Month 11, Week 1

Founder and Steward of the Go Gratitude

Global Director of Dream One World, Inc.

Loving what IS: the heART of Grateful Living

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[Theme song playing]

Robyn:Hello everyone and welcome to month 11 of the Self-Care Revolution, where our topic is Power of Gratitude and Kevin, do we have so much to be grateful for.

Kevin: We sure do, this has been an incredible journey to this point and still to the end.

Robyn:When I thin of what I’m grateful for I think of all the people that have been part of this revolution. Tom and I started writing out our gratitude list and it’s well over 200 people and then of course, the 100 speakers we’ve interviewed so far and then those that have so readily said yes and in alignment with this big message we’re sharing at this time. Also, all our members and faces of membership for the Self-Care Revolution. We’re grateful to know that we’re going forward in 2014 because of all the groundwork and foundation that’s been created.

I want to say I’m grateful to you Kevin.

Kevin:Thank you so much. I’m grateful to you Robyn for having the courage to launch into this in such a powerful way. We’ve seen the results.

Robyn: I know we have many of you joining us for the first time because of your excitement about our first speaker today, Stacey Robyn. My name is Robyn Benson and I’m a doctor of Oriental medicine, the Founder of Santa Fe Soul Health and HealingCenter, which is the center of about 25 independent practitioners. We offer at least 40 different services and we are the home of this revolution.

The inspiration really came from inside these doors. We built the center from the ground up, so it’s consciously created. You feel it as you walk in the door and it’s what we consider a 21st Century healthcare model.

Kevin:It absolutely is. I am Kevin Snow, an independent practitioner here at Santa Fe Soul, affectionately known as the Desert Shaman. I’m grateful to be a part of this community as well.

Robyn:I was recently talking to one of the members of this Self-Care Revolution and he was talking about the why and he said that’s what makes this revolution key. For many of you who again are joining us for the first time, the why of the Self-Care Revolution, for me, being in practice for 21 years I’ve treated at least 80k patients throughout my career and to at least 70 countries and I’ve learned from some of the best healers, indigenous people of the earth and I have to say that there’s a lot of suffering we’re seeing in the world.

Like one out of two-three people are being diagnosed with cancer. One out of two-three of our children are obese/diabesity, a world epidemic of suffering and the food/water and air quality has changed more in the last 25-50 years than in several thousands. We’re saying this is a solution and we know that when we feel good and we’re healthy there’s more we can contribute as stewards of the earth and each other.

There are ways in which we’ve gone away from nature that has gotten us into some trouble, so it’s a big message of the Self-Care Revolution is returning to nature, which is a big theme for our speakers message today. Stacey Robyn, thank you for being with us today.

Stacey:Thank you Robyn and Kevin, it’s a joy and an honor to be here together and to join in the solution you’re bringing forward with this Self-Care Revolution that really does address and empower us to stay in our center and be able to be that healing force in our lives, as well as gathering with so many of the masters and teachers you’ve attracted to give us all the tools to enact these solutions in our own lives. That’s great power, so I’m delighted to be here. Thank you.

Robyn:Thank you. Stacey Robyn is the Founder and Stewart of the Go GratitudeMovement and the Global Director of Dream One World, Inc., a 501c (3) non-profit, serving globally through loving locally. Stacey’s passion is teaching the heart of grateful living through earth renewal ceremonies, energy tracking, studying earth human resonance fields and gathering community in celebration and responsible co-creation.

Stacey’s vision and mission is to empower Wisdom, Oneness and a Grateful Heart by bridging ancient wisdom with emerging consciousness to birth a world that works for everyone … for this generation and for all generations to come.

I just want to give all our listeners a background. As I mentioned we’ve had at least 100 speakers, experts and people who are really passionate about this message in our various themes throughout the year, but I think whenever we came up with the 12 themes and we talked about dedicating one month completely to gratitude, the first person that came to mind was Stacey Robyn’s, who’s here with us today. I started trying to connect with you many months ago and finally, we met, she said yes and here you are. I’m so grateful for that.

I can’t think of anyone better to start this month than you, as someone who started this global movement that attracted two million people in such a short timeframe, and you didn’t even know that was going to happen did you?

Stacey:No, in fact it really caught us off guard. We got that opportunity of learning on the go, so it was called Go Gratitude. We really got a dose of our own medicine in that, which was great. We had the tools for gratefulness as we went and grew and I really love that after we connected and started talking that you shared you’ve actually been a part of the Go Gratitude Movement from very close to when we first launched.

I love tracking that thread of gratefulness that connects us and how we tend to find our way to each other over time when it’s perfect for each other. You have been able to hold the container for this beautiful program this year and held that space for us to be able to come share the beauty and appreciation, love and wisdom that we’ve been able to experience and gather over time, so it’s divine timing to be here.

Robyn:Yes. In fact, when I started going back through my emails it went back to the fall of 2005 and I thought, maybe four or five years but wow! Santa Fe Soul opened its doors in May of 2005, so I found you around November of that year, so I’ve been with you from the very beginning. I said yes to the Go Gratitude Movement and have followed you ever since. Here you are to tell your story. Could you give us a background of how all of this was birthed from you?

Stacey:Robyn and Kevin, I’m sure you know this, that there comes a time in our life where we feel ‘the gratefulness’. I felt full of the beauty, the information and wisdom that I had gathered and studied. I came to this point where I wanted to be able to give back, to be able to do something with this information and be able to make a difference in other people’s lives in the same way that I had appreciated that others had done for me.

In April 2005, I took a retreat at home and at that time we lived in the mountains in the sticks and I decided at that time I was going to turn off the TV, turn off the Internet, my phone and we went on an all raw food diet for six weeks. My sweetheart was really amazing in agreeing to do all the shopping so I could stay there and nest, to open myself up and call in a vision for what a container or vehicle would be where I could pour my love and gratitude and passion into.

It was during this time that I was reading a book by Masarro Emoto on the messages in water. Are you familiar with his work at all?


Kevin:Definitely. He has a deck of cards with the images of crystals.

Stacey:Nice. Exactly. So you know and we can share with our visitors that he did experiments and showed that music played to water or different words he would tape on the containers that were either very loving, like love and gratitude or appreciate you or he would do even disempowering messages like I hate you or things like that which would impact the vibration and structural content of the water. He said at that point that the most intricate, beautiful, balanced and harmonious of them was the love and gratitude crystal.

It was that which sparked for me this desire to study more about gratitude. It set me on this journey where I started looking, going out into the world to know more about this. What I found was that in essence the patterns of creation are based in gratitude. I say this, when you take a look at a flower or a plant, you plant it with a seed and it goes through its cycles of life and creation of growth. Then in its grateFULLness and gratitude it produces the next generation, a seed and it’s the same with us as parents.

When we have our children, the women in their birthing, when they come to that great fullness and their completion and that next generation is born. I started seeing how there were patterns in the world that were drawing our attention to gratitude and when we aligned with these vibrations that we were actually aligning with the patterns of life and patterns of creation, health and the higher vibrations in the world. So, this whole thing was seeded from the energy of me wanting in my great fullness, a container to be able to deliver that forward and the universe showed up and gave me a container called gratitude.

Kevin:I love that image. The other part of your topic, loving what IS. Can you share a little about what IS and why we should love that? Sometimes it’s not awesome.

Stacey:That’s the key. Sometimes life is not awesome it’s really challenging. So when we have the courage to love what is gratitude is this tool that helps us settle into loving what is. Let me give you an example. Imagine in your life you’re in this job and you’re not digging or loving it, but you don’t quite know how to get out of it. When we can turn our attention around and start to appreciate, this is what I love about my job or this is what I’m appreciating, we can shift our perspective. What it does for us is it starts to bring about the things that we do appreciate in the world, that we do love.

It also helps us settle into this space to be able to move through the uncomfortable things and those uncomfortable things are actually evolutionary triggers that show us when we are outside our power or our path or that there are adjustments that need to be made. So, when we can love what is and become grateful for it, we realize its natures way, our souls way of showing us that what is, is perfect because it’s an evolutionary trigger for us. At that point we can take those cues and shift into the next thing.

The gratitude, when we talk about loving what is and the heART of grateful living, for those who see this online they’ll notice that I capitalized ‘art’ in the word heART, which is intentional because the art is that willingness to be creative in our lives, to come into our center and love what is, but then artfully design our lives and allow ourselves to be inspired by the world, just in the same way that one artist to another artist to another artist would paint a flower very differently. It’s that expression for them and that’s the same for our lives when we are loving what is and we begin to paint our lives and create them in a very artful or heARTful way if you will. Gratitude is one of these things that helps encourage that creativity in designing our lives.

Robyn:Can you talk a little about the master key gratitude and how you came up with that? Tell us the story about that.

Stacey:When I had started studying gratitude and seeing that there was this pattern and all kinds of things, there was a question that came up when I was talking to my sweetheart and I started thinking, what’s the symbol for gratitude? If I’m exploring this then it’s like I don’t know. He didn’t know if there was a symbol for gratitude or not, but in that very moment I was doodling, which I tend to do to get into that flow state and be able to get present and tune into the moment.

I was doodling what became known as the gratitude symbol. As I looked down I thought that would work, that looks like a G in a circle and as I continued exploring the patterns of nature I started seeing this spiral pattern existed in all things. Like the center of a sunflower to our Milky Way galaxy to the way water spins down a drain, flowing in these spiral patterns. I was looking at the symbol and thought wow this is a symbol that’s a master key that we can see mirrored in all of nature. It’s this beautiful way of being able to look at the world all around us and seeing the great fullness of life.

When we can appreciate the moment and see the great fullness of life then it opens our hearts to the beauty of what is. We surrender into the beauty of the moment and settle into the flow state even more because when we’re in gratitude and appreciation we have released our resistance to what’s happening. We are loving what is and so the symbol we began to call the master key, because this gratitude and appreciation opens up all doors of possibility that are present for us in every moment and allows us through this energy of appreciation and gratefulness to love what is. When we love what is we are present into the power of now.

Robyn:If you haven’t seen the symbol, I know Kevin just pulled it up.

Kevin:Yes, it’s the PDF of the 42 new views at

Stacey:That’s right. The best way to have people who aren’t familiar with this is to go to We created this one minute eight second video that introduces the master key and gets us centered in this playful fun energy of gratefulness and spills it into the Go Gratitude experiment where folks can sign up for the experiment. It’s ongoing. We’ve been guided and inspired to allow it to remain very true to its nascent state where folks can sign up and for 42 days we’ll send you an email that plays with this symbol and all the different ways that gratitude applies to our lives.

From health, wellness, family, science, governments, this whole wheel of gratefulness and expressions of lives and in this 42 days we’re presenting this opportunity to shift our thinking and open ourselves up to new ways of seeing the world and when we see the world in new ways that then becomes a reflection where we can see ourselves, our lives and our choices in new ways.

Robyn:When I first started working with the Go Gratitude program, the symbol, even looking at it right now I could feel it in my body. Like you said it’s the sacred geometry of life. It’s all that is and it creates this harmony. I feel peaceful. I know throughout these years, a lot of times I’ll find myself doodling and will do this Go Gratitude symbol. It’s awesome. I love how this all happened and that it’s reached so many people.

Back in 2005, you put this online and it’s like a pay-it-forward thing right? How was it able to reach that many people do you think?

Stacey:You know, by divine design. This is really the truth of it. Every one of us carries a dream, purpose or a passion, something in the world that is ours to hold, to carry and to give. When we luck into this and we embody it and actualize it, it excites our family and friends and communities in the world. It’s almost like this celebration like yes another person has shown up to add their piece to the pie. My sense is that this is what happened is when we locked in and we were able to put this out in the world, there was a sense of excitement and also recognition in the geometries that this is something we see all around us.

What we’ve also witnessed through this is that we’ve had the gift of witnessing others in their lives as they’ve been inspired to practice gratitude, gratefulness and appreciation, that it’s helped them use this master key to unlock their gifts and to be able to actualize them in the world and then they’ve come back to share with us, this is what’s growing on with us. We’ve had the gift of being able to bring forward and participate and celebrate with so many others in our communities as they’ve stepped forward to put their piece of the great puzzle down, and Robyn, you are one of those.

Thank you so much, it’s a joy to be here and to be able to celebrate one more of us adding their piece to the great puzzle and the great coming together in the world.