PCC and RN Core Competency Tool
Use a rating scale of 1 = low skills and 5 = high skills to assess the PCC’s or RN’s (your) current level of skill development for all attributes within each of the following 6 domains. Place a checkmark in the column corresponding to the skill rating that best describes the PCC’s or RN’s (your) current skill level.*
Domain / Attributes / Skill Rating
(1 = low; 5 = high)
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
I. Clinical Practice
Skills /
  1. Applies principles of population-based care to preventive and chronic care services

  1. Applies principles of population-based care to mental health problems

  1. Defines role accurately

  1. Shows understanding of relationship of medical and psychological systems

  1. Refers a broad range of patients to BHC

  1. Rapid problem identification for BHC referral

  1. Uses appropriate assessments

  1. Notes functional impact of problem

  1. Supports self-management, home-based practice

  1. Supports interventions recommended by BHC

  1. Demonstrates basic knowledge of best practice guidelines for common BH problems

  1. Ready to work with BHC in group medical visits

  1. Ready to work with BHC in providing primary care lifestyle groups or classes

II. Practice
Management Skills /
  1. Uses BHC referral to reduce length of medical visit

  1. Uses BHC visit to save a medical visit

  1. Shows capacity to use BHC for continuity visits

  1. Refers to BHC groups, classes and workshops

  1. Uses BHC to link with ACO, CCO, hospital, school or other staff not co-located

  1. Uses BHC to link patients with community resources

  1. Uses BHC to make phone contacts with patients

  1. Works effectively with PCBH registries

  1. Uses BHC to assess and as appropriate to triage to mental health and chemical dependency

III. Consultation
Skills /
  1. Understands consultative nature of BHC services

  1. Expects BHC consultation to focus on one problem or answer a question

  1. Seeks curbside consultations with BHC

  1. Willing to interrupt BHC visit, when indicated

  1. Asks BHC to research questions about patient care

IV. Documentation
Skills /
  1. Documents referral to BHC and referral problem in chart note

  1. Makes time for BHC to give 1-minute feedback on same day of BHC consult

  1. Clarifies responsibility for charting curbside conversation results

V. Team
Skills /
  1. Provides or supports standing orders for BHC

  1. Assures that team members know who is covering when PCC or RN is out of clinic

  1. Participates in PCBH pathway design and implementation

VI. Administrative
Skills /
  1. Knows multiple ways to access BHC services, both same-day and scheduled

  1. Has copy of PCBH program manual and appendix

  1. Knows what services BHC does not provide

*Note: This tool can be used by an expert trainer or clinical supervisor as part of a training and evaluation process and/or by the PCC or RN for self-assessment and career development planning.

Appendix B5-Page 1