@ Walkersville Middle School2017-2018

Welcome to Technology Education! We have many exciting things planned for this year! I am eager to begin our exploration of the world of technology. This class is exciting because it will help you to develop skills that will serve you for a lifetime. It is my goal to teach my students how to think critically, to think imaginatively, to be able to reflect back on their own learning (meta-cognition), and to develop technological literacy. Ideally, I would like to develop a community of learners where we are all responsible for the learning and progress that occurs in our classroom. As your teacher, it is my job to provide interesting, informative, and relevant lessons and activities about technology. As students, it will be your responsibility to practice the pillars of character counts as you give 100% effort to your class work and assignments. Finally, parents can help by monitoring your student’s progress. Working together as a team, I know that we will meet with success and have fun along the way!

Throughout the year we will prepare our students to think and communicate their thoughts. This is a vital component within the technology education curriculum. Our focus is to enable students to develop their thinking through the activities completed in class. The way they will demonstrate their thinking is through their written assignments.

Classroom Expectations

As we get started, I feel that it is important to establish classroom rules and expectations. I cannot stress the importance of appropriate behavior in the technology lab setting. Students who behave inappropriately endanger the safety of other students and will be removed from the lab. These individuals will be given an alternative assignment.

As a technology education student you need to

  1. Be in your seat at the assigned time, ready to begin class. This means that you have a pencil, paper, ruler and notebook.
  2. Stay in your assigned seat.
  3. Remain silent unless you raise your hand and receive permission to speak.
  4. Be respectful and NOT argue with any adult.
  5. Leave all tools and/or machines untouched unless given permission from the teacher to use them and the teacher is present to monitor the machine use.
  6. Always give your best effort during technology class.

The consequences for unsafe or inappropriate behavior are…

1st Offense: / Re-state Expectation, Classroom Reflection & Parent Contact / 2nd Offense: / Lunch Detention & Parent Contact
3rd Offense: / Lunch Detention & Parent Contact / 4th Offense: / After School Detention & Parent Contact
5th Offense: / Referral to Administration and Parent Contact

Lab Fee

In order to provide each student with supplies for the various projects we will be doing throughout the year, we are asking that each student provide an $8 lab fee. This will make it possible for the students to make and take home project items we create throughout the year. The fee can be paid by cash or a check made out to WalkersvilleMiddle School. If you are paying by check, please add Tech. Ed. and students name on the memo line. Parents if you used the online payment system please send a copy of the receipt so the school can receive payment. Please have this to me by Friday, September 15th. If there is a problem, please contact me.

Teaching Plan for 2016-2017 School Year

  1. Introduction: Design Challenge
  2. Paper Tower Challenge
  3. Career Readiness Practice Rubric
  4. Design Process
  5. Evaluation
  6. Project #1—Communication—Golf Tee Puzzle Challenge
  7. Career Readiness Practice Rubric
  8. Design Process
  9. Safety: Drill Press and Scroll Saw
  10. Safety Test
  11. Evaluation
  12. Technology Classroom Expectations
  13. Appropriate Tech Lab Behavior
  14. Following Directions
  15. Clean-up Procedures
  16. Project #2 All Wound Up
  17. Rubber band powered vehicle competition
  18. Design Process
  19. Evaluation
  20. Project #3 Transportation—Aerodynamic Adventure
  21. Web Quest
  22. Safety
  23. Delta Dart
  24. Project #4 Transportation—Newton Dragster
  25. AutoSketch Design
  26. Newton’s Laws of Motion
  27. Safety
  28. Construction
  29. Exam and Evaluation
  30. Project #5 Construction—Bridges
  31. History, Design and Engineering
  32. Construction and Assembly
  33. Testing and Evaluation
  34. Project #6 Aeronautics—Rockets
  35. Research
  36. Design
  37. Construction
  38. Exam and Evaluation
  39. Project #7 Manufacturing—CD Clock
  40. Product Development
  41. Prototype Construction
  42. Evaluation


There will be different types of grades taken throughout the course of the year such as classwork, warm-ups, tests, projects, and citizenship and self-evaluations. It is important to note that grades are based on effort as well as accuracy. Grades will be based on total points earned.

Finally, late work will be accepted up to five school days after a student is absent or missing from class. If you wish to stay after school to make-up an assignment, I am usually here until 4:00 each evening. If you do plan to stay, I simply need to know in advance and have a note from a parent granting permission.

I am looking forward to a productive and exciting year in Technology Education. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. My phone number at school is 240-236-4469, please leave a message, and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Here's to a productive semester,

Please return this paper filled out completely

We have read the Technology Education letter and understand the teaching plan for the new school year.

WMS Technology Education Information Sheet
Student Name
Grade ( ) / Address
Parent/Guardian Name / Parent/Guardian Name
Home / Home
Cell / Cell
Work / Work
Cash or Check: $8.00 / Check with students name on memo line
Please sign and return with the lab fee by Friday, September 15, 2017.