Year 8 examinations 2017 Subject: English

Number of examinations: 2

Examination 1 - Reading Length of examination: 45 minutes

Skills to be examined / Key knowledge and understanding
·  Identify and interpret information and ideas
·  Select quotations from the extract to support opinions
·  Explain, comment on and analyse how writers’ use of language achieves effects and influences readers, using subject specific terminology
·  Explain, comment on and analyse how writers’ use of structure achieves effects and influences readers, using subject specific terminology
·  Evaluate texts critically, exploring how the writer has communicated their ideas / ·  Understanding of key ideas from the extract.
·  Judiciously selecting quotations to support the points being made.
·  Understanding and applying word classes and language techniques i.e. able to select specific adjectives, adverbs and verbs that have been used for effect as well as being able to understand and apply specific language techniques ie metaphor, simile, alliteration and sibilance.
·  Understanding how a writer has structured their extract for effect, engaging in the beginning, middle and end of the text. Understanding how the writer has developed ideas through the extract using repetition, images and opposition in the text for effect.
·  Understanding the writer is in control of creating meaning. Having an opinion on the text.

Year 7 examinations 2016

Year 7 examinations 2016 Subject______

Year 8 examinations Subject: English

Number of examinations: Two

Examination 2 - Writing Length of examination: 45 minutes

Skills to be examined / Key knowledge and understanding
·  Communicate clearly, effectively and imaginatively, selecting and adapting tone, register and style for certain audiences and purposes
·  Organise information and ideas using structural techniques and sentence structures to support the cohesion of the writing
·  Use a range of vocabulary in the writing
·  Accurate use of sentence structure, spellings and punctuation across the writing / ·  Understanding the nature of the writing task – the difference between description and story writing
·  Understanding and ability to apply a range of language techniques to suit the task
·  Understanding the rules of paragraphing, speech and a range of sentence structures to support the cohesion in a piece of writing
·  Selecting more ambitious vocabulary for simple words
·  Understanding how to craft simple, compound and complex sentences. Understand the rules of full stops, commas, semi-colon, exclamation and question mark use.

Year 7 examinations 2016


Number of examinations ______

Year 8 examinations 2016 Subject______