University of Florida College of Pharmacy – Orlando Campus

Student Organizations and Officers

Student Council

Name / Email
President / Jennifer Bahnmiller /
President-elect / Vanessa Toolsie /
Vice President / Courtney Willis /
Secretary / Adrian Brown /
Treasurer / Rubiel Alvarez /
Historian / Joel Rivera /
Committee Chairs
Student Affairs
Community Service / Michael Napoleon
Heather Grolet /

Faculty Advisor / Ms. Tracy Kuepper /


Name / Email
President / Schamir Belhomme /
President-elect / Joel Rivera /
Membership VP / Michael Walsh /
Secretary / Pamela Nguyen /
Treasurer / Jacie King /
Historian / Pamela Vaval /
IPSF Liaison / Diana Gonzalez /
SPAN Liaison / Mika Fujinaka /
Faculty Advisor / Dr. Lisa Clayville /


Name / Email
President / Jacqueline King /
President-elect / Emily Hill /
Vice President / Rosemary Persaud /
Secretary / Pamela Nguyen /
Treasurer / Amy Luong /
Historian / Sharon Ramsey /
Faculty Advisor / Dr. Renee Rose /

Kappa Epsilon

Name / Email
President / Letha James /
President-elect / Dani Terry /
Vice President / Laura Wilson /
Secretary / Caralyn Reyenga /
Treasurer / Jessica Schneider /
Historian / Lisa Xie /
Chaplain / Raven Miranda /
Faculty Advisor / Dr. Erin St. Onge /


Name / Email
President / Timothy Cruz /
President-Elect / Amy Luong /
Vice President / Timmy Do /
Secretary / Matt Irwin /
Historian / Paul Tran /
Faculty Advisor / Dr. Erin St. Onge /

Phi Lambda Sigma (PLS)

Name / Email
Campus Vice President / Richard Waithe /
Faculty Advisor / Dr. Lisa Clayville /


Name / Email
President / Leslee Donilon /
Membership VP / Emily Hill /
Treasurer / Danielle Terry /
Secretary / Cecily Edmond /
Faculty Advisor / Dr. Bob Vandervoort /

Kappa Psi

Name / Email
Regent / Linh Tien Nguyen /
Vice-Regent / Richard Waithe /
Pledgemaster / Jay Hazelcorn /
Sergent-at-Arms / Nam Vu /
Secretary / Laurie Eng /
Historian / Thang Do /
Treasurer / Hugh Jacob Flanagan /
Grand Council Deputy / Dr. Renee Rose /

Class Representatives

Name / Email
1PD / Dominick Curry
Elizabeth Powell /

2PD / James Love
Thang Timmy Do /

3PD / Dhilona Valand
Schamir Belhomme /

4PD / Jeremy Lund
Mitisha Kapadia /

Rho Chi (RX)

Name / Email
Campus Vice President / Doug Brown /
Faculty Advisor / Dr. Lisa Clayville /

Class of 2013

Name / Email
President / Taylor Fogarty /
Vice President / Han Min /
Secretary / Mitisha Kapadia /
Treasurer / Joseph Trang /
Historian / Steven Chok /
Faculty Advisor / Dr. Lisa Clayville /

Class of 2014

Name / Email
President / Richard Waithe /
Vice President / Jennifer Greenup /
Secretary / Lisa Xie /
Treasurer / Stephen Gill /
Historian / Kelly Nguyen /
Faculty Advisor / Dr. St.Onge /

Class of 2015

Name / Email
President / Joseph Martingano /
Vice President / Michael Walsh /
Secretary / Phuong Tran /
Treasurer / Sharon Ramsey /
Historian / Joel Rivera /
Faculty Advisor / Dr. Renee Rose /

Class of 2016

Name / Email
President / Staci Hall /
Vice President / Shastri (Ryan) Ramsook /
Secretary / Jessica Simpson /
Treasurer / Jessica Brier /
Historian / Kristal Judd /
Faculty Advisor / Ms. Tracy Kuepper /


Name / Email
President / Jordan Almazan /
Secretary / Greg Pitsaris /
Treasurer / Jackie He /
Faculty Advisor / Dr. Lisa Clayville /