JANUARY ‘06 Newsletter-from Ken & Melli Johnson
NEW USA ADDRESS: 5404 Sharon Trail Africa address: B. P. 122
Lakeland, FL 33810-5831 Bujumbura, Burundi, AFRICA
Phone/Fax: 863-815-2796 Phone/Fax: 257-22-34-31
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Web Site: www.rainbowcentre.net
Support address: Christian Missions In Many Lands (CMML), P. O. Box 13, Spring Lake, NJ 07762-0013
"Mama, Samuel bwoke my new hewicopter." James, age 5
Dear Friends and Family, January 10, 2006
When I asked my friend yesterday, "How are you?" She replied, "Out of order." Not so unlike our toys after Christmas. I tell the kids, "Let Daddy fix it." My mother always said that to me. And usually my Dad could! Funny how our parents are like gods when we're kids. They make everything right somehow. I know that when I was sick, I'd run to Mama. Sigh--those were the days. The other night I was just settling into bed for some relaxed reading, when I heard the pattering of Samuel's feet coming down the hall. I waited expectantly as he managed the door, came to my side of the bed, climbed up, smiled, and sat comfortably against my stomach. Then "Burp! Heave! Splat!" In one startled moment I had spaghetti all over me! After the first mesmerized seconds of staring at my soaked pajamas, I found it hysterical! Ha! I guess I should be happy that my 2-yr-old son feels so comfortable with me that he can find me, get cozy, and then vomit into my lap. We'll have fewer problems if we can keep communicating this well.
Remember Media, the badly malnourished baby brought to the Rainbow Centre when we discovered her care-giver had not been feeding her the milk we provided? At the time we thought she was orphaned, but our social worker, Leah, did some investigating and discovered Media's mother was alive! She had been in a government hospital since giving birth, unable to pay her bill. Too sick to know her own baby, she had never even seen Media. So the Rainbow Centre paid her bill and then an amazing problem developed. The care-giver demanded payment for the foster care given Media during the four months that the mother was sick and stuck in the hospital! (I wonder how Solomon would have handled this case.) This care-giver, came to us for milk and clothing for Media, received continued help from the Rainbow Centre while allowing Media to become malnourished, maybe by selling the milk instead of feeding the baby. She lied about the mother being dead, and now felt she should have money from the poor mother for Media's care. Sigh. Our legal representative, Mathilde, diplomatically asked some of the other care-givers in our Twizere "Let’s Have Hope!" project to go and counsel this unreasonable care-giver...to mediate for Media. I am glad to say that the situation was resolved and Media and her mother are reunited! Please continue to pray for them as they are very poor and physically weak.
Ken's nephew, Jesse with his wife Joy, and baby Zachary, are scheduled to arrive January 13, to begin their adventure as a missionary family, serving at Kigobe Mission where his parents, Harry and Ruth Johnson, lived and worked for many years. Jesse grew up on the mission so he is already familiar with the culture and language and has many friends here. We are so thankful they are coming!
New Year's morning Ken called me to wake up and witness a grand rainbow over the city! I stood on the balcony and watched it until it faded away. Wow! I never tire of drinking in a rainbow, filling up with the hope of it. I love that energizing spectacle from God...that assurance that this is going to be a terrific year. May it be a great year for you, too! Thank you for your prayers!
Lots of Love, Melli, Ken, Sarah, Lizzie, Carly, Cindy, James, Daniel, and Samuel