St Columba’s, Knock

Pew News

Sunday 7th May 2017

The Fourth Sunday of Easter

Almighty God,

whose Son Jesus Christ is the resurrection and the life:

Raise us, who trust in him,

from the death of sin to the life of righteousness,

that we may seek those things which are above,

where he reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,

one God, now and for ever. AMEN.

Church flowers are the kind gift of Ella Wilkinson.

Everyone is very welcome to St Columba’s.

If it is your first time to our church, please speak to the Clergy or Churchwardens to make yourself known.

Communicant members of other churches are welcome to receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion.

LOOP SYSTEM – The church is equipped with a Loop System to help those with hearing difficulties. Please set your hearing aid to the “T” setting.

8.15am Holy Communion(BCP 201 – LP 125)

The Epistle Acts 2: 42-49

The GospelJohn 10: 1-10

The Prayers of the PeopleBCP 237-239 – LP 150-152


10.30am All Age Worship

– please see separate sheet


7.00 pmChoral Evensong (Page 84 – LP 20)

Introit- Occuli omnium (Wood)

Confession, Absolution & Versicles BCP86 – LP 22

Psalm 29BCP 622 -LP 335

Old Testament ReadingEzra 3: 1-13

Magnificat(Choir)BCP 93 – LP 29

New Testament ReadingLuke 19: 37-48

Nunc Dimittis(Choir)BCP 94 – LP 30

SermonThe Rector

Creed, Lord’s Prayer, Responses, Collects

BCP 95 – LP 31

Anthem – Expectans, expectavi (Wood)

Occasional Prayers

Offertory Hymn 330 – God is here! As we his people


Recessional Hymn468 – How shall I sing that majesty

Guest Organist: Mr Nigel McClintock, St Peter’s Cathedral, Belfast

  • We congratulate Kent Irwin and Sophie King upon their confirmation and welcome them, together with their families, as they receive Holy Communion today for the first time.
  • We thank our Guest Organist Mr Nigel McClintock for joining us in our evening service.

Readers today are:

8.15am Billy Nelson

10.30am Lara Ford

7.00pm Tillie Heyburn

Sidespersons today are Moira Saunders & Jill Armstrong

Please see The Columban and the Parish Website for

full details of our Parish Organisations and weekly activities.

Wednesday 10th 6.00pm Deadline for June Columban

Thursday 11th10.30amHoly Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry

Sunday 14th May 2017

The Fifth Sunday of Easter

8.15 amHoly Communion

10.30amHoly Communion

7.00 pmCompline

Christian Aid Week Sunday 14th – Saturday 20th May. Please support generously.

Wednesday 17th May7.45pm Ladies Guild A.G.M.

Guest Speaker – The Revd Canon Walter Laverty

Tuesday 30th10.30amPAUSE: The Old Mill, Dundonald

– everyone welcome!

Patronal Festival Services

Sunday 4th June

10.30am Choral Eucharist

Preacher: The Rt Revd Patrick Rooke, Bishop of Tuam

7.00pm Choral Evensong

Preacher: Revd Helene Steed, Rector of St Mark’s, Dundela

Annual Patronal Concert

The Parish Choir & Guest Soloists

Saturday 24th June at 7.00pm

Donations to Parish Funds

Followed by refreshments on the lawn.

Please keep these important dates free and bring them to the attention of family and friends.

Anglican Cycle of Prayer: We pray for The Anglican church in Marathwada, North India.