The Orchard School

2 Baldwin Avenue telephone (802) 652-7300

South Burlington, VT fax (802) 658-9037

Mark Trifilio, Principal

January, 2016

Dear Parent/Guardian:

Under the previous No Child Left Behind legislation and the current Every Student Succeeds Act, your child might be eligible for extra help in reading and/or math. In order to be eligible, your child must attend Orchard School. To learn if your child is eligible, you will need to complete the “eligibility for free & reduced lunch form” and return it to school as soon as possible. If you are not sure whether you might qualify for free or reduced lunches, it is a good idea to fill out the eligibility forms anyway. If you don’t want to fill out the form, you can provide us with proof that would qualify you based on income. If you already filled out the form this year or are direct certified, you do not have to do it again. The form can be found by Clicking Here.

If you want a printed copy call 652-7160 and the form will be sent home with your child.

If you want free tutoring for your child, you may choose a provider from the list of State approved providers. You can find the list by Clicking Here. If you want a printed copy, please call the Superintendent’s Office at 652-7390. There is a limit to the total amount of tutoring we can provide for each student during the school year. Parents are responsible for transporting their children to and from tutoring.

If you are interested, please fill out the free & reduced lunch form and the attached interest form. The deadline for letting us know you are interested is Tuesday, February 2. If you need more information, call us at 652-7300.


Mark Trifilio

Mark Trifilio


Phone: 652-7301


Orchard School

Please read and check all statements to be sure your child qualifies for this program.

Child’s name:


Your name:

Daytime phone number:


I would like my child to receive extra help after school in:



I’m interested in my child working with the following State approved provider:

1.  ______

2.  ______

I understand that I have to qualify for free or reduced lunch or show other evidence of low income for my child to get this tutoring service. I also understand that services can only be provided by one of the providers approved by the state and that there is a limit on how much tutoring each child can receive during the school year.

Signed: Date:

Please return this to school as soon as possible. The deadline for returning this form and giving evidence of qualification, based on income, is February 2, 2016.