ART 010S Introduction to Visual Studies(Two Dimensional Design) fall 2010

M WF 8:00 am – 9:45 a.m. Room110 PAC

Associate Professor Fred Haagoffice phone: 771-4044

office: rm#111 PACE-mail:


Design and organization of art elements to promote the unity of a given format using a variety of techniques, materials, and tools.


Art 010 is designed to expose students to the concepts, concerns, and techniques of two-dimensional design. The course will be constructed upon design exercises, formal analysis, interpretation of basic design elements, and problem solving. The goal of the course is to enable students to:

Use a working visual vocabulary during class discussions and critiques.

Create exercises, studies, and creative projects that demonstrate sound design skills.

Evaluate the concepts, concerns, and techniques of fundamental design theoryin their individual creative process and revise as needed.

Experiment with their designs based on sound design theory.

Demonstrate an increased personal awareness and appreciation of the visual arts.

1) Basic Design Elements and Materials, What is Unity? A. Figure / Ground

1. Interdependence

2. Interruption

3. Grouping

B. Similarity / Proximity

C. Closure

D. Line, Shape, Color, Value, Texture

2) Expanding Problems

3) Color as a Design Element Design Problems

A. Random Experimentation
B. Graphic Design

4) Analysis

A. Line, movement

5) Synthesis


Students will complete in class exercises and hand in a finished project/design EVERYweek, to be critiqued in class. These weekly works will constitute the twelve assignments mentioned below, along with a final project. Students will also pursue independent work; developing designs that reflect in-class problems, and gain experience in the use of computers for artistic purposes. These projects will be reviewed regularly.


The grading criteria involve the degree of the student's discipline, progression of one's work, and a dedicated attitude toward attendance. In class work is crucial, and attendance is required (see attendance policy below). Late work will be penalized and the value/grade will fall by 5% for each day late and for each late assignment. Students will be evaluated on in-class work and on the equally weighted weekly assignments and a double weighted final project/portfolio.

Individual Assignments will be graded on the following criteria:

1. Following the given problem of the assignment

2. Overall craft and technique

3. Development of creative solutions

4. Presentation


1. Examinations will take the form of weekly and bi-weekly projects based on material and ideas provided in class lectures and exercises.

A. Each project to be weighted at 100 points

B. Total of approximately 1400 points for the semester

C. Occasional in-class work will be assigned, not to exceed 25 points per project.

2. Examinations/Projects will be graded on the following:

A. Following the Problem

B. Craft and Technique

C. Creative Design Solutions

D. Presentation and critical discussion

3. Students will be required to keep a sketchbook, or portfolio. At least 3 works per week should bedeveloped independently for later review.

4. Student's participation in class critiques is essential in developing a good design sense. Participation and attendance will influence grades.

5. The Final Project will be a large Double Weighted * assignment to be completed and critiqued for final exam week. * 200 points(the schedule that sets the date for the final examination in

thiscourse is found in the published Schedule of Courses)


1. All assigned work must be handed in during the class period. I will not accept any assignments outside of class or via my mailbox.

2. Late Work. I will not accept late work (designs and projects) unless the following criteria are met:

- Instructor must be contacted before the deadline (no extensions will be granted on the date that the work is due).

- The student provides evidence of work in progress.

- A timetable for completion is established.

Late work that is granted an extension will have 5% deducted from the grade for each day the work is late (see grading policy).

If this policy is not used the late work will receive an F. However, all design

assignments and other work must be completed in order to pass the course.

3. Academic Integrity: All students are expected to act with civility, personal integrity; respect other students' dignity, rights and property; and help create and maintain an environment in which all can succeed through the fruits of their own efforts. An environment of academic integrity is requisite to respect for self and others and a civil community.

Academic integrity includes a commitment to not engage in or tolerate acts of falsification, misrepresentation or deception. Such acts of dishonesty include cheating or copying, plagiarizing, submitting another persons' work as one's own, using Internet sources without citation, fabricating field data or citations, "ghosting" (taking or having another student take an exam), stealing examinations, tampering with the academic work of another student, facilitating other students' acts of academic dishonesty, etc.

Students charged with a breach of academic integrity will receive due process and, if the charge is found valid, academic sanctions may range, depending on the severity of the offense, from F for the assignment to F for the course.

The University's statement on academic integrity, from which the above statement is drawn, is available at

4. Attendance and deportment. Students are expected to attend classes, to be in class on time, and to behave in a manner that shows respect for fellow students, me, and the values of the University. If students are absent, they are not taking the course, and they should either drop the class or be willing to accept a failing grade. After five (5) absences your grade will be lowered by half a letter grade. Between six and eleven (6-11) absences will result in the grade being lowered an entire letter grade. After twelve (12) absences, students are urged to drop the course. Too much will be missed, and your class participation and collaborative learning exercises will result in a failing grade.

Students that are more than five minutes late will be considered absent. Tardiness is disruptive and disrespectful.

Disruptive individuals will be reported to the Director of Academic Affairs and/ or they will be dismissed from the classroom. Disruptive behavior includes actions that interfere

with, hinder, obstruct, or prevent the regular operation of the University or actions that

infringe upon the rights of others to participate freely in its programs and services.

By disruptive, I do not mean students who are engaging in the values of the University: the

search for truth; the freedom of thought, inquiry, speech; the freedom to hear, examine, and debate theories, data, and views.

5. Students with Disabilities:

University College Disability Statement- Penn State is committed to providing access to a quality education for all students, including those with documented disabilities. If a student has a

disability and wishes an accommodation for a course, it is the student's responsibility to obtain a University letter confirming the disability and suggesting appropriate accommodation. This letter can be requested from the York campus Disability Contact Liaisons, Dr. Sharon Christ, Student Affairs (ALL); Dr. Cora Dzubak, Nittany Success Center (771-4026)

Students are encouraged to request accommodation early in the semester so that, once identified,reasonable accommodation can be implemented in a timely manner.

6. "You are strongly encouraged to use your Penn State e-mail account to communicate with

instructor of this course. The instructor is not obliged to respond to messages sent by a student

from a commercial account, e.g., AOL; yahoo; gmail; msn, etc."


THE ELEMENTS OF COLOR, by Johannes Itten, will be available in bookstore.

other sources will be presented throughout the semester.

fall 2010 OUTLINE


  1. Aug 23 - 29Intro to Design Problems: Ideograms,Transformation and Instructional

Design- graphite pencils, paper, rulers, tracing paper, crayons, graphite Assignment #1

  1. Aug 31 – Sept 3Design in Grouping,Text Treatment, Text samples, cut paper, paint, copy machine, illustration board, Assignment #2

Monday Sept 6- no class LABOR DAY

3. Sept 8 - 10Elements, Interruptive Weight (Figure / Ground) same as above

Assignment #3

4. Sept 13 - 15 Similarity, Continuation, Closure same as above

Assignment #4

5. Sept 20 - 24Upright, Perception of the correct same as above

Assignment #5

6. Sept 27 – Oct 1Graphic Design- Unity Day Projects same as above * Review Independent Work * Assignment #6

7. Oct 4 - 8PRODUCTDESIGN - Graphics same as above

Assignment #6

8. Oct 11 - 15Complete PRODUCT Design; beginwork on Analysis Projects

Assignment #6 graph paper, pencil, illustration board, paint

9. Oct 18 - 22ColorHue Analysis, AcrylicColors Paints needed, graph paper, pencil,

Assignment #7 brushes, illustration board

10. Oct 25 - 29Object Analysis – Linear and Structural (same as above)

Assignment #8

11. Nov 1 - 5Value and Tone Analysis(Contrast of Hue and Value)

(assortedmedia) Assignment #9

* Review Independent Work *

12. Nov 8 - 12Color LOGO acrylic paint, collage and computer lab

Late drop deadline: Friday, Nov 12 2010

Assignment # 10

13. Nov 15 - 19Color, Temperature and Complementary acrylic paint and collage

-and Final Project Assignment #11 Complementary


14. Nov 29 Dec 3Color,Simultaneous Contrast and Extension paint/ assorted media

-and Final Project Assignment #12 Temperature

15. Dec 6 - 10Synthesis ofColor and Form, Expression and Design assorted media

-and Final Project

16. Final Project: Due during Finals week Monday, Dec 13 – Thursday,Dec 16(to be assigned later) Final Project will be critiqued during our scheduled final exam period.


I will be available in my office, room # 111PAC on Mondays and Wednesdays from 12:50 to 2:50 pm, and by appointment if necessary.

Special Flu Protocols -In compliance with Pennsylvania Department of Health and Centers for Disease Control recommendations, students should NOT attend class or any public gatherings while ill with influenza. Students with flu symptoms will be asked to leave campus if possible and to return home during recovery. The illness and self-isolation period will usually be about a week. It is very important that individuals avoid spreading the flu to others.

Most students should be able to complete a successful semester despite a flu-induced absence. I will provide students who are absent because of illness with a reasonable opportunity to make up missed work. Ordinarily, it is inappropriate to substitute for the missed assignment the weighting of a semester's work that does not include the missed assignment or exam. Completion of all assignments and exams assures the greatest chance for students to develop heightened understanding and content mastery that is unavailable through the weighting process. The opportunity to complete all assignments and exams supports the university's desire to enable students to make responsible situational decisions, including the decision to avoid spreading a contagious virus to other students, staff, and faculty, without endangering their academic work.

Students with the flu do not need to provide a physician's certification of illness. However, ill students should inform me via email or ANGEL (but not through personal contact in which there is a risk of exposing others to the virus) as soon as possible that they are absent because of the flu. Likewise students should contact me as quickly as possible to arrange to make up missed assignments or exams.

If you have questions about academic policy-related issues, please call Dr. J. P. McCormick (717) 771-4052 he Director of Academic Affairs. For health-related questions you can email Dr. Margaret Spear, director, University Health Services, at .

Note: This syllabus subject to change due to unforeseen events or pedagogical concerns.

Supplies List Art 010 (approximate cost of $175)


Metal ruler, at least 18" long, steel or aluminum (preferably w/ cork back)

1/4" graph paper

Layout Bond paper (or Newsprint pad) 11" x 14” or larger

14 " x 17” Bristol board or heavy paper pad (available in bookstore)

Assorted sheets of tracing paper

Assorted sheets of Cold Press Illustration Board (available in bookstore but cheaper to buy whole sheets 22x30)

Staedtler Mars Erasers (white)

Assorted Graphite Pencils 5B, 4B, 3B, 2B, HB, 2H

Watercolor or acrylic paint Brushes, 1" or 3/4" along with a # 4, #6, #8 round

Masking tape

Folder or Cardboard Portfolio

Fixative Spray

X-acto knife and razor blades

Rubber cement

Tube of Titanium White and Ivory Black acrylic paint

(additional Colors of acrylic paint – Alizarin Crimson, Ultramarine Blue, Pthalo Blue,

*Cadmium Red Medium, *Cadmium Yellow Medium, *Cadmium Yellow Light)

* Hue or student grade-not pure cadmium

Paint mixing surface, palette or plastic lid

Optional: Compass, T - Square, Other paints colors and supplies will be required as needed

Supply Stores: Art Depot, MechanicsburgPenn State Book Store, York

Utrecht, Philly and Baltimore

