Reorganization of Westchester FOS

JANUARY / ·  Reassignment of LD3 Director, Kavin Dotson to supervision of Bruce Mims, WHS principal / WHS Governance Council members
Parker Hudnut
Stephen Rochelle
LMU Partnership Reps / Monday, 2/01/2010 @ 4PM-5PM WHS Library –
FEBRUARY / ·  Email agenda to all FOS GC members
·  Joint meeting of the Westchester FOS Governance Councils
o  Budget crisis LAUSD/LMU
o  Moving forward with Reform
Attend FOS GC regular monthly meeting (30 minute presentation on process/options) / LaVerne Patterson
Parker Hudnut
Shane Martin
Stephen Rochelle
Stephen Rochelle and LMU Reps / Tuesday, 2/02/2010
02/03/2010@ 4PM-6PM OWMS Library (Auditorium)
C 2/9 3:30PM
K 2/11 6PM
WPH 2/18 4PM
OWMS 2/8 3:30PM
WHS 2/11 4PM
MARCH / ·  Special Sessions – Governance Council School Stakeholder Planning / Follow-up Meetings
o  Conversations around governance and alternative models
o  Share options that are available within the District
·  Attend FOS GC regular monthly meeting (30 minutes on agenda for follow-up)
Develop preliminary proposal for new option / reform options and visiting members of other governance councils within District
Stephen Rochelle and LMU reps
Governance Council members and Committees / Monthly GC meetings
C 3/9 3:30PM
K 3/11 2:45PM
WPH 3/18 4PM
OWMS 3/8 3:30PM
WHS 3/11 4PM
APRIL / ·  Governance Council Planning / Follow-up Meetings
o  Assist and guide schools through the process of looking at alternative models of governance
o  Plan and organize school visits to see other models that are available within the District
o  Rewrite by-laws, if needed, to amend how business is done
o  Organize committee to handle voting on new structures.
Attend FOS GC regular monthly meeting (30 minutes on agenda for follow-up)
·  Submit final proposal for review / Stephen Rochelle and LMU Reps
Governance Council members
TBD / C 4/13 3:30PM
K 4/8 2:45PM
WPH 4/15 4PM
OWMS 4/12 3:30PM
WHS 4/8 4PM
MAY / ·  Governance Council Planning / Follow-up Meetings
·  Submit final proposal to Superintendent for approval / Governance Council Members / 5/14/2010
JUNE / ·  Implementation of new option / Governance Council members / 6/30/2010