blog: Mrs. Goff ‘s

Intermediate Algebra Disclosure Statement

Welcome to Intermediate Algebra. I am looking forward to a great year as we work together to become better mathematicians. In this course you will continue to improve your algebra skills while gaining hands-on experience with graphing calculators. We will be learning where and when math is used in the real world and explore interesting topics. We will discover that math is relevant and exciting and how it is connected to other subject areas.

Class Guidelines:

The expectations for this class are very simple: (1) be in your assigned seat when the bell rings, (2) bring your algebra notebook, textbook, paper, pencil and calculator to class every day, (3) all other electronic equipment must be offduring class, (4) food and drinks are not permitted in class, and (5) respect the other students in class.

Calculator recommendations:

We will be using a graphing calculator extensively during class this year so it is vital that you have one to use. A TI-83 or TI-84 is highly recommended. You may rent one from the school for $30 on a first-come-first-served basis. Obtain the rental agreement from Mrs. Goff, pay the bookkeeper and then take the receipt and agreement to Mrs. Heninger, room 255, as soon as possible. Calculators are to be used for math, not games.


A- 90-92%



B- 80-82%



C- 70-72%



D- 60-62%


Assignments: (10 points each)

  1. Must be labeled with name, date, period, and section in the upper right hand corner.
  2. Assignments will be corrected and due the next class period for full credit. They will be worth 10 points based on the percent correct figured on each assignment.
  3. Students should be prepared each day to discuss and ask questions on the previous day’s homework.
  4. All work must be shown in two column format for any credit to be given.
  5. Assignments due during an absence are due upon return.
  6. Credit will be given based on completeness and accuracy.
  7. Late assignments that are turned in before the Test day may receive up to 50% credit. No assignments for any chapter will be accepted later than the day of the test.


  1. Chapter tests will be given 2to 4 times each quarter.
  2. No retaking tests will be allowed according to math department policy.
  3. Students may come in during the next two weeks during Thursday EO hour or after school and correct problems missed on the test. Up to ½ credit of the points missed on the test may be redeemed.
  4. Test corrections will be done in Mrs. Goff’s classroom under her supervision. No tests will leave her classroom.
  5. Student’s notes may be used to correct the problems.
  6. Students who miss a test due to absence must take the test no later than one week after the original test date. Any exceptions to this must be discussed with and approved by Mrs. Goff before the one week time period has expired.


The usual Citizenship grade for students in my class is an S, which means the student usually demonstrates acceptable behavior. Citizenship grades will be based on teacher observation of the following behaviors: appropriate and kind classroom behavior, being prepared with the necessary materials (paper, pencil or pen, the textbook, calculator); raising his/her hand to ask questions or make appropriate comments; not disturbing others; paying attention to (and taking notes) on discussions and lectures; working on assignments in class when time is given; not bringing food or drink into the classroom; not defacing books, desks, chairs, rulers, scissors, colored pencils or any property belonging to me, the school, or other people; using appropriate classroom language; staying in his/her seat until the bell rings to be excused; behaving respectfully toward other students, the teacher and substitute teachers. A student may bring a water bottle to class.

All behavior issues will be documented on the discipline tracker.

General Information:

  1. I will be available before and after school on most days. You may also contact me through email at
  2. You may access the portal at
  3. Math based extra credit will be given at random throughout the year. All assignments must be turned in, in order to receive any extra credit. Extra credit may not affect the over all grade by more than one grade step (i.e. B- to B).
  4. Students may use the hall pass twice per quarter. If the hall pass is not used, a few extra credit points will be award at the end of the quarter. If a student has medical issues that result in this policy being a problem for him/her, parents, please notify me by email with a general explanation of why this might be necessary.
  5. All cell phones and other electronic devices will be turned off during class. No texting or social medial on cell phones or electronic devices will be tolerated during class time….even at the end of class. Devices will be confiscated and given to the office if they are used/abused. Calculators are to be used for math and not games. They may be confiscated if they are used in a distracting way in the classroom. Phones, calculators and other electronic devices may possibly be used in classroom discussions only at the teacher’s discretion. Parents, please do not contact your child in class through these devices. If contact is necessary, please go through the office as student devices will be turned off.
  6. Hats may not be worn in the classroom.
  7. Video of students for educational purposes may be taken and posted on the portal, blogs, or school websites.
  8. Under exceptional conditions the above rules may be adjusted at the discretion of the teacher.

Parents, please encourage your child to come in and get help, or even to just check in once-in-a-while with me. Feel free to contact me at . Homework and weekly assignment schedule will be posted on my blog. Please check this for absent workbefore returning from the absence. My planning periods are 1st and 6th hours. Please use the My Student site to track your current grade.

Thank you,

Mrs. Goff

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