Board of Trustees MeetingPage 1

February 17, 2004



February 17, 2004

7:00 p.m.


President Marc Chaloupka called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. with seven members present.


President Marc Chaloupka, Vice-President Tim Jones, Secretary Mary Broussard, Trustees Steve Aldrich, Dayne Foster, Larry Johnson and Susan Lowy were present.


Steve Johnson, Superintendent, introduced Oliver Hadnot, Principal at College Station Middle School, who recognized two of CSMS’s finest, Eighth Grader Randi Pitcock and Eighth Grader Ashlyn Webb. Ashlyn Webb led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag. Randi Pitcock led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas Flag.


Randi Pitcock led the audience in a Moment of Silence.


E-1. Students

a. National Merit Finalists

Congratulations to the following A&MConsolidatedHigh School students named finalists in the 2004 National Merit Scholarship Program. Approximately 14,000 finalists were named. The nationwide pool of finalists, which represents less than one percent of U.S. high schools, is made up of the highest scoring entrants in each state. The finalists from A&MConsolidatedHigh School are Kevin Cunagin, Daniel Furuta, Janet Hess, Nuvan Rathnayaka, Christopher Simpson, Susan Spivey and Patrick Walton.

E-2. Staff

a. District 6 Assistant Principal of the Year

The Assistant Principal Award recognizes outstanding school administrators for their educational leadership and dedication to children. Honorees were recognized Monday, February 9 at 8:15 a.m. during the TEPSA Assistant Principals Conference at the Austin Omni Southpark Hotel and again at the TEPSA Awards Banquet Wednesday, June 9 at the Austin Renaissance Hotel. “We are delighted to honor these educators whose commitment to excellence is evident in their daily service to children,” said TEPSA Executive Director Sandi Borden. TEPSA represents more than 5,000 elementary and middle school leaders, including principals, assistant principals, central office administrators and supervisors of reading, mathematics, science, special education and other disciplines. Formed in 1917, TEPSA was created to improve children’s futures by bettering education at the elementary level. Congratulations to Donna Bairrington-Slaughter.

F. HEARING OF CITIZENS (Non-Agenda/Agenda Items)


G. HEARING OF EMPLOYEES (Non-Agenda/Agenda Items)

1. Judy McLeod addressed the Board of Trustees recognizing and acknowledging Dr. Steve Johnson on behalf of the Career Technology Administrators of Texas. Dr. Johnson recently spoke to those Texas educators in Austin at the CATE Conference. Ms. McLeod praised Dr. Johnson for his dedication and service toward the education of Texas children.


Approval of Minutes; Curriculum and Instruction: Agenda Item K-2: Consider Approval of Head Start Application, Agenda Item K-3: Consider Approval of GT Waiver, Agenda Item K-4: Consider Approval of Policy Update 72: AF (EXHIBIT), BAA (LEGAL), BBD (LEGAL), BBE (LEGAL), BBFA (LEGAL), BBG (LEGAL), BDF (LEGAL), BQ (LEGAL), BQA (LEGAL), BQB (LEGAL), BR (LEGAL), CCA (LEGAL), CDB (LEGAL), DFC (LEGAL), CREA (LEGAL), CHF (LEGAL), CL (LEGAL), CLE (LEGAL), CO (LEGAL), CPAB (LEGAL), CR (LEGAL) CRB (LEGAL), CRD (LEGAL), CS (LEGAL), CV (LEGAL), DBB (LEGAL), DBD (LEGAL), DEA (LEGAL), DEE (LEGAL), DF (LEGAL), FAA (LEGAL), DFAC (LEGAL), DFBA (LEGAL), DFBB (LEGAL), DFD (LEGAL), DH (LEGAL), DK (LEGAL), DMA (LEGAL), EB (LEGAL), EEL (LEGAL), EHAA (LEGAL), EHAB (LEGAL), EHBAA (LEGAL), EHBAB (LEGAL), EHBC (LEGAL), EHBF (LEGAL), EHBK (LEGAL), EHDE (LEGAL), EI (LEGAL), EIF (LEGAL), EKB (LEGAL), EL (LEGAL), F (LEGAL), FEA (LEGAL), FED (LEGAL), FFAB (LEGAL), FFG (LEGAL), FL (LEGAL), FNCH (LEGAL), FO (LEGAL) FOA (LEGAL, FOAA (LEGAL), FOAB (LEGAL), FOAB (EXHIBIT), FOAC (LEGAL), FOB (LEGAL), FOC (LEGAL), FOC (EXHIBIT), FOCA (LEGAL), FOD (LEGAL), FODA (LEGAL), FOE (LEGAL), FOF (LEGAL), G (LEGAL), GBA (LEGAL), GKD (LEGAL), GKDA (LEGAL), GNB (LEGAL), GND (LEGAL), GRA (LEGAL), GRA (EXHIBIT); Personnel: Agenda Item L-1: Consider Approval of Resignations/Retirements, Agenda Item L-2: Consider Approval of Employments, Agenda Item L-3: Consider Approval of Contracts for Administrators; Business Affairs: Agenda Item M-2: Consider Approval of Tax Refund (a) Brauer, Roland J. and Louvena; Tax Year 2003; 2003 Supp. No. 5 add OA w/Port; $1,702.98; Agenda Item M-3: Consider Approval of Monthly Financial Reports (Reports Covering the period of January 1-31, 2004), Agenda Item M-4: Consider Approval of Monthly Budget Amendment Number 6 which amends the previously approved budget for the fiscal year ending August 31, 2004 in the amount of $83,177; Elections: Agenda Item N-2: Appointment of Designees for Filing Purposes (Approved Beth French, Gayle Brakefield, Cari Horn, Pam MacDonald, Sheridan Schoen, and Barbara Shuler to accept filing documents from candidates); Agenda Item N-3: Consider Approval of Joint Resolution for 5/15/04 Election (CSISD and City of College Station hold joint election annually).

MOTION 3465: I move approval of the Consent Agenda, as presented. The motion was made by Susan Lowy and seconded by Larry Johnson. The motion carried with seven ayes.


I-1. Committee and Representative Reports (CSISD/City Liaison, DEIC, PAC, Finance/Facilities, Wolf Pen TIF, Superintendent Evaluation Oversight, Education Foundation, Policy/Board Operation, Safe Routes To Schools, Policy Council for Head Start)

Trustee Steve Aldrich stated no report for the CSISD/City Liaison Committee.

Trustee Susan Lowy reported that DEIC met on February 11th and discussed the District Improvement Plan for 2004-05.

Tim Jones reported that PAC met on February 4th and Retire-Rehire was again a topic of concern.

Tim Jones reported stated no report for the Finance/Facilities Committee.

Marc Chaloupka stated that a meeting is scheduled for Friday, February 20th for the Wolf Pen TIF Committee.

Susan Lowy stated that the process for evaluating the Superintendent will be completed in Executive Session tonight.

Dayne Foster stated that the Education Foundation Committee has met and discussed the Spring grant process, the Golf Tournament, and financial housekeeping.

Larry Johnson stated no report for the Policy/Board Operation Committee. Mr. Johnson asked for Board Trustees to send him items of concern for this committee to address.

Susan Lowy stated no report for the Safe Routes to Schools Committee.

Susan Lowy reported regarding the Policy Council for Head Start Committee. Current items of concern are the new federal requirement for seat restraints on busses for Head Start students. Another requirement is that each bus must have a Bus Monitor. The CSISD Head Start program is full with 178 children in the program and a waiting list of 51.


K-1. Consider Approval of Textbook Adoption

Eddie Coulson, Deputy Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction, address the Board of Trustees regarding Textbook Adoptions for School Years 2004-2005, and 2005-2006. The adoption of textbooks is an annual process instituted by the Texas Education Agency. This year the adoption cycle focused on the following areas: Biology, Career & Technology, English as a Second Language (ESL), andTechnology Applications. Because of issues with state funding for textbooks, only Biology, Biology AP and English as a Second Language textbooks have been approved for purchase for the 2004-2005 school year. All other textbooks selected will be delayed for purchase until the 2005-2006 school year.

Public display, extended hours, Saturday viewing, paid advertisements were featured in The Eagle, CSISD’s website and cable station were all used to make proposed textbooks available for review. Copies of the proposed textbooks and supplemental materials were available at each campus for review, publishers were invited to make presentations, and staff members were sent to the Region VI Textbook Fair.

The textbooks recommended by the Textbook Selection Committee for the 2004-2005 school year are:

Biology / Prentice Hall
Biology AP / Prentice Hall
English as a Second Language (ESL), Grades 3-5 / Harcourt

The textbooks recommended by the Textbook Selection Committee for the 2005-2006 school year are:

Agricultural Science & Technology Education / CEV Multimedia
Agricultural Metal Fabrication Technology / Delmar
Anatomy & Physiology / Elsevier
Animal Science / Prentice Hall
Apparel / Glencoe
Applied Agricultural Science & Technology / Delmar
Architectural Graphics / Prentice Hall
Business Computer Information Systems I / Prentice Hall
Business Computer Information Systems II / Prentice Hall
Business Law / Glencoe
Child Development / Glencoe
Communication Graphics / Goodheart-Willcox
Engineering Graphics / Goodheart-Willcox
English as a Second Language (ESL), Grades K-2 / Rigby
English as a Second Language (ESL), Grades 6-8 / Pearson/Longman
Equine Science / Delmar
Floral Design & Interior Landscape Mgmt. / Prentice Hall
Food Technology / Delmar
Health Science Technology I / Delmar
Horticulture / Delmar
Interior Design / Goodheart-Willcox
Introduction to Agricultural Mechanics / Delmar
Introduction to Business / Glencoe
Introduction to Horticultural Science / Prentice Hall
Introduction to World Agriculture Science & Technology / Delmar
Keyboarding, Grades 9-12 / Thomson South-western
Landscape Design, Construction & Maintenance / Delmar
Management / Goodheart-Willcox
Media Technology / Goodheart-Willcox
Nutrition & Food Science / Glencoe
Personal & Family Development / Goodheart-Willcox
Protective Services / Prentice Hall
Technology Applications, Grades K-5 / Classroom Connect
Technology Applications, Grades 6-8 / Prentice Hall
Technology Applications, Middle School / Goodheart-Willcox
Technology Systems (Barbara) / Goodheart-Willcox
Textile & Apparel Design / CEV Multimedia
Wildlife & Recreation Management / Delmar

Spanish versions of selected textbooks will be ordered as appropriate.

MOTION 3466: I move approval of the Textbook Committee’s recommendation for adoption of textbooks as presented. The motion was made by Susan Lowy and seconded by Mary Broussard. The motion carried with seven ayes.


Mike Ball, Deputy Superintendent for Business & Operations, addressed the Board of Trustees regarding the issuance of Bonds. Mr. Ball explained that this agenda item is two-fold: the first being to authorize an Order to issue the bonds and the second being to award the bid for the bonds.

M-1(a). Consider an Order Authorizing the Issuance of College Station Independent School District Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2004, in the aggregate principal amount of $14,000,000 and other matters relating thereto.

On September 19, 1998 the voters of College StationIndependentSchool District authorized the issuance of debt to finance the building of school facilities in an election. Authorized but unissued debt in the amount of $14,000,000 remains at this time. Mike Ball introduced Steve Elliott, Sr. Vice President of Southwest Securities, and Peter Tart, Attorney at Law with McCall, Parkhurst, and Horton, who addressed the Board regarding the outstanding business relationship their respective firms have had and continue to have with CSISD,

MOTION 3467: I move approval of theOrder Authorizing the Issuance of College Station Independent School District Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds Series 2004, in the aggregate amount of $14,000,000 and Other Matters Related Thereto. The motion was made by Steve Aldrich and seconded by Tim Jones. The motion carried with seven ayes.

M-1(b). Consider Awarding the Bids for Unlimited TaxSchoolBuilding Bonds, Series 2004

Mike Ball, Deputy Superintendent for Business & Operations, presented information to the Board of Trustees regarding the bid process for the sale of the CSISD Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2004. An auction was conducted on the afternoon of February 17, 2004 for the True Interest Cost of the bonds. The auction was conducted electronically. Six firms participated in the bidding. The firm with the lowest True Interest Cost is Legg Mason Wood Walker, Inc. It is recommended that the Board of Trustees of College Station Independent School District consider approval of the bid from Legg Mason Wood Walker, Inc. for the College Station Independent School District Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2004 at a True Interest Cost of 3.932918 percent.

MOTION 3468: I move approval of awarding the bid from Legg Mason Wood Walker, Inc. for the College Station Independent School District Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2004 at a True Interest Cost of 3.932918 percent. The motion was made by Steve Aldrich and seconded by Mary Broussard. The motion carried with seven ayes.


N-1. Receive Report on School Board Continuing Education

Board Policy BBD Legal requires that at the annual Board meeting at which the call for election of Board Members is normally considered, the Board President shall cause the minutes to reflect the members who have and have not completed the required continuing education. Board members must complete training required by the State Board of Education (SBOE). Continuing education for Board members includes a local District orientation session, an orientation to the Texas Education Code, an annual team-building session with the Board and the Superintendent, and continuing education based on identified needs. In the first year of service, Board members shall receive at least ten hours of continuing education in fulfillment of assessed needs and following the first year of service, Board members shall receive at least five hours of continuing education annually in fulfillment of assessed needs.

Board Members have completed the following hours in continuing education:

Marc Chaloupka / Hours / Tier II / 4.00 hours
Tier III / 27.50 hours
Total / 31.50 hours
Tim Jones / Hours / Tier II / 4.00 hours
Tier III / 12.75 hours
Total / 16.75 hours
Mary Broussard / Hours / Tier II / 4.00 hours
Tier III / 17.50 hours
Total / 21.50 hours
Steve Aldrich / Hours / Tier I / 3.75 hours
Tier II / 4.00 hours
Tier III / 16.75 hours
Total / 20.50 hours
Dayne Foster / Hours / Tier II / 4.00 hours
Tier III / 15.74 hours
Total / 19.75 hours
Larry Johnson / Hours / Tier II / 4.00 hours
Tier III / 12.50 hours
Total / 16.50 hours
Susan Lowy / Hours / Tier II / 4.00 hours
Tier III / 14.50 hours
Total / 18.50 hours
Total / 145.00 hours


Trustee Steve Aldrich publicly acknowledged and thanked Superintendent Steve Johnson for outstanding leadership, most recently shown by his presentation at 3 sessions regarding Public School Finance which were held in the CSISD Board Room on February 2nd, February 9th, and February 16th.

O-1. Receive Status Report on ForestRidgeElementary School

Superintendent Steve Johnson spoke briefly regarding the status of the construction of ForestRidgeElementary School, thanking everyone for their hard work. He then introduced Steve Aloway, VLK Architect, who presented a powerpoint presentation showing more specific information regarding the construction ofForestRidgeElementary School. Mr. Aloway discussed possibilities related to materials, mediums, layouts, color schemes, etc. as they could possibly relate to the seven regions of Texas: South Texas Plains, Hill Country, Piney Woods, GulfCoast, Big Bend, Panhandle, and Plains & Lakes.

President Marc Chaloupka inquired about the Board’s involvement prior to finalizing plans for construction. Mr. Aloway deferred to Superintendent Johnson who asked that the Board of Trustees be open to scheduling additional Workshops and Special Meetings, if necessary, in order for the construction to stay on its projected timeline. ForestRidgeElementary School is projected to open for the 2005-06 school year.


P-1. Superintendent Evaluation

President Chaloupka announced that in accordance with Section 551.071 through 551.084 of the Texas Government Code, the Board of Trustees will go into executive session to discuss the Superintendent Evaluation. The Board of Trustees went into executive session at 8:15 p.m.


Without objection, President Marc Chaloupka adjourned the meeting at 9:30 p.m.

Marc Chaloupka Mary Broussard

President Secretary