Fecha: Wed, 30 Nov 2005 10:33:11 -0500
Asunto: FW: About the confraternity
This response is from the Chancellor. Thank you!
Dear Lucrecia,
Thank you for your email inquiry about "Holy Love Ministries" and the "Confraternity of the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary."
Please know that "Holy Love Ministries" claims to be an ecumenical group that has no need of oversight by the Catholic Church. We have met with and spoken to the persons involved in this group, before they claimed to be ecumenical, and some of the early alleged allocutions were submitted to a Professor of Theology at St. Mary Seminary for an evaluation. The evaluation received was a very negative one. Although there was little obviously contrary to Church teaching, it was mentioned that a "subtle wedge" was being driven between the Bishop and his people. The implication was that if the Bishop had a problem with any of these messages, perhaps there was a problem with the Bishop! This is not in accord with any respected or reputable way of determining the authenticity of alleged spiritrual phenomena. It seems that more recently they claim to be "self-authenticated," namely saying in effect that "Mary has said this, so what more authenication do you need?" We strongly caution people that if they think they are supporting a Catholic group or organization, we cannot attest to that, and would not recommend any participation in it.
As to the "Confraternity of the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary" this is a devotion that claims to have the approval of a diocesan administrator in Africa. It would not usually be the role of an administrator to issue such an approval. At it's best, it would only apply to the diocese for which it was approved. I am not aware of any attempt to approach this diocese or the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops to approve such a group in this country or in this diocese.
I hope the above information is helpful to you. If there is any other information I can provide, please contact me as soon as possible.
Sincerely in Christ,
Fr. Ralph E. Wiatrowski, JCD, STL
Diocese of Cleveland

-----Original Message-----
From: Lucrecia Rego de Planas [mailto:
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2005 1:16 PM
To: ; ;
Subject: About the confraternity
Dear sirs:
I need information about the official opinion of our Bishops, about the “Confraternity of the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary” and the “Holy Love Ministries”
Many of the visitors are asking us about it, looking for an authorized voice, and we are concerned.
¿Could you help us?
Lucrecia R. de Planas

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