Study Guide for In-Class Test #2 – The March
Test Date: May 29
Test Instructions: This test will cover part 3 of the novel, titled “North Carolina”. You will write out your test in class in pen (not pencil) on paper which I’ll provide. You may not use your book while you take the test, but you may use as many small 3 x 5 note cards as you wish. Please use actual 3 x 5 cards—don’t make your own or use a larger size. No other form of notes is permitted. I’ll choose 10 questions from the list of 30 below for you to answer, so you need to know all 30 questions! Describe your answers in detail. Each question will be worth 10 points, for a total of 100 points. This test is worth 20% of your total grade class.
No Outside Sources: Use only The March in your answers—please don’t use any internet or other sources. You will not receive any credit for answers on which you’ve used outside sources. No Direct Quotations: Your answers should be in your own words, with no sentences taken word for word from the novel. I will deduct 1 point for each direct quotation.
1. According to Doctorow, what were two important differences between the Civil War and the wars before it, and what was one event in “North Carolina” which illustrates Doctorow’s points?
2. Who were the “bummers” and what did they do to the people and the property of the plantation in North Carolina where David lived?
3. How did David and Hugh Pryce end up together, about how long did they stay together, how did Pryce react to being with David, who eventually agreed to take care of David for a longer time, and why?
4. What was Union general Kilpatrick’s main role in helping General Sherman succeed in his march through North Carolina, and how effective was Kilpatrick at carrying out his duties?
5. How did Marie Boozer manipulate General Kilpatrick, where did Marie Boozer go after this event, and how did General Kilpatrick feel about her leaving?
6. What happened to Kilpatrick in the trees which knocked him from his horse, and did he recover from this?
7. How many dead bodies did General Kilpatrick and his men find in the trees and on the edge of the road, what had happened to these bodies, why had it happened and who had done it, and how did General Kilpatrick respond?
8. How and why was General Kilpatrick literally caught with his pants down, and what did he do about it?
9. Did Fayetteville, North Carolina end up like Columbia, South Carolina after the Union army occupied it? Why or why not?
10. What kind of wound did Albion Simms suffer, how did he get this wound, what did Stephen Walsh make for Simms, and how did the wound change Simms’ behavior?
11. What did Dr. Sartorius think of Simms’ wound, and how did Simms eventually deal with his wound and his situation?
12. Why did Pearl feel that she wasn’t really free even after she had left her plantation, and why did she feel guilty?
13. Who did Pearl spend most of her time with in “North Carolina”, how close did she become to this person, and did they stay together at the end of the story?
14. How did Arly treat Calvin while they were together, and how did Calvin react to this treatment?
15. At the Battle of Averasboro, which army initially did the best, and why, and which army eventually won this battle, and how and why did they win it?
16. What happened to Union soldier Bobby Brasil during the Battle of Averasboro?
17. Which two people was Mattie Jameson worried about and looking for in “North Carolina”, how and where did she find them both, and what was her reaction to finding each of them?
18. How did the rebels use deception to try and slow down or defeat Sherman’s Yankees, and how effective was this deception?
19. Which army won the two-day battle of Bentonville, and what were the two most important reasons for this result?
20. How close to the fighting did Hugh Pyrce get during the Battle of Bentonville, what did he see, hear, and feel during this battle, and what tragic event happened to Pyrce during the battle?
21. What event made General Sherman cry, why did it make him cry, what did he do after he finished crying?
22. According to General Sherman, what was Robert E. Lee’s “best option” for avoiding defeat in 1865, and did Sherman think Lee would take this option? Why or why not?
23. According to Colonel Teack, what mistake did General Sherman make at the Battle of Bentonville, and did Sherman think it was a mistake? Why or why not?
24. How successful was Arly’s plan for General Sherman when it was carried out? What or who made it successful or a failure?
25. What eventually happened to Arly and Calvin, and do you think that each was treated fairly in the end? Why or why not?
26. What was President Lincoln’s attitude toward the rebels as the end of the war drew near, and how did he think the Union should treat the defeated rebels?
27. Who was Bert, and how and why did Bert cause problems for Stephen Walsh, Pearl, and Calvin?
28. What kind of opposition did Union soldier Bobby Brasil face in the battle for Smithfield, how dangerous was this battle, and what was the result of the battle?
29. How did General Sherman treat the Confederate army of General Johnston when they surrendered, and what were Sherman’s feelings about the war when it was over?
30. What were General Sherman’s thoughts about Union victory and also about the Confederates in defeat after General Lee surrendered?