Sunday Feb. 22nd 2015, 3:00 PM, Cheshire Cat Pub, Carp

Arrival and Sign-in – a previously unparalleled spate of enthusiasm caused some members to arrive before 2:00 pm and prior to 3:00 pm a quorum of 20 members was present. The total membership present at the start of the meeting was 23 and 9 of those present each brought a single proxy representation. President Dave Howe called the meeting to order at 3:00 pm. The following teams were represented: Dambusters, Just For Kicks, United and Wanderers. Just after 4:00 pm a representative of the City team arrived at the meeting.

President’s Address – Dave welcomed and thanked attendees. He also thanked members of the Board of Directors for their efforts on behalf of the club during the 2014 season.

The President then reviewed the main points of the season:

  • We need more volunteers to take part in running the club
  • Registration was down with respect to both players and participants - apparently this is an area-wide problem.
  • Both the Tournament and Banquet were successful.
  • The club received a certificate of continuance from Industry Canada.

A full transcript of the report is attached to the minutes. A motion was made by K. Williamson to accept the President’s report and seconded by T. Rachwalski. The motion was carried.

Secretary’s Report – Colin Smith gave a synopsis of the minutes at the 2014 AGM. A motion to accept the minutes was made by J. Akers and seconded by M. Mellor. The motion was carried. Colin also gave a summary of items discussed and motions passed at the 8 Board of Director’s meetings held during 2014. A motion to accept these minutes was made by G. Williams and seconded by T. Rachwalski and the motion carried.

Tournament & Banquet Report – Shar Sumner gave a report on the Tournamant and Banquet as the sun progressed through a significant amount of its prescribed arc. Major Tournament points were:

  • Team registration was down from 36 teams in 2013 to 27 teams in 2014.
  • Expansion of the number of fields is difficult, it will take a longer day to have more teams. One of the fields at the high school in Dunrobin has problems with concrete around the goal area.
  • The grass was long at Dunrobin, the fields at Fitzroy held out well in the atrocious weather.
  • We were under strain with respect to the low number of volunteers and definitely need more for 2015

Shar was thanked by all for her enormous effort in organizing the Tournament and total coordination on the day itself. The date for the 2015 Tournament was set at September 12th.

Major points relating to the banquet were:

  • It was held at Irish Hills, the food was good, the quiz went well and the room size was correct for the attendance.
  • Troy Rachwalski mentioned that there was a lot of scrambling in organizing it and we need earlier planning for it in 2015. Richard Inchley’s efforts in organizing the trophies was lauded but questions were asked relating to its continuance as a lot of them aren’t picked up.
  • D. Howe suggested that we should hold the 2015 banquet on October 3rd.

Troy was thanked by all for his significant effort in organizing the 2014 banquet.

K. Williamson moved that the Tournament and Banquet reports be approved. This was seconded by S. Jones and the motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report – Steve Pogson presented the following:

  1. Treasurer’s Report
  2. Balance sheet for 2012, 2013, 2014
  3. Operating Statement Report covering years 2013, 2014
  4. Tournament Summary Report covering years 2013, 2014
  5. Proposed Budget for 2015
  6. Summary financial history from 2009 to 2014

Total operating revenue was $27,337.60 while total expenses were $27,297.56 This resulted in a surplus of $40.04. There were no unusual expenses incurred in 2014.

A copy of the six items report items is attached to the minutes.

With respect to future registration payment it was stated that it has to be via electronic means. Within the report Steve had four proposals:

(i) To use Bradley & Associates to prepare the 2014 Financial Reports and complete the tax return – D. Howe moved that this be accepted and it was seconded by T. Rachwalski and the motion was carried.

(ii) Registration fees to remain as per last year ($190, $165 for students, payment to be made by INTERAC). This proposal was not specifically discussed, therefore it will be assumed that it was accepted as read.

(iii) To stop offering occasional player registration. There was much discussion on this topic and the proposal was put to a vote and rejected. In summary it was agreed that a person can register for 4 games for $60 and after 4 games the player can register for a further 4 games for $60. Any further games will result in the player having to pay the balance of the full fee.

(iv) The Tournament entry fee is to remain as it was in 2014 at $325. A motion to approve this was made by S. Jones, seconded by J. Akers and the motion carried.

Election of Director’s and Officers – the Director positions up for elections this year were for the Registrar (second of two years, the position wasn’t filled last year), Secretary (first of two years) and Treasurer (first of two years).

Bob Green was nominated for the Registrar position and accepted it.

There were no nominations for the position of Secretary. Colin Smith agreed to continue in the position for two more years.

There were no nominations for the position of Treasurer and Steve Pogson agreed to continue in the position for two more years.

There were several volunteers for Officer positions, all positions were unchallenged but some were not filled.

Board of Director and Officer positions for 2015:


President:Dave Howe

Vice President:Shar Sumner

Treasurer:Steve Pogson

Secretary:Colin Smith

Registrar:Bob Green

Voting Officers

Men’s Rep:TBD, open for discussion

Women’s RepChantal Judd

Head CoachGary Avann

Officer at LargeRachwalski/Shepherd/Williams (one vote)

Other Officers

Web Master:Dave Sumner

Tournament:Stuart Jones

Indoor Soccer:Richard Bekolay

Trophies/Service Awards:Richard Inchley

Equipment Manager:Mike Mellor

Banquet Organizer:Chantal Judd, Sarah Gallaugher

With respect to equipment Mike Mellor agreed to fill the position for one more year and suggested that each coach appoint a team equipment manager. Gwyn Williams agreed to try and obtain a suitable storage facility.

Proposed Budget and Fees – Refer to the Treasurer’s Report paragraph above.

Coaches and Managers for 2013 Season

  • City Andrew Ghattas plus TBD
  • DambustersKeith Williamson plus TBD
  • Just For KicksChantal Judd, Sarah Gallaugher
  • UnitedBob Green, Stuart Jones
  • WanderersRichard Bekolay plus TBD

Dates to Note –

  • Club registration1 March 2015
  • Annual Tournament:12 September 2015
  • Banquet:3 October 2015
  • Oz Dome Training:28 April, 5 May, 12 May

Other Business -

  • The status of equipment returns is unknown. It was agreed that this should be established within 3 weeks – further actions weren’t assigned.
  • Appended to the President’s report was a proposed process related to a club donation to a charity/not for profit organization on an annual basis. With a minor exception (requests or suggestions from members to be made by end of May instead of end of April) the process was accepted. The motion to approve the process was made by J. Akers and seconded by B. Green.
  • Vincent Wong mentioned that there is an Oldtimer’s Tournamant in New Zealand in 2017. Nobody took on the action of following up on it.

Adjourn – Mike Mellor proposed that the meeting be adjourned. This was seconded by Troy Rachwalski and the meeting was adjourned at approximately 5:30 pm

FHSC AGM - Held at The Cheshire Cat, February 22, 2015

Treasurer’s Report

Copies of the following financial reports covering the 2014 calendar year have been distributed:

  • Balance Sheet
  • Operating Statement
  • Tournament Summary
  • Budget for 2015
  • Financial History

Total operating revenue was $27,337.60 while total expenses were $27,297.56. This resulted in a surplus of $40.04. There were no unusual expenses incurred in 2014. Compared with 2013 our revenue declined by $8,000 while expenses only fell by $6,000. The main cause was due to reduced revenue from the tournament with fewer teams taking part and the abysmal weather hurting BBQ sales. One expense worth mentioning is the cost of field rentals. Despite having 3 fewer teams than in 2013 the cost of field rental increased by $500. Field rental rates are also scheduled to rise again this year.

Bank Account

  • Bank balance was $43,511.85 at the start of the year.
  • Bank balance was $31,049.34 at the end of the year with no uncleared liabilities.

Reserve Fund (Field Development)

  • The reserve fund is invested in GICs.
  • The fund total was $6,059.72 at the start of the year.
  • Three additional GICs were purchased for $12,000 during the year.
  • The fund total was $18,255.32 at the end of the year, including interest received.
  • The last GIC installment was purchased in early January 2014 as per the proposal I made at last year's AGM. At this point there are no plans to buy any additional GICs. As the current GICs mature the principal and internet will be reinvested for a further 12 or 15 month term depending on the rates offered at that time.

Registration Fees

  • In 2014 only 4 members paid their registration fee by cheque, the rest paid by INTERAC transfer, so thanks to you all for making the switch. Electronic payment remain the preferred method of payment as it involves less work, easier record keeping and more timely receipt of fees.
  • Payment by any other method is not possible, in particular cash will not be accepted.


  • Summary of the accounts and the corporate tax return for 2013 were prepared by Bradley & Associates. The accounts agreed with out accounts for 2013.

Proposal: Accountants

  • Bradley & Associates will be asked to prepare our 2014 Financial Reports (unaudited) and to complete the corporate tax return for the federal government.

Proposal: Registration Fees

  • The Board are recommending to keep the registration fees at the same levels as in 2014, namely $190 ($165 for students) if payment is made electronically via INTERAC. Payment by cheque will remain at $210 ($185 for students).

Proposal: Occasional Player Fees

  • The Board proposes to stop offering the 4 game fee of $60 as it did not bring in many new players. The TRP process could be used in its place if required..

Proposal: Tournament Fees

  • Our tournament continues to be popular. In 2014 the tournament attracted 27 teams (down from 33 in 2013) plus 3 teams from our club. The Board are recommending we keep the the entry fee at $325.