Minutes for April 24, 2017

6:10PM PUBLIC HEARING – Housing Rehab Grant Close-out – Coles County Regional Planning

Kevin McReynolds and Cliff Shaw of Coles County Regional Planning were present to report to the Council that the Housing Rehab Grant has been completed. The grant was for $365,505.00 to rehab low to moderate income households. With this grant they were able to rehab 7 houses in the target area. This was the third grant in the past 10 years. Mayor Smith encouraged them to apply for a grant in the next round of applications.

6:15PM Public Hearing – FY 18 Budget

Mayor Smith announced that the FY18 Budget is a deficit budget. The City estimated the revenue conservatively and the expenditures higher in case the revenue is higher than expected. It will be monitored closely throughout the year. A main reason there is a high deficit is because both TIF Districts are showing deficits even though the money is in the fund. The City is anticipating spending TIF funds this fiscal year on projects. A deficit budget is an accounting principal but the City does not intend to deficit spend except in the TIF accounts.


Mayor Smith called the regular meeting of the Paris City Council to order at 6:30 PM. Rich Kash said the opening prayer. Present on roll call were Commissioners Boyer, Branson, Hughes, KemperandMayor Smith.

The Pledge of Allegiance was repeated in unison.



National Association of Letter Carriers “National Food Drive”


Diane Boyer announced that the American Legion Women’s Auxiliary will be holding Poppy Days on May 26th and 27th. The Auxiliary will be holding a Memorial Dinner at 12:00 noon on Memorial Day for veterans and their spouses.


Commissioner Boyermoved for approval of the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Bransonseconded the motion. Included on the consent agenda was the approval of the minutes of the April 10, 2017 regular meeting, bills previously paid $5,060.00, bills to be paid $149,491.87, salaries $140,793.59.All answered aye on roll call, no nays.


  1. RESOLUTION Adopting the FY18 Annual Budget of the City of Paris, Illinois. Commissioner Hughes introduced and moved to approve, Commissioner Boyer seconded the motion. All answered aye on roll call, no nays.
  2. RESOLUTION Establishing Calendar Of Meetings 2017/2018Commissioner Boyer introduced and moved to approve, Commissioner Branson seconded the motion. Commissioner Boyer moved to waive reading, Commissioner Branson seconded the motion. All answered aye on roll call, no nays.
  3. RESOLUTION Approving Memorial Day Service For American Legion. Commissioner Boyer introduced and moved to approve, Commissioner Branson seconded the motion. Commissioner Branson moved to waive reading, Commissioner Boyer seconded the motion. All answered aye on roll call, no nays.
  4. RESOLUTION Regarding Temporary Closing of State Right-Of-Way.Commissioner Branson introduced and moved to approve, Commissioner Boyer seconded the motion. Commissioner Branson moved to waive reading, Commissioner Boyer seconded the motion. All answered aye on roll call, no nays.
  5. RESOLUTION Accepting Resignation From The Police Department. Commissioner Boyer introduced and moved to approve, Commissioner Branson seconded the motion. All answered aye on roll call, no nays.
  6. RESOLUTION Accepting Resignation From The Library Board. Commissioner Boyer introduced and moved to approve, Commissioner Branson seconded the motion. All answered aye on roll call, no nays.
  7. Resolution Authorizing Engagement Letter for Auditing Services With James D. Motley, CPA. Commissioner Boyer introduced and moved to approve, Commissioner Branson seconded the motion. All answered aye on roll call, no nays.
  8. RESOLUTION Instructing the Plan Commission To Consider An Amendment To The Comprehensive Plan. Commissioner Branson introduced and moved to approve, Commissioner Boyer seconded the motion. All answered aye on roll call, no nays.

Commissioner Reports

Mayor Smith:

  1. Motion to approve BlueCross BlueShield health insurance renewal with a new plan to be decided on in the next 30 days. Mayor Smith moved to approve, Commissioner Boyer seconded the motion. All answered aye on roll call, no nays.
  2. Motion to approve the lease for the Concession Facilities at WestLakePark. Mayor Smith moved to approve, Commissioner Branson seconded the motion. All answered aye on roll call, no nays.

Commissioner Boyer:

  1. Motion to approve the purchase of 14 fire helmets at the cost of $3,200. Commissioner Boyer moved to approve, Commissioner Branson seconded the motion. All answered aye on roll call, no nays
  2. Motion to approve the replacement hydraulic drive motor assembly for Engine 6 at the cost of $1,455.90. Commissioner Boyer moved to approve, Commissioner Branson seconded the motion. All answered aye on roll call, no nays
  3. Motion to approve Settlement Agreement and award demolition bid for 502 S. Central Avenue to Bell and Bell Demolition Inc. at the cost of $14,100.00. Commissioner Boyer moved to approve, Commissioner Branson seconded the motion. Ayes – Commssioners Boyer, Branson, Hughes and Mayor Smith. Commissioner Kemper abstained. Rich Kash stated that usually the City pays 100% of a demolition. With this Agreement, the City and property owner will each pay 50% of the demolition costs and the homeowner will transfer the property to the City.

Commissioner Branson:

  1. Reminder – City Wide Spring Clean-Up is Friday, April 28th and Saturday, April 29th 7:00AM – 7:00PM

Commissioner Kemper:

Commissioner Hughes:


Dennis commended the City for the hard work of the Council and employees in enhancing the quality of life for the citizens.


Paul had nothing to report.


Rich had nothing to report.




Commissioner Branson offered his congratulations to all the volunteers involved with the All Abilities Playground. The playground was completed in less than 3 days, looks great, and is a great addition to the parks. He also thanked all the high school kids that were out there everyday to help.



At 6:53PM Commissioner Bransonmoved to adjourn, Commissioner Boyer seconded the motion. All answered aye on roll call, no nays.


Approved City Clerk