Presentation from the Russian Federation

“The Experience of the Russian Federation in Responding to Emergency Situations”

Distinguished delegates,

Dear colleagues,

Let me share with you some Russian experience on the issue of the prevention and mitigation of the aftermaths of the emergency situation that proved to be successful, though not without drawbacks, in saving the lives of the people in crisis situations.

During last years the Ministry of Emergency Situations has successfully completed more than 20 thousand rescue operations in Russia and participated in more than 50 international operations in Russia and participated in more than 50 international operations in Russia and participated in more than 20 thousand rescue operations around the world. This helped us to develop really working and proved to be effective national functioning 24 hours a day system of the prevention and mitigation of the aftermaths of the emergency situation.

This federal system is being used in all the regions of the Russian Federation and serves as the basis for international cooperation. The Ministry of Emergency situations is the centre of this system.

Major structural parts of this system are civil defense forces, national firefighting system, search and rescue service, special aviation forces as well as territorial affiliates of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

The major directions of it’s activities are as follows

-Development of monitoring of hazardous natural changes and threats including earthquakes and tsunami;

-Upgrading the systems that control potentially dangerous objects;

-Raising the awareness and preparedness of the population in light of possible crisis situation;

-Upgrading the information sharing system that can be used to guide population in case of emergency situation;

-Raising the effectiveness of intra-service interaction on the territory of the Russian Federation as well as the international cooperation in this sphere.

We attach great importance to the development of modern hi-tech technologies in this sphere. Some of them were highly valued by our foreign partners and are already being used when countering the aftermaths of emergency situations.

The most effective is proved to be the so called”Global radius” system. It helps to deliver rescue personnel and necessary cargo to remote areas with the combined use of heavy and light aviation. Special aircrafts are being used in firefighting and fight against transboundary haze.

Distinguished delegates,

In our opinion the main directions of internal cooperation in that should be as follows:

-Exchange of information of earth monitoring including from space objects;

-Joint development of models of prognosis of possible threats and methods of reducing aftermaths of natural calamities;

-Joint hi-tech research work and production of the modern technologies;

-Exchange of experience;

-Development of joint programs that would be the basis for cooperation in case of natural calamity (without such programs we have to face unnecessary beaurocratic delays at the time when are to save people’s lives.