World Aids Day – We are all living with hiv.
December 1st, global attention is brought to World Aids Day (WAD) for the twenty-first time.
The slogan for WAD 2009 in Sweden is “I’m living with hiv. And your prejudices. We are all living with hiv.”.
The unit for hiv/STI-prevention in Region Västra Götaland brings attention to this day in close collaboration with NGO’s (PG Väst, RFSU, RFSL, Stadsmissionen – PLUS, EKHO, Unplugged) and the City of Göteborg.
We want to address the issue on hiv/aids and thereby contribute to decreased prejudices and stigma towards people who are living with the disease. Moreover, antoher purpose for this day is to create a moment’s reflection to those who have passed away. In Sweden today, approximately 5000 people are living with hiv and the unspoken discrimination is a significant issue at workplaces, within health care systems and other social contexts. Prejudices and bad attitudes are often based on ignorance and fear. Through openness, information, conversation and reflection can we break the silence that surrounds this issue. And by doing that, we´re well underway!
Breaking the silence around a serious disease is not just something that only concerns us locally, it also does so globally. Approximately 33,4 million people are living with hiv in the world today.
- The slogan will be displayed on trams and busses in the region during two weeks, starting on Monday 23 November. Advertisements will also be presented in the newspaper Metro, among others.
- Tuesday 1 December a full day of activities is arranged in cooperation with Nordstan’s mall in Göteborg. There will be information and performances, e.g. dancing, music, film screening, slide shows, and final in the talent show “WAD-talent”. All activities will take place at Nordstadstorget.
- Tuesday 1 December at 7 pm a memorial service is arranged at Domkyrkan in Göteborg, organized by the Swedish Church and NGO’s; EKHO and Positiva Gruppen Väst.
- Other cities around Västra Götaland and in different parts of the country will also bring attention to WAD in different ways; though NGO’s, schools, counties and municipalities. For more information and program, visit our local website or the national website
Positiva Gruppen Väst, Joakim Berlin: 0762-363132
The unit for hiv/STI-prevention in Region Västra Götaland, Jonna Abelsson: 031-3460686, 0705-610974
RFSU Göteborg (RFSL), Charlotta Green:031-708 79 98, 0704-997574
City of Göteborg, Social Resursförvaltning/PrevU, Anna Larsson: 031-3679107