March 20, 2014
Speaker: Lt. Paul Kirwan, Albany Police Department
- Traffic Safety
- Albany Co. Traffic Safety Stakeholders Committee
- Composed of 3 components/committees education, engineering, and enforcement.
- Bicyclists, motorcyclist groups, etc. have been active.
- 3 pedestrian fatalities have been reported as the fault of pedestrians either on the phone or with earphones.
- Education is provided to students including a public service announcement contest for high school students.
- A re-design of Madison Ave. is underway (similar to what was done on Delaware Ave.) by the engineering committee. Signal improvements, bicycle lanes, motorcycle-friendly pavement markings, etc.
- Education for traffic enforcement comes from grants and the governor’s traffic safety committee.
- What can the Pine Hills Neighborhood Association do?
- The committee meetings are open to public involvement. Whoever is interested can send a message to Lt. Kirwan.
- This is the only police department in the state doing this!
Speaker: Kate Lawrence, Albany Planning Department
- Bicycle/Pedestrian advisory committee
- Project: Complete Streets Guidebook: what amenities, etc.
- Revisit 2009 master plan for road treatments.
Public Safety
- A number of daytime burglaries have taken place. One arrest has been made and another suspect is being sought.
- St. Andrew’s (#472) has been denied a demo permit
Pine Hills Improvement Group (PHIG)
- Areas: Block review, beautification, event planning.
- Bagel brunch for students? General improvements in neighborhood.
- Meeting this Monday at 6pm in Pine Hills Library
- Meetings are typically 4th Monday of the month at 6:30 at the Pine Hills library.
Friends of Ridgefield Park
- Looking to hold two movie nights during the summer using equipment from Christ Church. Tentative dates: Fri July 25th (setup 6pm, music 7:30, move start @ 8:30) Sept 27th.
- PHNA will sponsor and provide funding for permit.
Common Council
- Made progress on oil train/tank dilemma
- Livingston Ave. Bridge (construction to start in 2016): advocated for an accessible walkway at DOT hearing.
- Land bank was passed.
- Park South study starting soon and done w/I 2 months.
- Bonding and street improvements funding has been reduced (half the number will be done). Colvin Ave. is under the first contract.
- Funding coming from community development block grants.
Community Accountability Board
- A senior student from Washington Ave. was present to apologize for his arrest regarding a party held at his residence involving 100+ people and underage drinking.
- Two females were present through 8:30 but left the meeting before they had a chance to speak.
Refreshments donated by: Bread & Honey
Adjourned at 8:50pm.