V Short Workshop on

3D GPR Imaging

9 -10 June, 2010

University of Vigo - EUET Forestal

Campus A Xunqueira s/n

Pontevedra - SPAIN


5th Christmas Workshop on GPR-SLICE

University of Vigo, Spain

December 9-10, 2010

A new advanced course on GPR-SLICE v7.0 Ground Penetrating Radar Imaging Software is being sponsored by the University of Vigo, Spain. The two day course (9-10 December) is a processing workshop for those users that are already familiar with the basic operations in GPR-SLICE. The workshop is also opened up to any freshman users of GPR-SLICE. The cost of the course is 300 EUR. There are 10-12 places for advanced users and 3-5 for beginners.

The course will be taught by Dr Dean Goodman, who is the developer of GPR-SLICE, with the assistance of Dr Alex Novo, the GPR-SLICE specialist of the University of Vigo. The course will concentrate on the following topics:

- GPS imaging for all the major manufacturers

- Ssignal processing

- Imaging processing

- Mosaic noise correction

- Automatic horizon detection and mapping

- Some other advanced analyses

A special portion of the workshop will be dedicated to processing data from

multi-channel GPR systems

Selected example folders will be used during the processing workshop. The processing of example folders will be distributed at the course or they can be downloaded off the www.GPR-SURVEY.com/practice ftp site. There are 20 project folders call \Kistachie\project1-20.zip The password to unzip these folders “Kisatchie”. On this ftp site there is also an Advanced Users Notebook which all users should download and printout in advance of coming to the workshop.

All attendees should bring their own notebook computers as well as their own software installation with the latest GPR-SLICE update. For those users that do not have Open GL access we will give complimentary access to these extended software visualization options just for the 2 day course.

The course is being sponsored by Dr. Henrique Lorenzo from the TF-1 Group, University of Vigo Spain. For additional information on the workshop please contact or Alex Novo

Some interesting links (accommodations, airports, etc):

EUET Forestal (Univ of Vigo). Pontevedra: http://www.forestales.uvigo.es/

Vigo Airport (28 km from Pontevedra)

Santiago de Compostela Airport (70 km from Pontevedra)

Hotel Galicia Palace **** (15' walking from EUET Forestal)

Hotel Rias Bajas *** (10' walking from EUET Forestal)