Ernesto Serna
Middle School
Week of August 7, 2017
Dear Choir Parents and Students,
Welcome to the new year!
This is my third year here at Serna Middle School. It’s going to be a great year. There are concerts and competitions coming up soon. The choir handbook will outline the dates and schedules that are essential for you to put on your calendar.
I look forward to teaching and learning with the students this school year.
Thank you for your support!
Hope M. Seamster
Choir Director
ErnestoSerna School
Important Dates:
(Subject to Change)
Fall concertTBA
Dia de los Hombres October 23 – 24 (boys)Socorro HS
Region Auditions November 4 Sun Ridge MS
Christmas ConcertDecember TBASocorro HS
SISD Choir ContestFebruary 28Socorro HS
UIL Choir Contest March 8-10Eastlake HS
Solo and Ensemble May 5Montwood HS
Spring ConcertMay 17th(tentative date)Ernesto Serna
Honor Recital TBASocorro HS
Letters will be sent home regarding added activities, dates and times. Information about fundraiserswill also be sent home. Please keep this information with your handbook.
Students will be given the opportunity to raise money for the choirthis year. Students must participate in at least one fundraiser this year. Documentation will be kept to guarantee the total amount each student raises.
All fundraiser money will be turned into the school account. The money raised will go towards purchasing items for use by the school choir such as accompanist fees, fees for contests, uniforms, snacks/meals for the choir, and other choir activities. This year I would like to purchase new uniforms for the students. This will require raising total of approximately $1,800.
Before the fundraiser begins, I will send home a parent permission letter. This letter will describe the fundraising activity and inform you of the due date. Students will not be allowed to participate in the fundraiser until they turn in the fundraiser permission form SIGNED BY YOU. Once the permission form is received, the student will be issued fundraising materials.
There is a $15 choir fee (enrichment fee) Please pay in cash. Fee is due Friday, sept 8th.
The enrichment fee pays for CONCERT AND CONTEST accompanists and other contest fees that will be incurred this year.
Choir shirt purchase is MANDATORY.
Choir shirts will cost $15.00.
Money forchoir shirts is due Friday, September 29th.
Choir shirts may be worn on Fridays, OR in the event that we have a choir activity such as a tour.
•Black 3 ringbinder: one inch to one and a half inch binder (BLACK, not blue)
•Composition book
•Notebook paper
•Pencils - Always!! This is part of your grade.
•1 box Kleenex
•Choir shirt and Fine Arts shirt
Classroom Rules
- Sing
- Choir requires participation in rehearsal, sight singing activities, and concerts.
- Be courteous and respectful to each other and to any adult present.
- If it isn’t yours DON’T touch!
- The office and closet are OFF LIMITS unless given permission to enter.
Procedures for Each Class
1.Be ON TIME for class.
2.NO GUM or candy allowed.
3.NO backpacks on risers.
4.Collect choir binders from bins.
5.ALWAYS have a pencil.
6.Mark music in PENCIL ONLY!
7.Sit in designated spot on the risers.
8.Be ready to SING.
Choir dress codes for formal concerts
•black shirt with short, ¾, or long sleeves
•Black skirt: knee length or longer
•Black tights and black shoes
Hair must be pulled back away from the face and worn in a ponytail or a bun.
Braids and twists are great but all hair must be pulled away from the face unless you have short bangs.
•black slacks
•Long sleevebutton down black dress shirt
•Black DRESS SOCKS and black shoes
Required performances
Region Auditions and Solo and Ensemble are REQUIRED FOR ALL 2ND AND 3RD YEAR CHOIR STUDENTS. No exceptions. Please mark those dates in your calendar now.
In the event a student is absent from a performance, the following assignment will be given.
Date: ______
Alternate activity for students:
Your child ______must complete the following assignment due to their absence at ______.
Students will write a 3 page typed report on a composer of MY choosing. Paper must be single spaced with font no larger than 12.They will also create a 10 slide (minimum) power point presentation with 2 audio examples from that composer. The students must present their project by______. No exceptions.
Hard work and diligence are necessary to build and maintain a quality program. Absence from a concert or contest constitutes two zeroes. Concerts and contests are a test grade and a participation grade.
Attendance for concerts is MANDATORY.
Concerts carry the highest percentage of the 9 weeks grade. If your child is NOT invited to perform due to poor behavior attendance is STILL required. Students who are not invited to perform will complete a “Concert Report” while sitting in the audience. The essay will be turned in the following day in lieu of the concert performance grade.
If you have an issue with transportation, please let me know IN ADVANCE so that arrangements can be made. Please do not wait until the week of the concert. You will be considered absent if you are not there due to lack of a ride.
Please return the last 3 pages of this handbook to school on or before
Friday, august 25
Reminder: There is a $15 choir fee (enrichment fee) Please pay in cash. Fee is due Friday, sept 8th.
The enrichment fee pays for accompanists and other contest fees that will be incurred this year.
Student Emergency Information
Student Name: ______Date of Birth: _____/______/_____
Parent/Guardian: ______
Home telephone number: ______work / cell: ______
Emergency contact: ______Telephone: ______
Doctor: ______Telephone: ______
Preferred hospital: ______
Please list any medical conditions and/or allergies that doctors would need to know:
(ie. Diabetes, allergy to bee sings, etc.)
Please list any medications your child takes on a regular basis:
Dear Ms. Seamster,
My parents, and I have completely read the Ernesto Serna Choir Handbook.
Student Signature / DateParent Signature / Date
(Travel Segment)
______HAS my permission to attend all of the functions of the Ernesto Serna Choir during the present school year. This includes all trips on buses for in-town and out-of-town activities that will be taken. In the event of an accident or emergency, I will not hold the SocorroIndependentSchool District or its employees responsible. In case of an emergency, I may be reached at the following telephone number(s).
Telephone Number # 1 / Telephone Number # 2Parent’s Printed Name
Parent’s Signature / Date
(Audio/Visual Segment)
The Choir Director of ErnestoSernaSchoolHAS my permission to Audio and/or Video Tape ______during the present school year. I understand this will be mainly used as an educational learning tool, and the audio/video may also be used as documentation. The Choir Director will not sell or allow unauthorized personnel to view or listen to these tapes. I understand that if I decline allowing permission, my child will be removed from the room or area while taping is in progress. I also understand that this will in no way cause my child to be treated any differently because I so decline.
Student’s Signature / DateParent’s Signature / Date
I, ______, wish to be contacted for the purposes of assisting in any activities that should arise during the school year. I understand that a background check must be conducted so that I may ride on the bus as a part of the group.
Parent’s Signature / Date