The Sleep Council takes the hard work out of buying a new bed with a handy new list of practical pointers for National Bed Month (March).

“Buy the right bed and you could be buying into night after night of quality sleep,” says Lisa Artis of The Sleep Council. “Anyone who has ever slept in a really comfortable or really dreadful old bed will know how it can affect the quality of sleep.

“With so many products to choose from, bed buying can seem a daunting task which is why National Bed Month is a really great time to shop for that new bed.”

If you know you need a new bed, but are unsure what you want or what suits you best, check out The Sleep Council’s guide to the questions you should be asking yourself:-

  • Are you buying your bed for yourself or another person?
  • Is the bed for one person or two?
  • What do you (or did you) like about your current bed? Think about the size, the feel, the style etc.
  • What sort of bed are you looking for? Divan set, mattress, bedstead etc.
  • Do you need storage?
  • What’s your budget?
  • What size of bed are you after?
  • Have you got room for a bigger bed?
  • What comfort/feel do you like?
  • Have you a preference towards a construction type or material?
  • Will turning a mattress be difficult for you?
  • Do you tend to get hot in bed?
  • Do you have any health problems? Eg back or shoulder pain, struggling to get out of bed?
  • Do you have any allergies or allergic conditions? Eg asthma, rhinitis, eczema?
  • Do you need new pillows?
  • Are there likely to be any problems getting your new bed into the room it’s intended for?

“These are some really key points to consider when shopping for a new bed,” says Lisa. “Too often, people rush the bed buying experience – some spend less than two minutes trying them out! It’s a huge investment and time needs to be taken to choose the right bed.”

Once the above checklist has been completed it’s important to try a selection of beds for comparison before you buy – and if you’re sharing the bed, try them out together. What suits one person, doesn’t necessarily suit another.

Size also matters. You should be able to lie side by side with your arms behind your head and your elbows out, without touching. Ideally your bed should also be about 6in (15cm) longer than the tallest user (if you’re tall ask about extra long options).

“We always recommend you lie down in your normal sleeping position and make some turns too – for at least 10 minutes. Wear comfortable clothing and remove any outdoor gear,” says Lisa.

Remember, you’re going to spend over 20,000 hours on your bed over aseven year lifespan so it’s worth taking a little time and effort in the beginning to make sure you make the right choice.

For more information on how to choose a good bed and all the options available, visit The Sleep Council website, call Freephone 0800 0187923 to request a copy of the Bed Buyers Guide.

Further leaflets such as The Good-Night Guide and The Good-Night Guide for Children can also be found on The Sleep Council website as well as ‘bed buying’ and ‘shopping for a new bed’ videos.
