Rural Ageing

NDA project full title: Grey and Pleasant Land? An Interdisciplinary Exploration of the Connectivity of Older People in Rural Civic Society

PI: Catherine Hennessy


Menec M, Means R, Keating N, Parkhurst G and Eales J (2011) Conceptualizing age-friendly communities. Canadian Journal on Aging, 30 (3), 1-15.

Means R and Evans S (2011) Communities of place and communities of interest? An exploration of their changing role in later life. Ageing and Society, pp1 – 19.

Burholt V, Keating N and Swindle J (2011) Social and supportive connectivities of older people in rural areas of Canada: the role of ‘generalized other’.Ageing and Society submitted June 15, in review.

Curry N and Fisher R, (2012) The role of trust in the development of connectivities amongst rural elders in England and Wales, submitted to the Journal of Rural Studies.

Curry N and Fisher R (2012) Being, belonging and bestowing: differing degrees of community involvement amongst rural elders in England and Wales, submitted to Ageing and Society

Burholt, V., (2012) (under revision)The dimensionality of ‘place attachment’ for older people in rural areas of England and Wales.Environment and Planning A.

Burholt, V. and Dobbs, C., (2012) Research on rural ageing: Where have we got to and where are we going? Journal of Rural Studies, Special Issue on Growing Old in Rural Places, 28 (4) in press.

Shergold, I., Parkhurst, G., (2012). Transport-related social exclusion amongst older people in rural Southwest England and Wales.Journal of Rural Studies, Special Issue on Growing Old in Rural Places, 28 (4) in press.

Shergold, I., Parkhurst, G., Musselwhite, C., (2012). Rural car dependence: an emerging barrier to community activity for older people? Transport Planning and Technology, 35 (1), 69-85.

A major project publication is a special issue on older people in rural areas for the Journal of Rural Studies being edited by Paul Milbourne (WP5 lead) that will be published in July 2012. This will include several papers based on the Grey and Pleasant Land project. A co-edited volume based on the overall Grey and Pleasant Land project is in preparation.