Mrs. Mindy Stringfield
9th Grade English - Enterprise High School

Course Rationale: Passing this course is required for one credit in English for the high school diploma. This course will cover English grammar, composition, research, literature, vocabulary, literary elements, as well as preparation for the Alabama English End of Course Exam. I will be using the standards for the Alabama Course of Study and the Common Core Standard in the course requirements.
Materials needed: A three-ring 1 inch binder,A COMPOSITION NOTEBOOK/JOURNAL
Dividers for binder, Loose-leaf paper, Pencils and black or blue pens,
*I have a class set of books. Your child will bring home their literature textbook.

Grading:All grades are based on a point system.

Tests = 100 points

Class work and Homework = 10 – 50 points

Projects and Papers = 100 – 300 points

Passes: Students will be issued three bathroom passes for the semester. A student should use these passes wisely, because when they are gone, they are gone. If a student should finish the semester with passes left over, they will be worth ten bonus points each. These points will be added to the student’s points earned grade.
Make-up work:If a student misses school, it is the student’s responsibility to ask the teacher for his/her missed graded assignments. If a student misses a test, he will have five days after his return to make up the test. The student should schedule a time before or after school or during flex block tomake up the test. If a student misses a class assignment or homework assignment, he/she should make up the assignment within five days. It is the student’s responsibility to return this work to the teacher.

Tardy Policy: Students will be considered tardy if they are not seated when the tardy bell rings. Students should go get a tardy slip from the office if they are late. On the fourth tardy to the same class, a white card will be written and sent to the office.

Classroom Guidelines and Discipline Procedures

I have found over my twenty-eight years of teaching that there are just a few rules that when understood and followed lends itself to a great year of successful teaching and learning. Please be aware of these guidelines listed below and follow them! Know and accept the consequences for when they are not followed, and we will have a fantastic year!

1. We will have a mutual respect for one another at all times. This includes:

*respecting each other’s belongings

*raising your hand to speak and not disrupting the learning process in class

*turning in your own work, not copying others or plagiarizing. This will result in a


2. We will be on time for class. I do keep up with tardies!

3. We will keep a positive attitude and seek extra help when needed! Come ready to learn and make the most of our time in class by completing the warm up assignment as soon as you arrive.

4. We are dismissed by Mrs. Stringfield, not the bell! Students will hear, “Have a nice day” when it is time for you to leave the classroom. Remain seated until that time.

5. Do not throw any items in this classroom.

  • Be sure to get a good night’s sleep, because sleeping is not allowed in my classroom.
  • Be sure to follow all the rules in the Enterprise High School Student Handbook. These rules include the attendance policy and dress code.
  • Cell phones and other devices will be used for this class, however, students must follow my guidelines while in my class, or they will be taken up and turned in to the office. These specific guidelines may be found on my school website.

Consequences of not following the class guidelines

  1. A will give a verbal warning
  2. Student conference and an extra class assignment to be turned in the following day
  3. Parent contact/conference
  4. Office Referral

These procedures will be followed for violations of the rules above; however, if a student behaves inappropriately or defiantly in class, the teacher may issue an immediate officereferral.

**Students, keep this syllabus in your binder as your first page before your dividers. Return only this signature page to me.

Parent and Student Signature Sheet for Mrs. Stringfield

For______(print full name)

Thank you for reading over my syllabus. If you have any questions, concerns, or comments please list them in the following section. I am looking forward to a fantastic year. GO WILDCATS!!!

Mindy Stringfield

Questions, Comments, Concerns
Please sign below and return this portion to me as soon as possible by mail, hand, or send with the student within the first week of school.
I have read this letter and understand that these are the requirements necessary for my child to be successful in this class. I discussed this with my child and made any concerns or questions available for his/her teacher if need be. Please make a copy of this for your records.
Parent/ Guardian’s Name ______(print)

Parent/Guardian’s Signature______
Student’s Signature ______
Teacher’s Initials______Date returned______
Please also include parent contact information for my records.

Parent’s name(s) ______

Parents’ e-mail addresses______


Parents’ telephone number/s______