Some Frequently Asked Questions on Flexitime for Academic Services

1If I do not “opt in” to the flexitime scheme, what will be my working pattern?

2How do I record my hours?

3Format of hours recorded?

4What is the maximum number of hoursI can carry forward from one accounting period to the next?

5How do I use credit hours carried forward from one accounting period to the next?

6How do I record my hours, if I am called into work outside the ‘bandwidth’ (08:00 – 18:00) hours?

7What if my contracted hours per week are not 36.5?

8How do I book my flexitime, so my line manager knows when I will be in the office?

9How do I adjust my time at the end of the accounting period if it is over 7:18?

1 If I do not “opt in” to the flexitime scheme, what will be my working pattern?

If you work full time, you will continue to work 9:00 to 17:15 (7 hours 18 minutes a day), or a working pattern agreed for operational requirements for example 8:00 to 16:15.

If you work part-time you will continue to work the fixed pattern of working hours agreed for operational requirements.

Alternatively you will have preferred hours agreed under the ‘family friendly policies’.

If you “opt in”

2How do I record my hours?

Your Assistant Director will decide the precise arrangements for your division, but generally staff will use the electronic spreadsheet, which is stored on a shared drive for their division.

3Format of hours recorded?

You should record your times in the 24 hour format. For example

  • a start time of half past eight is recorded as 08:30 (not 08.5)
  • a finish time of quarter past five is recorded as 17:15

4What is the maximum number of hours I can carry forward from one accounting period to the next?

Unless your have prior authorisation from your Assistant Director, you can carry forward a maximum of 7 hours and 18 minutes of flexitime (for full time staff or the equivalent for part time staff), which you can use in the next accounting period.

5 How do I use credit hours carried forward from one accounting period to the next?

You can vary your start and finish times in the next accounting period, to use the hours carried forward. However you should work the ‘core hours’ (10:00 – 12:00 and 14:00 – 16:00), unless you have permission from your Assistant Director to take a whole or half a day, due to exceptional circumstances.

6 How do I record my hours, if I am called into work outside the ‘bandwidth’(08:00 – 18:00) hours?

This will only apply to certain staff, which will have an agreement with their Assistant Director.

7 What if my contracted hours per week are not 36.5?

You will need to enter your contracted hours per week into the box

‘NUMBER OF CONTRACTED WORKING HOURS PER WEEK’, for example four full days (29.2 hours) will be 29:12 in the 24 hour format.

8 How do I book my flexitime, so my line manager knows when I will be in the office?

This will be agreed with your line manager at your initial meeting to discuss how flexitime will work within your team.

9 How do I adjust my time at the end of the accounting period if it is over 7:18?

At the end of the accounting period if you have more than 7 hours and 18 minutes you will need to adjust the box


unless you have prior permission from your Assistant Director to carry forward more time.

If you have any other questions please speak to your line manager or Assistant Director.

FAQ for Flexible working in Academic Services revised July '09.doc