ONS Chapter Meeting / Penns Wood Chapter

February 23 2015

Duration: 1800-1920

  1. Welcome to new board members:

Pat Lyons Cox – Head of nominations

Vikki Squire – Co-chair of Programs

Allie Hilferty- Secretary

  1. Leadership Conference / Regional Chapter Officers Program

Leadership Conference (July 31st- August 2nd, PittsburghPA)

Who to attend? Possibly Pat Lyons Cox and Vikki Squire

Officers Program – October 10th, will be one day and most members shall try to attend.

  1. Martha Kline, president, to resign at the end of the year.

Who shall replace her?

Thank- you for your time served!


  1. Treasury (Rosemary Wiggins) Penn wood Chapter doing well this year. Noted this year so far is $14, 500. This will allow $750 in grants for Congress this year, details to follow in Congress update.
  2. Nominations (Ann Marie Gipe/Pat Lyons Cox)- no updates at this time
  3. Programs Update (Vikki Squire/Lynn Quin/Susan Moyer)- Fully booked through 2015! Nice job ladies! There will be three programs this year that will offer CEUs. Just a reminder that the Vendor Fair will be Thursday, March 12th.
  4. Awards/Fundraising (Pat Frank) - Vendor Fair has been successful, 53 attending with $10,000-11,000 made from fair so far.

Grants for Congress- Grants for Congress were discussed and the members to receive $750 for Congress were chosen. (Not including our president Martha Kline, who will receive the Cindy Boyer’s president grant for a thousand dollars due to being the acting president of the chapter)

The following members were voted by the board as being eligible for the grant through the contract obligation of having attended 75% of ONS meetings.

-Sue Lorah , Rosemary Wiggins , Sandy Lyon , Ro Tucci , Joy Hepkins , Bernadette Canuso , Cathy Sargent, and Pat Frank

  1. Membership (Marine Anne) 242 members designated but only 125 on email listing. Just a reminder that if you are not receiving ONS emails to let us know!
  2. Legislation (Betty) Congrats to Betty again, who won the Nurses in Washington scholarship. At this time they are waiting on the President’s budget, more updates to follow
  3. Newsletter (Joy Hepkins) Discussion on newsletter vs. personal website. Newsletter to possibly to come out in May
  4. Archives (Sandy)- no new updates at this time
  5. Secretary ( Allie Hilferty)- no new updates at this time

Best of ONS

A majority vote by Penns wood Board members has decide that this will be Penns wood last year working in the treasury department for Best of ONS after many years served on the board.