Name _______________________ Person#__________________
Geography 100
Quiz 4 – The Russian Domain
Map Quiz: Answer the following questions based on the map and place list. In all cases, use the numbers on the place list to fill in the blanks below. DO NOT write place names on this sheet – they will be marked incorrect.
1. River A is _8 (Volga River)____.
2. Mountain B is _14 (Ural Mountains)_____.
3. Country c is _21 (Ukraine)______.
4. Country d is _19 (Georgia)______.
5. City e is _51 (St. Petersburg)______.
6. City f is _38 (Moscow)______.
7. City g is _54 (Vladivostok)_____.
Review Quiz: Answer the following questions. Wherever appropriate, place the appropriate word(s) or phrase in the blank provided.
1. Which of the followings is the most dominant biome in the Russian Domain?
(a) Steppe (grassland) (b) Desert
(c) Taiga (coniferous forest) (d) Tundra (moss, lichen)
2. Which of the followings is least likely to experience an earthquake?
(a) Moscow (b) Armenia (c) Kamchatka Peninsula (d) Kuril Islands
3. The Russian Domain is culturally distinct in that it is dominated by those who speak Slavic language and go to Eastern Orthodox church.
4. [True/False] Russia has a permanent seat in U.N. Security Council.