Hi Conni – just a few bits and pieces to clean up – but otherwise looking good. Thanks for all your work on this. S
Step 1Delete:Here is a web site with a list of nationally approved class locations: The link has changed again! So I am going to reword this paragraph to avoid having to use a direct link to the BPCS pdf– please use this instead:
A list of nationally approved Better Process Control Schools can be accessed on the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) website:
Going through the document some links are underlined and others not, and Link colors also differ- this may just be the way my computer is showing it – but if not - should these preferably be standardized? No lines or all underlined, same color for all? – your guidance here..
Step 7 Third para: checked the pdf – Cornell does not include their contact info on this form so we must add:
To submit your recipes to Cornell (Process Authority) for review, use the data recorded from your ‘test batch’ (SMADC On-Farm Recipe Evaluation Form), to complete the ‘Cornell Scheduled Process Form for Acid, Acidified or Low Water Activity Foods’Cornell Submission Form- mail to Cornell Food Venture Center:
Cornell University/ NYSAES
Food Research Lab
630 W. North St.
Geneva, NY 14456
Contact: Elizabeth Keller
Phone: (315) 787-2273 / 787-2397
Fax: 315-787-2397
Step 8:
Third para needs to be indented -
Fourth para take out space in form number:
printed copy of FDA 2541A,
Step 9:
2nd para close extra space before bracket:
of your recipe and recordkeeping (processing logs).
Delete forward slash in form number:DHMH may also request copies of your ‘Scheduled Process’, FDA 2541A product labels and batch logs for their records.
Looks like this line may be indented one extra space
Click here for DHMH license application form