Western Region ASERT Collaborative Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic of UPMC Center for Autism and Developmental Disabilities
The purpose of this instrument is to allow individuals with autism spectrum disorder, their families and their caregivers to inform healthcare providers on the nature of their condition and how best to support their medical or behavioral concerns. Please provide as much detail as possible in response to the questions to allow the clinical staff to optimize the care of you or your loved one in this setting.
Name: ______Date of Birth: ______
Emergency Contact(s) and Number: ______
Primary Care Provider and Number: _______
Baseline Characteristics
Communication Ability (e.g., verbal, fluent, non-verbal, sign, repetition) Use of Communication Devices/Apps: ______
Social Interaction (e.g., avoids eye contact and Interaction, limited reciprocity, Interacts with prompts / Assistance): ______
Behavioral Patterns / include restricted, repetitive and/or rituals (e.g., when anxious, agitated, calm, Nonresponsive):______
Dietary Patterns (e.g., Favored Foods, Timing and Normal Amounts of Oral Intake): ______
Vaccination History (e.g., All Scheduled Vaccines, Particular Refused Vaccines): ______
Menstrual History (e.g., Date of First Period, Pattern and Nature of Menses – irregular, heavy): ______
Other Co-occurring Conditions (e.g., Seizures, Respiration, Dental, Constipation, Depression, Anxiety, Dental: ______
Precautions: ___Yes ___No, Advanced Directive ___No ___ Yes If Yes, Specifics: Medical/Behavioral Health, Trauma/Abuse, Sexual Concerns, Self-Injurious / Mutilating Behavior, PICA (ingesting of inedibles), Aggression, Property Destruction, ______
Home Medications and Other Therapies (e.g., Agents and Dosage, Specialized Diets or Supplements): ______
Allergies: __Yes __No: If yes, list:______
Sleep Pattern (e.g., Average number of Hours and Pattern of Sleep): ______
Comfort (Transitional) Object(s): ______
Management in the Clinic / Emergency Department(ED)
Are there specific environmental factors that might agitate this individual (e.g., cold, lighting, textures)? ______
Are there specific communication techniques that might agitate this individual (e.g., direct eye contact, loud or simultaneous voices, specific words or phrases)? ______
How does this individual communicate or respond to directives? yes and no (e.g., typical words, gestures, phrases)? ______
What is the best way to communicate with this individual (e.g., verbally, gestures, pictures, communication device, written)? ______
How does this individual express pain (e.g., body positioning, verbally (perseveration), gestures, (pointing) crying, facial grimace, self-injurious behavior, excessive rituals)? ______
How does this individual express frustration/anger or indicate agitation (e.g., repeating words or phrases motor rituals (pacing, body rocking, hand posturing / flapping / meltdown)? ______
List behavioral approaches that are effective in preventing challenging behaviors as well as de-escalation and reinforcing safe and compliant responding: ______
Does this individual use or respond to a technique to remain calm (e.g., swaying, breathing, I-pad, command “ready hands”, sensory items)? ______
Does this individual respond to a particular distraction technique at time of stress or in previous medical situations (e.g., music, photos, books, use of a communication device)? ______
Can this individual swallow pills? ___ YES ___NO
Is there a flavor in oral intake that this individual likes or dislikes? ______
What medications, if any, has this individual received that has worked well for calming, sedation or pain management? ______
What medications, if any, has this individual received that should be avoided when providing sedation or pain management? ______
Any other advice to the health care provider for treating this individual (e.g., keep voice in a low volume, avoid multiple health care providers, use yes and no questions, avoid removing a comforting object, hands off approach)? ______
Adapted from Venkat, A., Migyanka, J., M., Cramer, R., & McGonigle, J.J. (2016). An Instrument to Prepare for Acute Care of the Individual with Autism Spectrum Disorder in the Emergency Department. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Autism Dev Disord,46:2565-2569