APUSH Final Study Guide

  1. The ideals of the colonists pg.2
  2. Origin of the First Americans pg.5
  3. Living conditions of Native Americans pg.10
  4. Reason for shortcut to the West Indies pg.11
  5. Native American reduction rate pg.16
  6. Encomienda system pg.18
  7. Why did men become conquistadores? pg.20-21
  8. England vs. Spain 1500’s pg.27
  9. English Treatment of the Irish pg.28
  10. What killed the most Native Americans pg.34
  11. Sugar pg.36-37
  12. Georgia Colony pg.41
  13. Difference between North and South colonies pg.46
  14. Martin Luther pg.46
  15. Predestination, Conversion, Antinomianism pg.47
  16. King James I and the Church of England pg. 47
  17. Pilgrims in Plymouth Bay pg.48
  18. Separatists vs Puritans pg.49
  19. Puritan Doctrine pg.50
  20. Anne Hutchinson pg.51
  21. Roger Williams pg.51
  22. Internal Conflict in the colonies pg.65
  23. Chronological order of the colonies pg.47,49,56-59
  24. New England Colony pg.80
  25. Southern Colonies pg.81
  26. Chesapeake Colonies vs. New England pg.84
  27. Inhabitants of the Colonies pg.88
  28. Rural Colony dwellers % pg.89
  29. Population of the 13 Colonies pg.90
  30. Slaves and the Colonies pg.92
  31. Most honored profession in the age of the Colonies pg.92
  32. Colonies and the slaves pg. 94
  33. Molasses Act pg.96
  34. The Great Awakening pg.100
  35. John Trumbull, Charles Wilson Peale, Benjamin West, John Singleton Copley pg.102
  36. Benjamin Franklin pg.102-103
  37. Jesuit Priests pg.112
  38. Early Wars of France and Britain pg.113
  39. Britain vs. France pg.115
  40. George Washington pg.116
  41. William Pitt pg.119
  42. American Colonial Republicanism pg.126-127
  43. Radical Whigs pg.127
  44. Founding of American Colonies pg.127
  45. British Royal Veto pg.128
  46. Mercantilism pg.128
  47. Navigation Laws pg.128
  48. Townshend, Stamp, Sugar, Quartering, Declaratory Acts pg.132
  49. Uniting the Colonies pg.130-131
  50. British Whigs view of the Revolutionary War pg.139
  51. End of the Revolutionary War pg.143
  52. American Independence pg.144
  53. Second Continental Congress pg.146
  54. Invasion of Canada pg.148
  55. July 4th, 1776 pg.149-150
  56. Power of a Republic pg.150
  57. Experience with Democracy pg.151
  58. Successful Republican Gov’t pg.151
  59. Declaration of Independence pg.152
  60. Patriot Militia pg.156
  61. Loyalists of the Rev. War pg.155
  62. Strategy of the British in 1777 pg.158
  63. Entangled Alliances pg.161
  64. French troops in Rev. War pg.162
  65. Yorktown pg.166
  66. Continental Officers in Cincinnati pg.174
  67. Founders and Slavery pg.175
  68. State Constitutions pg.176
  69. Article of Confederation pg.179
  70. Northwest Ordinance of 1787 pg.182
  71. US foreign relations with Britain, Spain, France, Barbary Coast pg.183-184
  72. Shay’s Rebellion pg.184
  73. Constitutional Convention pg.186-187
  74. Father of the Constitution pg.186
  75. Large State Plan pg.187-188
  76. The Great Compromise pg.188
  77. Ratification of the Constitution pg.190
  78. Paradoxes of American History pg.195
  79. Role of Central Authority pg.199
  80. Criticisms of the Constitution pg.201
  81. Alexander Hamilton pg.204
  82. Stipulations of the Constitution pg.204
  83. European Conflict of the 1790’s pg.207
  84. Neutrality Proclamation pg.210
  85. Jay’s Treaty pg.213
  86. French become angry with US in 1794 pg.215
  87. Alien and Sedition Acts pg.217
  88. Jeffersonian Republicans pg.221
  89. Thomas Jefferson’s Presidency pg.229
  90. Louisiana Purchase pg.234
  91. Impressment pg. 239
  92. President James Madison pg.243
  93. War of 1812 pg.245
  94. American Army in the War of 1812 pg.248
  95. Canada in the War of 1812 pg.249
  96. US Navy in the War of 1812 pg.249-251
  97. Key Battle of the War of 1812 pg.251
  98. Battle of New Orleans pg.252
  99. Hartford Convention pg.253
  100. Hartford Convention pg.254
  101. Diplomatic and Economic Terms of the War of 1812 pg.254
  102. Tallmadge Amendment pg.259
  103. Fletcher vs. Peck and Dartmouth vs. Woodward pg.263
  104. Spain and Florida pg.266-267
  105. Britain vs. Spain pg.267
  106. Monroe Doctrine pg.270
  107. Political Parties of the 1820’s and 1830’s pg.272
  108. Election of 1824 pg.274
  109. Voter Participation by the 1840’s pg.273
  110. President John Q. Adams pg.274
  111. Tariff of 1828 pg.280
  112. South Carolina and the Tariff of 1828 pg.282
  113. Whig Party pg.290
  114. Texas pg.293
  115. Ireland and the 1840’s pg.310
  116. Eli Whitney pg.318
  117. Adult Wages for work pg.324
  118. Cult of Domesticity pg.325
  119. First major transportation project pg.328
  120. Lancaster Turnpike pg.329
  121. Western Road Building pg.328
  122. Steamboats, Canals, Railroads, Turnpikes pg.335
  123. Deists Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin pg.341
  124. Unitarians pg.341
  125. Mormons pg.342
  126. Brigham Young, William Miller, The Book of Mormon, Salt Lake City, Polygamy pg.343
  127. Second Great Awakening pg.347
  128. Liberal Arts Colleges pg.347
  129. Noah Webster pg.347
  130. Transcendentalists pg.361
  131. Poet Laureate of Democracy pg.363
  132. Southern Farmers main crop pg.376
  133. Southern Slaves reasons for gaining freedom pg.378
  134. Southern Slave System pg.380
  135. Fear of Slave Rebellions pg.384
  136. Least successful slave resistance pg.384
  137. White Southern Abolitionist movement goes silent pg.391
  138. John Tyler pg.397
  139. John Tyler and the 1840 Election pg.397
  140. 1837 Canadian Rebellion pg.399
  141. Maine pg.399
  142. Bear Flag Revolt, Slidell mission, War with Mexico, Troops to the Rio Grande pg.407-409
  143. War with Mexico pg.406-408
  144. James Polk and War with Mexico pg.408
  145. Wilmot Proviso pg.416
  146. Election of 1848 pg.418
  147. Free States vs. Slave States pg.418
  148. Runaway Slaves pg.422
  149. Debate of 1850 pg.423
  150. Scheme to obtain Cuba from Spain pg.430
  151. Stephen A. Douglas and the Kansas-Nebraska Act pg.433
  152. Know-Nothing Party pg.443
  153. Nativists pg.443
  154. Freeport Doctrine pg.449
  155. Harpers Ferry Raid pg.450
  156. Abraham Lincoln, Stephen Douglas, John Breckenridge, John Bell pg.451-453