Monday, 28th February 2011 Area Meeting, Kells Civic Offices


Cllr. O. Fox


Cllr. B. Reilly, Cllr. E. Cassidy, Cllr. J.V. Farrelly


Mr. S. Carroll, Area Engineer, Mr J. Flanagan, Town Clerk, Ms E. Tunney, Assistant Staff Officer.

Item 1. Confirmation of Minutes of the January meeting.

The Minutes of the Area Council meeting held on the 24th January 2011 were confirmed on the proposal of Cllr. B. Reilly and seconded by Cllr. J.V. Farrelly.

Item 2. Reports

Housing Report

Mr J. Flanagan, Town Clerk, submitted the Housing Report to the meeting, copy previously circulated.

The following issues were raised by the members and noted by Mr. J. Flanagan.

·  Refurbishment of Rural Cottages.

·  Demountable home in Tierworker.

Roads Report

·  Mr. S. Carroll, Area Engineer, submitted the Roads Report to the meeting copy previously circulated.

The following issues were raised by the members and noted by Mr. S. Carroll.

Mr S. Carroll informs members:

With regards potholes we have moved into the County Roads. Weather is on our side at moment and if it lasts potholing is more manageable.

Sanitary Report

Mr. S. Carroll, Area Engineer submitted the Sanitary Report to the meeting, copy previously circulated.

Cllr. J. V. Farrelly – what is situation with Conservation Programme.

S.C. – Pat Kinsella dealing with it Oldcastle. Kells and Athboy are all in programme.

Athboy – The water mains in Bridge Street is due to be replaced.

Item 3. Non National Roads Schemes to be funded from 2011-2013

Restoration Improvement Grants.

Mr. S. Carroll, Area Engineer submitted the above report to the meeting.

He advised members that the road works programme had now to be returned to the NRA by 16th March.

·  They have being asked to recompile 3 Year Plan

·  Reduction of €140k per year

·  Reassess condition of the roads

·  The cost of macadam is at all time low €60 a ton

·  Obligation on Council to improve every road.

Cllr. J.V. Farrelly – Can we consider maintenance on lanes e.g. Kilmainham lane.

Cllr. B. Reilly – some lanes so bad we cannot patch.

Cllr. O.Fox – some roads with larger volume of traffic still only getting Class 3 funding.

Cllr. J.V. Farrelly – Can we get report back from NRA re Staholmog road.

The members unanimously approved the recommendations of the Area Engineer.

Item 4. Any Other Business

·  Cllr. B. Reilly – Update on Carlanstown cowplot and St. Michaels.

·  Cllr. B. Reilly – Lights at Castle Street changing fast.

·  Cllr. O. Fox – Ballinlough church to McDonnells corner horrendous holes and update at Bridge in Killalon.

·  Cllr. E. Cassidy – Meath Hill some surface water on road from privately owned lands and Nobber side of Kilbeg bad holes.

·  Cllr. J.V. Farrelly – Back road to Mullaghey – potholes and also potholes at Bloomsbury.

Mr S. Carroll – informs members that the bridge at Killalon collapsed and road had to be closed. Consultant has being out to inspect . Stone Masons have being contracted in and are awaiting the completion of Health and Safety requirements. The diverted route will be potholed.

Mr J. Flanagan – Tom Traynor met with three individuals with regard to the signing of licence agreements. As no progress had materialised, the Council has now issued correspondence advising that the matter has now being passed to our legal advisors.

Mr. S. Carroll – informed members that Mr Rory Gilbride, Assistant Engineer is being re-deployed to HQ and he is not being replaced.

This concluded the business of the meeting.

SIGNED: ______

An Cathaoirleach

February 2011 Kells Area Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 3

Kells Town Council and Area Office, Unit S(C), Lloyd Business Park, Cavan Road, Kells, County Meath

Telephone: 046 9240076, Fax: 046 9249316, Email: , web: