Tillicum to Rindgall FAQ

Where is Ringdall?

Ringdall is located approximately 6 miles (19 minutes) from the current Tillicum campus at 11650 SE 60th Street, Bellevue, WA 98006 (click link to view on map).

What time will school start and dismiss?

 Due to transportation logistics Tillicum’s start time while at Rindgall will be 8:45 AM daily.

 Dismissal on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday will be at 3:30 PM

 Tutorial will be held Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 3:35-4:00 PM

 First buses will leave at 3:40 PM

 Activity buses leave at 5:10 PM (this is projected and may change slightly)

 Wednesday dismissal time will be 2:20, with all buses leaving at 2:30

How will my child get to Ringdall?

Bus transportation will be provided for Bellevue resident Tillicum students. The transportation department will mail bus stop information and schedules in August 2016.

Will there be enough room for all the buses needed to transport the Tillicum students?

Yes! The transportation department is developing a plan for the bus transport of students to and from the Ringdall site for next year.

Can I drive my child to and from school?

Yes, there is a delineated area in the parking lot for parents to drop off and pick up students. However, students are encouraged to utilize the bus transportation as parking is limited and the driveway may become congested.

How long will it take to drive to Ringdall?

For families south of our current Tillicum campus, it will not take long (see the above directions). For families living north of Tillicum, it might actually be faster to get to Ringdall via I‐405 than to the current Tillicum campus. However, in all cases, traffic and time of day dictate actual driving times.

How early in the morning can I drop off my student?

While we encourage as many students as possible to take the bus or to arrive at 8:30-8:40 AM, we understand a few families may need to drop students off earlier. The student commons will be open beginning at 8:10 AM.

Will there a breakfast program?

Yes. Breakfast will be served before school in the cafeteria the same as this year.

What is the condition of the Ringdall campus?

Prior to previous middle schools moving in, the Ringdall campus was remodeled and updated to accommodate the latest technology found in all of our middle schools. The Ringdall campus is a designated “swing” school used to temporarily house schools that are being rebuilt. Every couple of years, a different middle school occupies Ringdall while their new school is constructed and each year, the furniture and furnishings are updated.

Will Tillicum teachers and staff be at the Ringdall campus next year?

Our entire Tillicum staff moves to the Ringdall campus while our new building is being constructed.

Will there be any changes to the classes that are offered while at Ringdall?

We do not anticipate any changes to our class offerings while at Ringdall.

Will families have an opportunity to visit the Ringdall campus before school starts?

Yes! We will schedule an informational night at Rindgall in the spring. Stay tuned for more information!