Position Paper
Salous, March 2018
Committee: 2nd Main Committee Background Guides (Economic and Financial)
Topic: Role of Urbanization in Sustainable Development
Country: North Korea / Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Delegate: Bilal Salous
Within the borders of North Korea an epidemic of economic excellence has helped shape and urbanilize the country into a growing economic power. Since the dawn of North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un a swarm of Merchants and economic enthusiasts have been drawn to the country and protected by the current ruling party. A demonstration of this urbanizational phase is portrayed by the capital, Pyongyang. This capital of North Korea was once shown to have evaded streets through negative and false representation, butwith in modern Pyongyang it is apparent that the roads are now filled with vehicles and vibrant interactions which has allowed for the car industry to marketilize and social locations to become more apparent. As new market industries begin to stabilize within North Korea the redevelopment of this countries cities and economy are complicating unethical bullets on the North Korean regime. A testament to the the urbanization of North Korea is the fact that, although other countries have cut ties with the country the growing economy is still able to function and flourish properly due to the metropolitan area providing work and an urban environment that can withstand external pressures. Just alone in 2018, the United Nations reported that 60.7% of the North Korean population lives urbanly. This accounts for a little more than 15 million people out of the 25 million people who make up the population.
Sustainability plays a very big factor in the North Korean party due to it affecting the overall well being of the North Korean people. The status of North Korea's actions for the promotion of sustainability have been limited due to a world that does not want to associate themselves with these proclaimed “uncivilized people”. People's beliefs on North Korea cause the biggest obstacle for sustainability because they are not able to work with others to develop effective ideas. When the SEZ and sustainable developement conferences had never visited North Korea before and discluded them from beneficial conferences that acted as a blockade for better environmental sustainability. Many people have negative perceptions of North Korea and as a result do not associate themselves with the country which faults the rest of the international community for not understanding that sustainability is a global initiative. During the economic crisis in North Korea a period of deforestation occurred causing the soil to be erosive. Although, North Korea has made countless attempts to receive international help in this specific issue it has been denied.
Due to the current state of North Korea a predominant resolution to allow the status of North Korea to rise is, the external countries must look past agendas and try to orchestrate a unbiased community that will help urbanized communities while sustaining the environment. North Korea may be on a raise in its urban production, but it cannot maintain a healthy status without a sustained environment. The monster North Korea has been portrayed as is imaginative due to many of members of the international world isolating this country with illogical facts. The facts are not many have visited North Korea, but still continue to make claims, molding it into the monstrous regime it has been publicized as.