Section 4: planning, managing and reviewing your programme
Overview of planning and review process
In order to create a coherent and developmental programme for the Partner School network, your Local Advisor will lead you through a planning and review process to help identify what you hope to achieve through the programme, plan a timetable of engaging and progressive twilight CPD sessions and reflect upon how the programme went.
1. Project planning form
After your school has become an Expert Centre and completed the Partnership Agreement, your Local Advisor will arrange a meeting with you to complete the ‘Expert Centre project planning form’.
The ‘Expert Centre project planning form’ will help you to:
1. identify objectives and aspirations relevant to your context
2. plan outcomes for the programme
3. create a four-term programme timetable
4. identify and collect data for monitoring and reporting.
2. Partner Schools registered in your network
The amount of funding you receive is determined by how many Partner Schools you have in your network by the end of the first term. This information will be taken from the GLP website, so your partner schools will need to have registered and entered your school as the Expert Centre to which they are connected. Please also supply a list of all the Partner Schools you have in your network, so that this can be cross-referenced with the website data. Once the number of Partner Schools in your network has been confirmed, you can invoice for your second payment.
3. Review
Towards the middle of the second term, your Local Advisor will arrange a review meeting with you to discuss the progress of the programme and any additional support requirements.
This is an opportunity for you to reflect on how the programme is going so far and if there are changes you want to make, if there are new opportunities that have come up, or if you need support with particular areas of the programme delivery. By this point, your Partner Schools should have completed their Whole School Audits so you may want to revise your initial forecasts as to how many teachers and pupils the programme aims to reach, and adapt your aims and objectives to reflect the needs of the Partner Schools.
4. Project review form
At the end of the four-term programme, your Local Advisor will meet with you to complete the ‘Project review form’. Your school will receive its final payment on receipt of this form.
Completing the ‘Project review form’ will help you to reflect on the following questions:
· What have you delivered and what have you learnt?
· What are the successes, challenges and opportunities of the programme?
· How well has the programme met your original aims, objectives and aspirations?
· What monitoring data have you collected and have you fed all of this in through your Local Advisor?
· How effective do you feel the programme was?
· What examples of innovative or good practice do you have to share?
The ‘Project planning form’ and ‘Project review form’ are in the Appendices in the printed handbook and on the EC area of the website.
5. Monitoring and Evaluation
The Whole School Audit (WSA) forms a central plank of impact evaluation for the GLP. It is important that all Expert Centres and Partner Schools complete the audit at the beginning of the programme and re-do the audit at the end so schools and the GLP can track progress. In addition to the WSA, there is some more evaluation evidence and data that we will be asking you to gather as you go along; your Local Advisor will take you through the process and help you fill in the evaluation sections of your forms.
At the beginning of the programme:
As part of your planning process, you will be asked to provide the following data which should be recorded on your Project planning form (see point 1. above.)
- number of twilight sessions planned with proposed twilight dates and themes if possible
- number of teachers you expect to attend twilights (including from your own school and Partner Schools)
- estimates (forecast figures) for how many pupils and students you think will be impacted[1] by your programme in your school and the Partner Schools.
At the Mid-Term Review meeting:
In discussion with your Local Advisor, you will make any necessary revisions (for example, to your objectives or estimated impact figures) to your forecasts having met the partner schools.
Regular updates:
Please keep a record of attendance and dates for all your twilight sessions and a record of the number (and contact details) of partner schools in your network. We will also be collecting case studies of global learning practice (in your school and/or in partner schools) and we have templates for collecting this data which will be of use to your school and the GLP. Please keep your Local Advisor updated and suggest possible case studies where you can.
At the end of your programme:
The following information should be provided on your Project review form:
- actual figures for number of teachers and students impacted, in your school and in the Partner Schools. We suggest that you run a short activity in twilight 6 asking Partner Schools to feedback on what has happened in their schools and how many teachers/students were impacted.
- a brief narrative on what has happened as a result of your programme and an assessment as to whether you feel you have met your objectives for your own school and your Partner School network.
To assist you:
There is a template spread sheet in the appendix which you might like to use to help you to keep track of the numbers as you go along, and a template sign-in sheet for twilight sessions. There is also a suggested ‘activity’ you could use to help you gather information from your Partner Schools. None of these are compulsory and you may wish to develop your own tools or activities for data collection purposes, but they will help you to keep records and report back when required.
[1] The term ‘impacted’ is taken to mean that the individual has had some input on global learning, e.g. heard an assembly, participated in a lesson, training session or discussion on global learning.