Learning Menu – Ancient Egypt
Write two paragraphs (5-7 sentences) describing how geography affected ancient Egypt. Be sure to include the most important river in Egypt, the Nile’s affect Egypt, how the Nile Delta impacted life in Egypt, the role of the deserts in Egypt, and the role of the Nile in possible invasions of Egypt.
- Create a graphic organizer describing the leaders and achievements of each major Egyptian kingdom. Include facts about key leaders, advancements, and achievements of the Old Kingdom, Middle Kingdom, and New Kingdom.
- Imagine that you were an Egyptian pharaoh (Menes, Djoser, Hathepsut, Tut, Ramesses). Write a eulogy (to be read at yur funeral) and an epitatah (to be placed on the door to your burial chamber) in the local pyramid. Be sure to include your most important achievements and reasons why you feel that you should ascend in Godhood in the afterlife.
- Imagine that you were living in Egypt during the invasion of the Hyksos, write a 1-2 page letter describing your encounters with the Hyksos, how they treated you, your feelings of them, and your hopes for the future.
- Imagine that you were an Egyptian God/Goddess. Draw a portrait/caricature of what you would look like as a god/goddess. Be sure to illustrate the most important traits you would want to possess if you were a god/goddess and any symbols that you would want to represent you.
- In a group of 3-4create a skit/dialogue describing your family’s life in ancient Egypt. Pretend that you have just finished a hard days work. You and your wife are discussing the days activities and explaining to your children why they are important in Egypt and what your family has planned for the next day.
- Create your own Egyptian dance. You must choose music to accompany your dance. You must perform your dance for the class and teach everyone how to do your new dance. In order to receive full credit for your dance the entire class, including the teacher, must perform the dance with you
1. Create you own Egyptian costume and were it in class. The day you chose to wear your costume you must be able to explain each piece of your outfit to the class.