How to Find Industry Information in Business Source Complete (script)
In this database, you can find information on companies, industries, countries, and so on. This tutorial will focus on finding industry information.
To find articles and reports on Industries, use the search boxes. Type a keyword in one or more of the boxes. We will search for the brewing industry.
You may wish to limit your results to full text only, scholarly articles, by date, document type or other variables.
Now, click on the Search button.
On the results page, there are additional ways to refine your search listed on the left.
If an article is full text, it will say PDF or HTML. If you do not see PDF or HTML, click the yellow, Get it at BU button beneath the article citation. This button will take you to a screen that will let you know whether the article is available in another database online, or is in paper format in the BU Libraries.
Articles are one way to find industry information in Business Source Complete. If you are not interested in articles, but would prefer a report on the industry, start a new search and once again, type your industry in the search box. Then, go down to the Publication Type box and use the pulldown menu to select Industry Profile. Then hit Search. If you do not see any reports on your industry, try some other terms, for example, footwear for shoe industry.
We will select “Beer Industry Profile—United States
Let’s look at the PDF report. Always look at the date of the report to see how whether the information is current.
This provides you with a 39 page report on the industry and will include charts, tables, and other information.
For additional information on industries, try the other Finance and Management tutorials listed on the Libraries’ tutorial page.
If you need further library help, go back to the Libraries’ homepage and click on the Ask Us link.
2007/ rev. 2/4/2010, 1/2012