results show about the pupil’s progress in the subject individually, and in relation to other pupils in the same year, drawing attention to any particular strengths and weaknesses. They should also report general progress and progress in all other subjects and activities studied as part of the school’s curriculum.

Reports should show the proportion of end of Key Stage 3 pupils at W, and at Levels 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, disapplied and absent for teacher assessment for all national curriculum subjects.