Parish Pastoral Council

Meeting Minutes

April 21, 2014

Present: Parish Pastoral Council Members: Nominees for Parish Council:

Mike Logan, Chair, Joseph A. Carle

Fr. Ted Machnik Phil Meves

Ann Short Pat Griffith

Nancy Plescia, Deanery Rep David Schiff

Kim Frericks

Absent: Jim Williams

Vanessa Butterbaugh Parishioner:

Mark Stonerock Mary Ann Carle

Ann Short provided the opening prayer.

Mike Logan, Chair, welcomed the nominees for Parish Council to the meeting and explained the purpose of Parish Council. Due to the resignation of Joe Kluczynski and John Radcliff, and John Goode and Christy Willimenn indicating they no longer wished to be alternates on Parish Council (to replace Joe and John), we will need to select 4 members and 2 alternates on Pentecost Sunday.

Minutes: Ann Short made a motion to approve the March17, 2014 minutes as written. Nancy Plescia seconded the motion. Minutes approved as written


PSR/Youth Ministry: Vanessa Butterbaugh not present. Father Ted reported that the youth did the Stations of the Cross on Good Friday. First Communion will be on April 27 at 2 p.m. Divine Mercy will be at 5 p.m. Amazing Race will be held May 4. Confirmation preparation is starting for those in grades 7 and 8. The last PSR will be May 11; graduation Mass at the 8 a.m. Mass on May 18th, followed by a brunch.

Deanery: Nancy Plescia reported that the Deanery has not met since the last PPC meeting.

Finance: Mike Logan reported a company, Grass Goats, was contracted to trim and mow the cemetery. The retaining wall will be repair by Igel with money set aside from last year’s BAA.

Old Business:

A. Restoration Steering Committee – Father Ted discussed several options for the church. He passed out church interior possibilities. These will be included in the bulletin.

B. Coffee and doughnuts update; Have increased attendance by double. Matt Marshall, Stewardship Committee, has taken over.

D. Parish Council Guidelines. Discussed changes for the Guidelines. Adding 2 youth members appointed by the DRE/Youth Minister. These youth must have been confirmed and under the age of 18. Nancy Plescia made the motion and Ann Short seconded the motion to make the change to the Guidelines. Additional changes: Page 1, change “me” to “the” in the second line. Page 3: All persons gather two times instead of three times a year. Correct spelling in the meeting schedule for April – Paiish should be Parish; Page 2: in the “Officers” section 1: change third to SECOND and delete “chairperson after serving as 2nd officer the previous year.”

New Business:

A. Nancy Plescia indicated the Adult Bible Study class has been viewing the video “New Evangelization”. The class decided that we, as a church, do not do much to promote our church. Discussed ways that we could evangelize more: flyers in the rummage sale bags as we well as the take-outs for Thanksgiving and Christmas Dinners. Twitter and Facebook; advertise in the paper; sending letters to those not attending. Father indicated that he does send letters to the non-Catholic spouses of our current members inviting them to RCIA. Do we need a committee for Evangelization?

Next meeting: The next meeting will be May 19, 2014 at 7 p.m. in the church hall after Parish Assembly.

The meeting was closed with prayer.

Respectfully submitted:

Judy Dossman