Canadian New 2007 Hours of Service Rules (Breakdown Old - vs - NEW)

The new regulations become effective January 1, 2007. But with less than 1 month until the effective date, many still have questions on what’s going to change and how the changes will affect their operations. We’ve compiled this quick reference to help point out a few of the important changes: Drivers Daily Log has all the changes noted completed and more. New Grid Markers, New 14 day Recap.

Rule / Current Regulations / New 2007 Regulation
Daily Driving Time / 16 hours / 13 hours + New 13 hour Daily Limit
Daily On-Duty Time / 15 hours / 14 hours + New 14 hour Daily Limit
Daily Off-Duty Time / 8 hours / 10 hours (Day) requirement*
Length of Work Day / No Limit / No driving after 16 consecutive hours (Elapsed time between 8 hour rest periods)
Deferral of Off-Duty / N/A / Drivers may defer up to 2 hours of the daily off-duty time to the following day if:
  • the off-duty time deferred is not part of the mandatory 8 consecutive hours required off-duty
  • the off-duty time deferred is added to the 8 consecutive hours of off-duty time in the second day
  • the total driving time over the two days does not exceed 26 hours
  • the driver indicates the deferral in the “Remarks” section of the daily log

Duty Cycles / 60 hours/7 days
70 hours/8 days
120 hours/14 days / Cycle 1 -- 70 hours/7 days
Cycle 2 --120 hours/14 days
Duty Cycles noted on Log Page / Not Required / Duty cycle being used must be recorded on the Log page
Split-Sleeper (Non-team/Solo) / 8 hours can be split into two periods of no less than 2 hours each / 10 hours can be split into two periods of no less than 2 hours each
Split-Sleeper (Team) / 8 hours can be split into two periods of no less than 2 hours each / 8 hours can be split into two periods of no less than 4 hours each. (Team must still have the required 10 hours off. Two hours can not be any part of the 4 hours required)
24 Hour Required Break / 120/14 driver before the 75 hour / All drivers must have at least 24 continuous hours off-duty every 14 days. Cycle 2 drivers must have at least 24 hours continuous off-duty before reaching the 70th hour.
Cycle Reset / Driver chooses what cycle and could switch at will. / Driver must have a reset to change Cycles:
36 hours for 70 hours/7 days (Cycle 1)
72 hours for 120 hours/14 days (Cycle 2)
Other provisions of the new rules include:
  • *Two hours of the required 10 hours daily off-duty time can not be part of the mandatory 8 consecutive hours required hours. To count off-duty time must be taken in at least 30 minute increments.
  • All drivers are required to have the last 14 days plus today logs in the possession.
  • All drivers are required to have receipts (documentation) with the log. i.e. Fuel receipts, Toll Receipts, Ferry Receipts, Scale/Weight Tickets, Repair Receipts, Parking Receipts. These receipts must be produced upon demand. Out of Service orders can be issued for up to 72 hours for violations.
  • Drivers north of 60º N are allowed 15 hours of daily driving time, 18 hours daily on-duty time, 8 hours of daily off-duty time, and a 20 hour workday. These drivers also have slightly longer cycle lengths
  • Log Date start time must be noted on the grid if different than midnight. Can only be changed after a Cycle Reset.
Although not yet official, a 6 month enforcement period is expected for compliance and enforcement purposes. The “soft” enforcement period allows time for carriers, drivers, and provincial enforcement personnel to learn and adapt to the new regulations.