Elementary Science 5 E’s Lesson Plan
Teacher: / Grade Level: / Dates:Benchmark(s) from the SSS for this lesson / Copied and pasted from learning schedule; benchmark numbers and letters from learning schedule but can put text in student- friendly language (especially for 1996 benchmarks for Grade 5). Remember to include Practice of Science/Nature of Science benchmarks.
Essential Question / Taken from learning schedule for this lesson
Objective for Students / States what students should know or be able to do at end of each day’s part of the lesson. This may be included under each E below as appropriate.
Date: / What will you have students do so they become interested in the lesson?AND
What wonderings and questions do students have about the essential question?
Assess: How will you check students’ background knowledge and misconceptions for the unit of study?
Date: / What hands-on investigation will students do to explore the concept(s)?AND
What will they record in their science notebooks? What data will they collect? AND
How will you monitor their work during the investigation?
Assess: How will you determine who demonstrates the skills needed during the investigation? How will you know who is beginning to understand the concept(s)?
Date: / How will you help students
- infer based on their observations?
- develop conclusions to answer the testable question?
- connect the data to the concept(s) they are learning?
How will you address students’ misconceptions identified in Engage and Explore?AND
What will students be reading and writing to deepen their understanding? What reading strategy will they use?
What else will students do to master the benchmark(s)?
Assess: How will you determine who understood the concept(s) and who did not? This is necessary to determine who receives enrichment or remediation during the Extend.
Date: / How will you differentiate instruction based on previous informal assessments of the Explore and Explain:
- For enrichment allow students to work on Performance Task or activities that extend the concepts.
- For remediation design a new way to teach the benchmark that addresses student misunderstandings and misconceptions identified through the informal assessment in the Explain
Evaluate / The summative evaluation determines how well each student has understood the concepts taught in the lesson. It might be a short quiz based on the lesson or a writing response to the essential question or another appropriate prompt. This is where a performance task may be used.
Supplies and Technology Needed / List science supplies, technology equipment, etc.
Vocabulary / Copy and paste from learning schedule as appropriate for this lesson.
Identify the vocabulary strategy to be used.
Define content vocabulary after the Explore using appropriate strategies; remember “ABC – CBV” (Activity Before Concept – Concept Before Vocabulary).
Homework: / Should be embedded appropriately throughout the 5 E’s lesson
Resources (A/V, websites, books, etc.) / List the resources that need to be available.
Special Instructions / Cite safety issues and/or lab materials management tips.
Additional Differentiated Instruction / ESOL: Include appropriate strategies
Inclusion:Include appropriate strategies
Higher Order Questions / In each E above, what higher order questions will be asked to challenge thinking and deepen understanding?
Reflections on this lesson / What do I need to clarify with my students during the next class session?
How will I modify this lesson the next time I teach it?
DCPS Science Department 2009-10