Ontario Research Fund
for Small Infrastructure Funds(CFI’s John R. Evans Leaders Fund)
Infrastructure Project Title:
/ /CFI File Number:
/Application Date:
/CFI Program:
Project Address or Location:
/Project Municipality:
/Project Postal Code:
Principal Investigator(s) or Chair(s):
/Faculty or Institute:
/Division or Department:
/Number of Researchers/ Collaborators:
Total Eligible Project Cost:
/Funds from other sources:
/Funds requested from CFI:
/Funds requested from ORF:
$0 / $0 / 0.00% / $0 / 0.00% / $0 / 0.00%Research Discipline Code:
/Area of Application Code:
Primary: / Secondary: / Primary: / Secondary:Focus of Project: For all proposals, identify the most applicable area below:
o bio-economy and clean technologies / o advanced health technologies / o digital media and information & communications technologies / o pharmaceutical research and manufacturing
o other Describe this focus briefly:
Using simple, concise sentences describe in no more than three lines the objective and key elements of this proposal. If the project is approved, this summary description may be used, in whole or in part, in press releases or similar material.
Describe below, in no more than 250 words and in non-scientific terms, the major equipment to be purchased, the research to be carried out using the new equipment, and how the facility and the research might benefit Ontario.
Please list below any funding partners and those with whom you may be collaborating in establishing the facility and in conducting the research.
Funding Partners: Give names and amounts received or anticipated.
Research Partners: Give names of individuals and institutions and the nature of the collaborative work.
In determining whether to approve the project for ORF funding support, the Ministry will consider the degree to which the proposal will address specific evaluation criteria. Identify in the sections below how the project will address these objectives:
Quality: The proposed research or technology development is of high quality and originality, meets international standards, and will lead to innovation.
Expertise: Researchers must have the expertise and commitment to conduct world-class research or technological development.
Need: The infrastructure is essential and appropriate for the proposed activity.
Training: Creating or strengthening an environment that attracts high quality trainees and imparts the new high-level skills to HQP for research and other careers.
Partnerships: Any required collaborations or partnerships are appropriate and already in place or under development.
Benefits: Research using the proposed infrastructure will have the potential to lead to social or economic benefits.
Institution Contact:
MayLiza Baak /Telephone Number:
(416) 978-7605 /E-Mail Address:
Research Services OfficeUniversity of Toronto
McMurrich Building – 3rd Floor
12 Queen's Park Crescent West
Toronto, ON, Canada
M5S 1S8
The undersigned confirms reading the ‘Ontario Research Fund - Infrastructure Program Guideline’ document and certifies, based on available knowledge, information and belief, acting reasonably, that this institution is an Eligible Applicant, the project is an Eligible Project, the project costs are Eligible Costs, and the project fully complies with the Ontario Research Fund eligibility criteria. The undersigned acknowledges that the information and documentation provided to the Ministry in connection with this application may be shared with members of any review panels, the ORF Advisory Board and others for the purposes of administering the ORF program.
MayLiza Baak
Director, Institutional Initiatives
Send this completed and signed application form, plus one photocopy and an electronic copy, together with a copy of the related application to CFI and any required supporting documents to:
Ontario Research Fund – Research Infrastructure Applications
Ministry of Research, Innovation and Science
56 Wellesley Street West, 11th Floor
Toronto, Ontario M7A 2E7
If you have any questions please contact:
Kevin Dilamarter
(416) 327-4842
The Ministry of Research and Innovation is subject to the
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
Personal Information on this form is collected under the authority of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Technology Act for the purpose of administering the Ontario Research Fund program.
Questions about this information collection should be directed to Manager, Research Programs,
Ministry of Research and Innovation, 56 Wellesley Street West, 11th Floor, Toronto, Ontario M7A 2E7
or call (416) 314-0629.
Application for Research Infrastructure Funding Page 2
Ministry of Economic Development and Innovation Form RI-02