The second regular monthly meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Wrightstown was held at the Village Hall, 352 High St, on Tuesday 09/15/15 and was called to order by Village President Dean Erickson at 7:16 pm.
Roll Call: Present – Dean Erickson, Sue Byers, Quinn Cavanaugh, Karen Curry, Mark Leonard,
Scott Reignier, Terry Schaeuble, Village Administrator Steve Johnson
Absent – None
Also present: Ed Byrne (Brillion News), Tom Collins (Wrightstown Area Spirit), Public Works Director Travis Coenen; Police Chief Perry Kingsbury; Deputy Clerk/Treasurer Patti Leitermann; Roger Eiting, Mario & Gaylene Muniz, Mike Schumacher, Nichole Pansier, Doug Otten, Russ Otten, Keith Siegl, Greg Verhagen, Tom DuPont, William Broman, Carl Rossal, Michael & Cherry Sewell, Annette Eiting, Jerry Wenzel, Bill & Carol Fritsch, Tim Dole, Brian Smith, Dan & Sheila Segerstrom, Mark Wyro, Jack Lewis, Paul Beatty, Joanne Ruebl.
MINUTES - - Motion by S Reignier, second by K Curry to approve the minutes of 08/18/15, 09/01/15 and 09/08/15 as presented. Motion carried.
VOUCHERS - - Motion by S Byers, second by M Leonard to approve the vouchers as submitted. Motion carried.
FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - - Acknowledge receipt and review.
Dan Segerstrom, 245 Patricia Lane – Questioned how the Village can spend for attorney fees without discussion and board approval while they do for engineering services. Recommend start doing. Provided his views on the RV compromise. Small minority of those who want compromise versus majority of those who want the ordinance to stay as is.
Carol Fritsch, 335 High Street – Stated against the proposed RV changes. Live in an old neighborhood with no covenants. Small village so speak to your neighbor. Entire Village should not be placed with an ordinance that affects new subdivisions with covenants that are not being followed. Do see a lot of pride within the Village. Always will be a small minority of people who do not care. Aesthetics – No guarantees as to the view when you look out your window. Your neighbor has rights too; within reason as well.
CORRESPONDENCE - - Brown County Public Works Letter – Described the 2016-2017 State LRIP (Local Road Improvement Program) funding information and application process. T Coenen indicated Public Works applies for these grants and has received funding for various projects including the latest on Longwood Lane.
VILLAGE ADMINISTRATOR - - S Johnson provided the following report:
1. Brown County Highway will be holding a “Public Information Meeting” on the County ZZ Project on September 22, 2015 in the Village Hall Community Room from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
2. The Bridge “ribbon cutting ceremony” is slated for September 12th. Keller, Inc. is again providing the scissors and ribbon.
3. Spirit-Fab (VHC) will be provided a proposal for sale for the 70’ wide x 335’ deep strip off of Van Dyke Street should the Village expand the compost site at its present location. (.53 acres)
4. Moving forward with the plan to make an orderly transition within the Clerk’s office, an offer of employment has been made and accepted, pending required exams, to a new Deputy Clerk I, with a report to work date of Oct. 5th.
S Johnson also commented he is working on the Van Dyke Street 70 foot strip offer-to-purchase.
Approve Oudenhoven Construction Pay Request No. 3 – Motion by S Byers, second by S Reignier to approve the Oudenhoven Construction Pay Request No. 3 for the 2015 Meter Station Construction project in the amount of $82,111.59. Motion carried.
Approve Owner Purchased Material Invoices for the 2015 Meter Station Construction Project – Motion by S Byers, second by T Schaeuble to approve the owner purchased material invoices for the 2015 Meter Station Construction project for the vendors and amounts as follows: Air Flow Inc - $915.00; Ferguson Waterworks - $480.00; First Supply - $9,155.50. (Total amount $10,550.50). Motion carried.
Approve Wrightstown Historical Society Matching Fund Request – Motion by S Byers, second by S Reignier to approve the Wrightstown Historical Society matching fund request of $2,500 as budgeted. Motion carried.
Approve the Letter of Intent to Elect Uniform Dental Benefits – Motion by S Byers, second by K Curry to approve the Letter of Intent to Elect Uniform Dental Benefits effective 01/01/16 as dental is no longer offered through the health plans. Motion carried.
PERSONNEL - - Nothing to report at this time.
PARKS & RECREATION - - Nothing to report at this time.
Fire Dept Report – The August 2015 Fire Dept report submitted with best regards by Chief M Schampers is as follows:
For the month of August the fire department was called for 4 events. A MABAS call for the Smittys Salvage Yard fire in Green Bay, electrical wires and lamppost arching during the heavy storms on 8/14, MABAS full assist with Hollandtown Fire for the hay barn fire at Lamer/Clancy Rd, and a false tripped fire alarm call to CEI, alarm techs doing maintenance set it off inadvertently.
Training and monthly meetings and inventories where completed as well as hose testing. Training for the month included water movement and relay pumping. Also during August all the apparatus rotated in for annual services. Non-typical repairs required related to problems with underbody ground lights and corrosion of light fixtures and the need to replace brake chambers on Tender 1311 due one failure and imminent failure of the other three due to rust and corrosion issues.
Officer also discussed the need to begin replacement of some PPE, which will become a budget line item and the need to add the future replacement of SCBA bottles when they run out of their 10 year life span (2018-19). This will be added to the truck replacement schedule due to the amount of funds required.
Preparations are also in place for the Wrightstown Bridge Opening on Sept 12 and for the Fire Dept Open House Sunday Oct 4.
Thank You – Q Cavanaugh thanked the Police, Fire and Public Works departments for their assistance with the Waupekun Park neighborhood party.
Adopt a Proclamation Recognizing Fire Prevention Week – D Erickson read the Village President’s Proclamation recognizing Fire Prevention Week.
Motion by S Reignier, second by S Byers to adopt the Village President’s Proclamation recognizing October 9-15th as Fire Prevention Week. Motion carried.
Police Dept Report – The August 2015 Police Dept report respectfully submitted by Chief P Kingsbury is as follows:
Field training 2 new part-time officers continues. Interviewed three potential candidates for anticipated vacancies in part-time officer positions. Started background investigations on those candidates.
Two non-citizens filed separate complaints against separate officers. Both incidents involved traffic stops. Grand Chute PD assisted in the investigation according to our policy. The results of the Grand Chute Officer’s investigation showed the complaints to not be sustained and that the WPD Officers followed department policy.
Officer DeWinter attended the Governor’s Conference on Highway Safety.
WPD voluntarily participated in the “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” campaign which enables the Department to be eligible for a $4,000.00 equipment grant from WI DOT.
WPD handled 4 accidents in the Village during August. There were 80 traffic related incidents for various violations and 3 parking complaints. BRSO initiated 3 traffic stops and Outagamie County initiated 2 traffic stops in the Village.
There were 81 non traffic calls for service in the Village, 90% handled by WPD officers. Investigations continue on the 2 felony theft investigations as well as the felony drug incident. Also working on 3 fraud incidents and a vandalism incident in the Riverside Cemetery. BRSO self-initiated 1 non traffic call in the Village.
T Schaeuble commented he had discussions at school that no toilet papering would be allowed during homecoming. P Kingsbury followed with the ramifications of last year’s event that resulted in “bullying” by upper class students. The WPD is in contact with the School Resource Officer especially for this event.
Director of Public Works Comments – T Coenen had been asked about the fire dept call that occurred today. Thus he requested assistance from board members and the media to inform all residents and non-residents to remain out of the construction zone on CTH U. Further commented that due to ignorance and stupidity of people / vehicles in that area, a lot of damage has been done to six water valves, one manhole and twice fixing the curb at the new round-about. If people do not comply, the entire roadway may totally be shut down.
T Coenen also reviewed a current project summaries handout for the 2015 Meter Station Construction and 2015 Water Transmission Main. Both of these projects are at or under budget and on schedule. Monitoring systems are being installed in the meter stations with borings done for the pipeline. The meter stations will sit idle for a brief time while the pipe is installed.
Proposals for the Bridge Street abandonment are being obtained with the project costs of approximately $10,000-$20,000 that includes landscaping.
REGIONAL PLANNING - - Nothing to report at this time.
CLOSED SESSION #1 – Motion by T Schaeuble, second by S Reignier to proceed into Closed Session pursuant to Wisconsin State Statutes 19.85(1)(e) deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session – Acquisition of Additional Developmental Property. Roll call vote: Ayes – S Byers, Q Cavanaugh, K Curry, M Leonard, T Schaeuble, S Reignier, D Erickson; Nays – None; Absent – None. Motion carried unanimously. (7:50 pm)
OPEN SESSION – Motion by M Leonard, second by T Schaeuble to reconvene into Open Session from Closed Session #1 to discuss and/or take action on any issues that occurred during the closed session and continue with the Village Board meeting as scheduled. Roll call vote: Ayes – S Byers, Q Cavanaugh, K Curry, M Leonard, T Schaeuble, S Reignier, D Erickson; Nays – None; Absent – None. Motion carried unanimously. (8:39 pm)
CLOSED SESSION #2 – Motion by M Leonard, second by S Reignier to proceed into Closed Session pursuant to Wisconsin State Statutes 19.85(1)(c) considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility – Village Administrator Stephen M Johnson. Roll call vote: Ayes – S Byers, Q Cavanaugh, K Curry, M Leonard, T Schaeuble, S Reignier, D Erickson; Nays – None; Absent – None. Motion carried unanimously. (8:40 pm)
OPEN SESSION – Motion by M Leonard, second by T Schaeuble to reconvene into Open Session from Closed Session #2 to discuss and/or take action on any issues that occurred during the closed session and continue with the Village Board meeting as scheduled. Roll call vote: Ayes – S Byers, Q Cavanaugh, K Curry, M Leonard, T Schaeuble, S Reignier, D Erickson; Nays – None; Absent – None. Motion carried unanimously. (9:00 pm)
ADJOURN - - Motion by S Reignier, second by K Curry to adjourn. Motion carried. (Adjourned 9:01pm)
Jean A Brandt Clerk/Treasurer
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