Request for Information

Recording System Solution for the Office of Assessor-Recorder

City and County of San Francisco

Request for Information (RFI)

Office of the Assessor-Recorder


Office of the County Clerk

Recording and Clerk System Solution

April 2008

Deadline for Submission: June 2nd, 2008 5:00 p.m. PST

City and County of San Francisco


Attn: Sam Kwong

One South VanNess Av, 2nd floor

San Francisco, CA 94103

Table of Contents

I.  Introduction…………………………………………………………………………….3

II.  Purpose……………………………………………………………………………………4

III.  scope of response……………………………………………………………………….5

IV.  format of response…………………………………………………………………….6

V.  primary recorder’s business functions……………………………………………7

VI.  primary clerk business functions…………………………………………………..8

VII.  primary clerk business functions (continued)…………………………………..9

VIII.  current computing environment………………………………………………….10

IX.  schedule………………………………………………………………………………...11

X.  costs, provisions, sunshine ordinance…………………………………………….12

I. Introduction


The City and County of San Francisco (CCSF), The Offices of Assessor-Recorder and County Clerk are inviting qualified companies to submit solutions for a turnkey system that includes the following functions:

·  Primary Recorder’s business functions (see section V)

·  Primary Clerk business functions (see section VI)

·  Integration with other City and County systems

·  Use modern technologies to automate, improve workflow efficiencies, and implement a Social Security Number Truncation Program as required by Assembly Bill 1168, Government Codes section 27300 et seq., and Civil Code section 1798.89.

·  On-line application submission

·  Audit trail on all transactions

·  Data and document security

The Office of Assessor-Recorder records about 200,000 documents per year, and accounts for over 15% of the City and County’s General Fund, or nearly $1.5 Billion. The City and County of San Francisco has a population of about 830,000 with about 190,000 parcels of land. The Office of the County Clerk issues about 10,000 marriage licenses and files 12,000 fictitious business name statements per year. San Francisco is a destination city for couples getting married from around the world.

II. Purpose

The purposes of this RFI are to start a process that will result in a highly reliable Recorder and Clerk system, to assist The Offices of Assessor-Recorder and County Clerk in determining how best to update the existing Recorder and Clerk systems, to understand the prospects for different business, financial and technical models that can achieve the goal, and to lay the groundwork for the issuance of a Request For Proposal (RFP).

Information that the departments are looking for include:

·  Implementation strategy - phased or “big bang” approach

·  How to move forward with the least amount of interruption to the existing users operating current systems

·  Ideas and suggestions that provide alternative approaches to designing, configuring, customizing, acquiring, testing, and implementing the solution.

·  Ideas and suggestions using different business and finance models such as contracting or subcontracting to overcome barriers

·  Ideas and suggestions using different technical models such as license of proprietary software/technology or cost effective replacement of current infrastructure

·  How modern technology can improve workflow and operating efficiencies

·  Market best practices

·  Ideas and suggestions on how the operations can improve responsiveness to both their internal and external customers

·  End-to-end cost and timeline implications

III.  Scope of Response

Responses will adhere to the format and organization as delineated below.

1.  Responses shall be presented in a fashion where the two systems (Recorder and Clerk) can be bifurcated for further independent consideration.

2.  Responses shall be limited to no more than seventy five (75) pages including cover letters, appendices, and attachments.

3.  Respondents should respond only to the material in this RFI and should not discuss any extraneous subjects. Respondents are welcome to submit new but relevant ideas for consideration.

4.  Responses in electronic/digital format (PDF) are encouraged.

5.  Questions must be emailed to . No questions or requests for interpretation will be accepted after May 14th, 2008.

6.  After May 19th, 2008 one or more respondent(s) may be invited to make a presentation in person.

IV.  Format of Response

Responses must follow the format specified below:

1.  Executive Summary

Include a letter of introduction and executive summary of the response. Submission of the letter will constitute a representation by your firm that your firm is willing and able to perform the recommendations contained in the response.

2.  Scope of Work

Provide a detailed response for a turnkey solution defining all aspects of your recommendation the responder is proposing to perform.

3.  Implementation Strategy

Describe your strategy for collecting requirements, product configuration and/or customization, and implementation without interrupting the operation of the existing business.

4.  Key Deliverables

Describe the product(s) and services being recommended.

Identify the third-party products/optional software that are part of your recommendation.

Describe the Documentation being offered, e.g. system architecture diagram, application flow diagram, database schematic, system administrator operating manual, user operating manual, etc.

Provide a timeline and milestone for the recommended strategy.

5.  Client References

Provide references for three recent installations, preferably within the State of California.

6.  Pricing

Fixed price, to include software, hardware, and labor – turnkey solution.

Pricing structure – based on percent completion.

Include all assumptions on costing.

V.  Primary Recorder’s Business Functions

VI. Primary Clerk Business Functions

Public, Confidential, Declared, and Non-Clergy Marriage Licenses

·  Issue

·  Amendments

·  Duplicate Licenses

·  Void Licenses

Fictitious Business Name Statements

·  File

Oaths of Office

·  Notary Public

o  Authorization to issue Confidential Marriage Licenses

o  Certificate Authenticating Notary’s Signature

·  Public Officials

o  Certificate Authenticating Public Official’s Signature

Professional Registrations

·  Process Server

·  Legal Document Assistant

·  Professional Photocopier

·  Unlawful Detainer Assistant

Environmental Filings

·  Fish & Game Receipt

Roster of Public Agencies

San Francisco Domestic Partnership Registration

Municipal ID Card Program (eff. 8/11/2008)


·  Register Confidential Marriage Licenses

·  Issue Certified Copies of Confidential Marriage Licenses

·  Issue Certified Copies of Birth and Death Records (eff. 1/1/2009)

·  Issue Informational Copies of Birth and Death Records (eff. 1/1/2009)

VI. Primary Clerk Business Functions….continued

VII. Current Computing Environment

The Recorder functions are currently supported by AtPac’s CRiis and Imaging products. The core applications are hosted on Linux servers and an iSeries mainframe. The maximum number of concurrent users is 25. The Ethernet network consists of approximately 125 users. An information technology asset inventory is being performed, but will not be completed before the submission deadline of this RFI. CCSF is open to solutions on other platforms.

The Clerk functions are currently supported by AtPac CRiis (Clerk Recorder Information Imaging System) and Imaging products. The core applications are hosted on a Linux server. The maximum number of concurrent users is 20. An information technology asset inventory can be made available. CCSF is open to solutions on other platforms.

VIII. Schedule

Respondents may contact:

Sam Kwong

Submit in writing with questions for clarifications regarding this RFI. Information not obtained from Sam Kwong should not be considered reliable. If any substantive new information is provided in response to questions raised by respondents, it will be memorialized in a written addendum to this RFI and emailed to all respondents. No questions or requests for interpretation will be accepted after 5:00 PM PST May 14th, 2008.

Calendar of Events

RFI Phases Date

RFI is advertised and issued by CCSF April 30th, 2008

Deadline for submission of written questions

or requests for clarification May 14th, 2008

Responses due June 2nd, 2008 5:00pm PST

Presentation invitations June 6th, 2008

Presentation week June 23 - 27, 2008

IX. Costs, Provisions, Sunshine Ordinance

Submission costs

Respondents shall be solely and fully responsible for all costs associated with the development, preparation, transmittal and submission of any material in response to this RFI. CCSF may, in its sole discretion, ask selected respondents to present their material in person to CCSF representatives at CCSF’s offices. Any and all costs associated with responding to such requests also shall be borne solely by a respondent. CCSF assumes no contractual or other obligations as a result of the issuance of this RFI, the preparation or submission of materials by a respondent, CCSF’s evaluation of such materials, a respondent’s presentation to CCSF, or the request for further input from any respondent. No claims whatsoever for reimbursement from CCSF or from any of its consultants or agents for such costs, direct, indirect or otherwise.

Special provisions

The submittal of a response to this RFI does not guarantee use of the information provided. This is not a Request for Proposal. CCSF, at its sole discretion, will determine if a Request for Proposal (RFP) may be issued at a later date. Any RFP issued by CCSF may differ significantly in content from the system described in this RFI document.

Public Records Act/Sunshine Ordinance

Responses to this RFI become the exclusive property of CCSF, and are subject to the California Public Records Act and to CCSF’s Sunshine Ordinance. Elements in each submittal that are “trade secrets”, as defined in Civil Code section 3426.I(d) or otherwise exempt by law from disclosure, and which are prominently marked as “TRADE SECRET”, “CONFIDENTIAL”, of “PROPRIETARY”, may not be subject to disclosure. CCSF shall not in any way to liable or responsible for the disclosure of any such records including, without limitation, those so marked if disclosure is deemed to be required by law or by competent judicial order. Respondents who indiscriminately identify all or most of their submittal as exempt from disclosure without justification may be deemed non-responsive.

In the event CCSF is required to defend an action on a Public Records Act or Sunshine Ordinance request for any of the contents of a submittal marked “confidential”, “proprietary”, or “trade secret”, respondent agrees, upon submission of its submittal for CCSF’s consideration, to defend and indemnify CCSF from all costs and expenses, including attorneys’ fees, in any action or liability arising under the Public Records Act.

April 2008 2