Alabama NENA Executive Committee
Jan. 26, 2005 Birmingham, Al
Meeting called to order – 2:00 Pm President Bill Brodeur
Members present:
Bill Brodeur
Roger Humphrey
Roger Wilson
Harold Parker
Larry Duncan
Donnie Smith
George Williams
Guests: Jo Tranter, Chair of training and Conference Committees
(Ray Preston was out of state)
Review and approval of November 16, 2004 Executive Committee Minutes
Motion to approve by Roger Wilson, Second by Larry Duncan
Motion carried
Motion by Roger Wilson second by Harold Parker for Roger Humphrey to serve as treasurer to replace outgoing Committee member Richard Holt. Motion carried without discussion.
Financial Report- Roger Humphrey
Mr. Humphrey circulated current financial statements for the committee review, stating he had received these from Richard Holt and that he would be getting checkbook and other financial related items from Mr. Holt at the membership meeting on Jan 27. Motion by Roger Wilson second by Harold Parker to approve financial report, after review and brief discussion. Motion carried
Discussion was held regarding direct billing of language line service to ECD’s Roger Wilson to check into same and report back at next meeting
Roger Wilson provided a brief overview of legislative efforts regarding wireless surcharge and encouraged everyone to attend the district assoc meeting following the membership meeting to get full details.
Jo Tranter reported that 43 people attended the recent training in Montgomery and that evaluations were very good. She reported that when all the bills come in it appeared that the session would cost AL NENA between $1,200.00 and $1,500.00.
Bill Brodeur reported on the recent Gulfcoast conference and presented financial statement for same. $16,693.34 will be transferred to the general fund from the conference account leaving the usual $ 5,000.00 in the conference account as start up funds for next years conference. Motion by Mr. Humphrey to approval Conference report second by Mr. Parker Motion carried
Jo Tranter Conference Chair for 2005 asked if the Committee could recommend to the membership establishment of a “Merchandising Chair” for the conference. This person would be responsible for all merchandise procurement, sells, and reporting for the annual conference. Motion by Mr. Wilson to accept Ms. Tranter’s recommendation. Second by Mr. Humphrey. Motion carried
Birmingham- Harold Parker-
Mr. Parker reported he had obtained the AV library from Calhoun County will inventory it. He also reported the PSAPs is the metro area are working on a ‘buddy system” to do test calls and check TDD operability between metro area PSAP’s
Huntsville- Larry Duncan No report
Mobile- George Williams No report
Montgomery- Donnie Smith No report
Homeland Security- Roger Wilson
Mr. Wilson advised the group that he would be attending the task force meeting on the 28th and that the FY 2005 state grant would probably be in the 24 to 26 million dollar range. Mr. Smith asked for him to please stress the need for local POC’c to be able to retain a small portion of local grant funds to cover admin fees for administration and bookkeeping related to the HS grants.
No report
To be held after lunch on Jan 27 in the AOC
Mr. Brodeur reported on the upcoming meeting in Washington D.C. and asked if any of the officers needed assistance with travel funds. Mr. Smith reported that his ECD Board had approved his travel with the condition that he ask for assistance from AL NENA.
After a brief discussion Mr. Wilson made the motion to recommend to membership the approval of up to $1,500.00 each travel expenses for the following Officers: Harold Parker, Larry Duncan, Donnie Smith, Roger Humphrey. Second by George Williams. Motion carried.
Mr. Brodeur reported that the term of Bill Meadows ,AL NENA representative on the Ala Wireless Board will expire in June and that in order to get any new appoint through the legislature we needed to act now. Mr. Smith made a motion to recommend to membership that Roger Wilson be appointed to this slot. Second by Mr. Humphrey
motion carried.
Mr Brodeur reported that the next meeting will be in Chambers County on April 27. 2005 exact place to be announced.
Meeting adjourned at 4PM