St. Aloysius School

Spanish Curriculum


The goal is to make the foreign language available to all students K-8 . After completion of eight years of Spanish study, a students should be able to:

1. Participate in brief conversations over familiar topics using simple sentences.

2. Comprehend the spoken language in the form of directions, commands, questions, and structured conversations and simple narrative descriptions.

3. Read graded narrative and cultural materials over familiar topics.

4. Write most of the language that can be produced orally.

5. Have a basic understanding of the different cultures in which Spanish is spoken.

6. Demonstrate a basic knowledge of the Hispanic geographic areas.


  • Communicative Approach
  • Cooperative learning
  • TPR: The Total Physical Response exercises should gradually increase in difficulty from grade 1 to 8 and extensive vocabulary should be added, especially in the seventh and eighth years. All concepts taught in the earlier years should be incorporated into the upper levels' lessons.
  • Authentic Material


Listening Comprehension

After completion of eight years of Spanish study, the students will be able to understand oral conversation in Spanish on a variety of familiar topics when spoken by a native speaker in a slowed pattern with frequent repetitions.

The students will be able to:

1. Comprehend the spoken language in the form of directions, commands, questions, structured conversations and simple narrative descriptions.

2. Respond by actions to commands with classroom activities

3. Comprehend and follow directions involved with:

a) Parts of the body

b) Shapes, colors, numbers

c) Clothing and family

d) Parts of the house, furniture

e) Food, meals, At the restaurant

f) Telling the time, days of the week, months

g) Travel-At the Airport

h) Prayers

i) Weather, seasons

j) Classroom objects

k) Animals

l) Emotions

m) Free-time activities, Sports

n) Daily activities

o) Buildings in the city f) Description of people



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Reading Skills

After completion of eight years of Spanish study, the students will be able when reading to demonstrate understanding of:

1. Vocabulary of the curriculum.

2. Written messages based on this vocabulary.

3. Differences in meaning as conveyed through different grammatical structures of a written message.

4. Written materials based on prior written knowledge as well as pictorial clues.

5. Different Short Stories chosen according to students’ level, needs and likes.

Speaking Skills

After completion of eight years of Spanish study, the students will be able to participate in brief conversations over familiar topics.

a) greetings,

b) information questions

c) weather descriptions

d) telling the time

e) simple emotions and simple statements of health

f) dates

g) family relationships

h) describing the home

i) buying a product

j) describing clothing

k) modes of transportation

l) Spanish-speaking countries and their capitals



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Writing Skills

After completion of eight years of Spanish study, the students will be able to perform written skills using the following grammar:

1. Use verbs in the present indicative

a) Regular -ar, -er, and -ir verbs

2. Execute the proper gender/number agreement and position of the following with the modified noun

a) definite articles

b) indefinite articles

c) adjectives of description

d) adjectives of nationality

e) possessive adjectives

f) demonstrative adjectives

3. Correctly utilize idiomatic expressions with the verbs hacer and tener

4. Utilize the following constructions in the present indicative:

a) tener + que + infinitive

b) ir + a + infinitive

5. Form interrogative sentences using inversion and question words in present indicative


After completion of eight years of Spanish, the student will be familiar with vocabulary for the following topics:

a) Parts of the body

b) Shapes, colors, numbers

c) Clothing and family

d) Parts of the house, furniture

e) Food, meals, At the restaurant

f) Telling the time, days of the week, months

g) Travel-At the Airport

h) Prayers

i) Weather, seasons

j) Classroom objects

k) Animals

l) Emotions

m) Free-time activities, Sports

n) Daily activities

o) Buildings in the city

p) Description of people



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Cultural Awareness

After completion of eight years of Spanish study, the student will be able to demonstrate an increased awareness of Hispanic geographical areas and the traditions and customs of the people living within these areas.

The students will be able to:

1. Identify Spanish-speaking countries and capitals on a world map.

2. Describe the values, beliefs and traditions of many Spanish-speaking countries as related to family life, school, work, travel, and major holidays as compared to, and contrasted with, the United States.

3. Indicate an awareness of language and cultural differences among various Hispanic countries.

4. Pen-Pal with native speakers from Córdoba-Argentina: “Jesús María School”

5. Songs: from Spanish-speaking countries.

6. Exploring Spanish Through Culture: with art, traditional games, and recipies.

Grade 1 Syllabus

Textbook: Vocabulary Booklet, TPR guide Manuelita for the teacher and workbook for students.

1st Quarter:

TPR: 30 commands

Vocabulary: Classroom Objects I, colors, numbers 1-10

Song: “Muy Buenos Dias” y “Para hacer Silencio”

Salutations: Good morning/afternoon, Good bye, How are you doing? What is your name? What is your teacher’s name? What is her/his name?

Emotions: cansado, contento, asustado, triste.

Story: “The Little Red Hen”

Prayer: La Señal de la Cruz

2nd Quarter:

TPR: 30 commands

Vocabulary: Vocabulary: Fruits (ten), Vegetables (five), Meals (carne, pollo, hamburguesas, arroz, pure, agua, pan, helado), table-setting, review numbers 1-20 and toys

Song: “El Payaso Plin-Plin”

Short Stories: “Santa Clause”

Questions and answers: What is your teacher’s name? What is her/his name?

Prayer: La Señal de la Cruz

3rd Quarter:

TPR: Role reversal, combination of commands learned, inclusion of new vocabulary in commands already learned.

Vocabulary: Parts of the body I (related to the five senses), adjectives (related to the five senses),days of the week and school objects and numbers 15-30.

Characters: Paula and Pedro (dolls)

Song: “Days of the Week” and “El Gallo Pinto”

Short Story: “If you take a mouse to school”

Prayer: La Señal de la Cruz

4th Quarter:

TPR: Role reversal, combination of commands learned, inclusion of new vocabulary in commands already learned.

Vocabulary: Family members, The Planets, Months and birthday, farm animals, ABC vocabulary, domestic and farm animals

Song: “Manuelita”

Review from other quarters

Prayer: Glory



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Grade 2 Syllabus

Textbook: Vocabulary Booklet, TPR guide Manuelita for the teacher.

1st Quarter:

TPR: 30 commands. ( Six commands per week)

Vocabulary: More Classroom Objects III, Colors, review numbers 1-20, shapes, vowels.

Salutations: same as 1st grade, How old are you?

Song: “Buenos Dias Sol”

Short Story: “The Napping House” and “The Hungry Caterpillar”

Prayer: La Señal de la Cruz y Gloria

2nd Quarter:

TPR: 15 commands. (Six commands per week)

Vocabulary: Numbers 20-30, additions in Spanish, Animals (pets and farm animals and add more.

Parts of the Body: Poem and TPR

Questions and answers: Which is your favorite animal? Which is my favorite animal? Which is her/his favorite animal?

Song: “El Payaso Plin-Plin”

Short Story: “Santa Clause”

Play: Winter

3rd Quarter:

TPR: Role reversal, combination of commands learned, inclusion of new vocabulary in commands already learned.

Vocabulary: Numbers: 30-40, additions and subtractions in Spanish, Clothing I, Seasons and Clothes.

Questions and answers: What is the weather like today? Sunny, rainy, windy, cloudy, hot, cold. Which is your favorite season? When is your birthday?

Song: “El Gallo Pinto”.

Story: “Olivia”

4th Quarter:

TPR: Role reversal, combination of commands learned, inclusion of new vocabulary in commands already learned.

Vocabulary: Numbers 40-50, additions and subtractions in Spanish, Days of the week, Meals and food, Adjectives I (antonyms)

Questions and answers: (revision) What is your name?, How old are you?, What is your favorite animal, season, fruit, vegetable and meal?

Song: “La Senora Vaca Song”.

Grade 3 Syllabus

1st Quarter:

TPR: 54 commands (six commands per week)


a) Review colors, classroom objects, parts of the body I-II, and numbers 1-30. (Put emphasis on written work).

b) Months, Days of the week.

Questions and Answers: When is your birthday?, What day is it today?, What is your name? How old are you?

Song: “Manuelita”

Play: “The Fall” (video-taping).

Prayer: La Señal de la Cruz y el Gloria . Prayer before lunch.

2nd Quarter:

TPR: more TPR commands. Review the ones learned in first quarter.


c) Geography study: Desert, Forest, Savanna, North-South Pole, Oceans, Jungle (with animals and weather). Location on the map of different regions. Numbers: 60-70

d) Cities and Buildings: houses, school, bank, church, library, grocery store, restaurant, hospital, gas station, post office. Locate some Spanish-speaking cities on a map.

Questions and Answers: What is the weather like today? What is today’s date? Where do whales live, where do elephants live, etc? What is the weather like in the North Pole?

Play: “Winter is Here”. (video-taping)

3rd Quarter:

TPR: Role reversal, combination of commands learned, inclusion of new vocabulary in commands already learned.


e) Occupations

f) Transportation

g) Review buildings (Where does a teacher work? Where does a doctor work?,etc)

h) Numbers: 30-60 , additions, subtractions and multiplications.

Song: “El Mundo al Reves”

Nursery Rhyme : “Pat a torta Panadero”.

4th Quarter:

TPR:Role reversal, combination of commands learned, inclusion of new vocabulary in commands already learned.


-The Universe: the planets.

-Stories: “La Cenicienta” (Cinderella), “Viva la Primavera” (Hooray for the Spring), and “ La Caperucita Roja” (Little Red-Riding Hood).

-Numbers: 90-100. (revision 1-100)

Questions and answers: Drama: “At the restaurant: What would you like to eat? What would you like to drink?

Song: “El Reino del Reves”


Grade 4 Syllabus

1st Quarter:

Review: Days of the week, daily activities, classroom objects, telling the time, tengo……., family.

Body Parts: Unit 1. Which are your body parts? Talking about what hurts. Going to the doctor’s.

Acting: Going to the doctor’s and going shopping

Songs: Hokey Pokey in Spanish

Short Story: “El Capoquero Tree”. (Vocabulary Focus: jungle animals)

2nd Quarter:

Description of People: Unit 3. What do you look like? Describing yourself and others, comparing people, personality, emotions. Description of family members.

Houses: Unit 4. Description of the parts of a house, verb: tener and estar, personal pronouns.

Furniture: Unit 5. What is there inside a house? Describing your house/your room. Designing your dream house/room. Where is….?, near-next to, on-under, feminine-masculine articles and nouns.

Acting: Buying a house.

Writing Project: Selling a House Collage.

3rd Quarter:

The Kitchen: Unit 6. Activities in the kitchen (some verbs ending in ar-er-ir), things that you find in the kitchen, more daily activities.

House-keeping, Daily chores: Verbs and tengo que…..(I have to…)

Song: “ El Reino del Revés”, “Cu-Cú. Cu-Cú’.

TPR commands: numbers and shapes. Verbs: daily actions.

Spanish- Speaking Project: to learn about 6 Spanish-speaking countries (Cuba, El Salvador, Argentina, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Venezuela). Students will design posters to decorate the hallways. Speaking Presentations and note-taking. (pictures will be taken).

Rhyming Words: in Spanish. To help them remember vocabulary and learn about gender in Spanish words. Hands-on Activity: Puzzle.

4th Quarter:

Adjectives: Antonimos y sinomimos.

Sentence Formulas: using nouns and adjectives learned in previous lessons students will learn to write down full sentences in Spanish using formulas and symbols to remember the order of words. Verbs to be learned: to be and to have (first and third person).

Spanish-speaking countries: México, España, Honduras, Chile, Peru, and Panama. (refer to 3rd quarter for more details under Spanish-Speaking countries)

Review: putting everything together

Song: “Tengo un hermanito”

TPR: focus on classroom commands.



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5th Grade

1st Quarter:

TPR commands: Classroom commands.

Vocabulary: School objects, ABC words, School calendar in Spanish, Subjects in Spanish.

Short Story: “El Capoquero Tree”.

At School: . What do you do at school?. People that work there. Rooms at your school. Verb: trabajar. Subjects at school. Staff and building in a school. Talk about the staff and faculty at St. Aloysius and where they work.

Having Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner: What do you usually have for lunch or dinner? At what time?, Likes and dislikes: ¿Qué te gusta más…?, ¿Qué no te gusta?, Verb gustar: me gusta, te gusta, le/s gusta, nos gusta, Healthy food, recipies from Spanish-speaking countries.

Play: “At the restaurant” (Students design their own menus for presentation) (Video-taping).

Video-watching: “Yanina and Belen’s favorite recipie”.

Culture: The Incas, the Mayas and Aztecs. Spanish Speaking countries (capitals, location and flags).

2nd Quarter:

Telling the Time: review numbers. (Book: Spanish is Fun).

Daily Activities: I wake up…, I have breakfast at…, I do my homework at…etc. Reflexive verbs: first and third person.

Reading and Comprehension: Carolina’s and Pedro’s routine. Skills: Scanning for specific information. Final Writing Project: Write a paragraph about a family member in Spanish following the sample paragraphs. Speaking Presentation and note-taking on paragraphs.

 Stories: “Don Quixote de la Mancha” (to practice pronunciation of characters and learn some basic vocabulary from the story. Spain: its culture (music, food, and more).

TPR: numbers, shapes, and prepositions.

Culture: 5 de Mayo Celebration, Project: Papel Picado.

6th Grade

1st Quarter:

Buying Clothes, Weather and Seasons: real clothes to teach vocabulary (memory game, cross-word connecting words). Play: “Going Shopping: (video-taping).

Describing Professions: where they work and what do they do. Hands-on Activity: Puzzle: matching a profession with place of work and activity. Writing Project: describe pictures of people and their jobs.

Vocabulary: professions, verbs, places in the city, clothes.

Grammar: verb to be, possessive pronouns (his, her), basic sentences.

TPR: classroom commands.

Personal Questions: (written and speaking Activities). Vocabulary: name, age, birthday, birthplace, school name, favorite subject, favorite sport and weekend activities.

2nd Quarter:


Nationalities and Description of People: Where are you from?, nationalities from around the world. Map study: countries, continents, , geography. Locate Spanish-speaking countries. Describe people: Profession, age, nationality and birthday. Paragraph writing and collage with pictures (group activity)

Entertainment: Going to the movies, TV programs, TV and Movie programs: What is it being shown in theatres in Spanish-speaking countries?, How much does it cost to go to the movies in Latin America?, movies’ titles in Spanish. Which is your favorite movie?. Getting to know TV programs in Latin America, What is your favorite TV program?.

Play: “Going to the Movies”. (note-taking and speaking presentation).

Hobbies and Sports: What is your favorite hobby?, What do you like doing in your free time?, What about your family?, What do you do over the weekend?, What’s your favorite sport? Do you practice any sport? How often do you practice? Would you like to practice any sport?.

Grammar: Adjectives in Spanish, the verb to be, verb “I like” (me gusta, te gusta, le gusta).

Textbooks: “Spanish is Fun” by Amsco and “En Espanol 1a” by Mc Dougal Littell.

Cultural Activities: Friendship Bracelets from Guatemala (weaving), Spanish- speaking countries (their capitals, flags, location).

South America: its countries, geography, animals and more.

7th Grade

“En Espanol 1a” and Workbook “Mas Practica” by

Mc Dougal Littell.

1st Quarter:

Unit 1: En Espanol 1a: Etapa 3

  • Grammar: verbs to be, to have and to feel or be at (ser, tener y estar).
  • Vocabulary: giving dates, personal questions, family description.
  • Writing: students will practice writing paragraphs in Spanish (10-15 lines) with personal information and family information.

Unit 2: En Espanol 1a: Etapa 1

  • Grammar: Ar verbs, conjugation (Present Tense)
  • Vocabulary: school vocabulary, school subjects, adverbs of frequency.
  • Conversation: daily schedule with AR verbs.

TPR: verbs

2nd Quarter:

Unit 2: En Espanol 1a: Etapa 2

  • Grammar: Ir-Er verbs, some irregular verbs (Present Tense).
  • Ask personal questions (daily activities0
  • Telling time
  • Estar + location
  • Interrogative words

Unit 2: En Espanol 1a: Etapa 3

  • Grammar: Estar (location and feelings) Review; present tense ar, er and ir verbs.
  • Tener sed and tener hambre: (I am thirsty and hungry).
  • My Activities: discuss plans, sequence events, talk about people you know.

Workbook:“Mas Practica” Students will have homework from this workbook to practice what we learn in class.

Cultural Note:Spanish-speaking countries (capital cities, location, flags, traditional foods). Mexican Folk Art: Amate paintings.

Central America: and its countries, geography, animals and more.

8th Grade

“En Espanol 1a”. “En Espanol 1b” and Workbook “Mas Practica” by Mc Dougal Littell.

Ventana Book by Mc Dougal Littell (reading book).

Lecturas para Todos by Mc Dougal Littell (reading book).

1st Quarter:

Unit 3: En Espanol 1a: Etapa 1,2 and 3

  • Grammar: jugar, stem-changing verbs, saber, acabar de + infinitive, venir, review regular ar-er and ir verbs, verb ir.
  • Vocabulary: sports, weather, making comparisons, review and learn adjectives
  • Writing: students will practice writing paragraphs in Spanish (20-25 lines) with personal information and family information.
  • Communication: Talk about free time activities, talk about sports, describe the weather, describe how you feel, describe future events, describe your daily routine.
  • Readings: “El Baseball”, “La Ecologia” and “Estrellas de la Cancion Latina”.
  • Culture: Spanish-speaking countries (capitals, location, flags, and money). El Dia de los Muertos bread (recipie). Amate paitings from Mexico.

TPR: verbs