Whitworth Community High School
Raising Achievement
Transforming Learning
Welcome to Whitworth Community High School
James Abbott / Keaton BarnesPaige Barnes / Brandon Barry
William Bartrick / Daniel Bethell
Megan Birtles / Jed Blackmore
Bethany Blore / Joshua Brady
Caitlin Bee / Daniel Brown
Callum Burton / George Callaghan
Kiana Catalano / Caitlin Chippendale
Jack Clegg / Ellie Collier
Matthew Coong / Ashley Cooper
George Crook / Katie-Lou Davies
Rebecca Dewhurst / Oliver Dexter
Mathew Dowd / Mollie Earnshaw
Brooke Ellis / Harry Egan
Kirsty Evans / Lawrence Fairclough
Callum Farrell / Ciara Fleming
Lewis Gooding / Alexander Greenwood
Rachael Grimes / Lauren Hamer
Chloe Harrison / Ashley Hawksworth
Natasha Hill / Annabella Hill-Metcalfe
Abigail Hodson / Daniel Holloway
Robert Caulfield / Georgia Howes
Nicola Howorth / Ellen Hoyle
Courtney Hulme / Mollie Ince
Sam Inger / Sophie Keighley
Laney Kelly / Sophie Kershaw
Rebecca Kirk / Scott Kirkbride
Lauchlan Grey / Robert Lee
Lauren Lomax / Charlotte Marinelli
Jack McAvoy / Charlie McDonough
Bethany Moore / Abilgail Morgan
Callum Mullins / Thomas Nelson
Saxon Newsham / Ewan Nicholas
Kenan Nield-McGrath / Elizabeth Nuttall
Alex Park / Jack Payne
Demi Perkins / Tia Phee
Lennon Pilkington / Declan Priestley
Dylan Ravetali / Lara-Marie Rea
Owen Reardon / Jack Reeve
Megan Reilly / Leon Rosenthal
Heath Salt / Gabrielle Sanderson
Patrick Sharkey / Ross Sheridan
Holly Simkins / Samuel Smith
Daniel Smithies / Joseph Stansfield
Cameron Taylor / Savannah Taylor
Niamh Thompson / Daniel Tiffany
Nicola Trevillion / Hannah Turner
Connor Walsh / Katrice Ward-Berry
Lee Waugh / Lorna Wesley
Charli Whitworth / Cameron Wight
Chloe Wilson / Shelby Wilson
Demi-Lou Withington / Christine Witter
Amelia Woodhouse / Zoe Wright
Dear Students and Parents/Carers,
On behalf of our school community I would like to welcome you to Whitworth Community High School.
Please remember that on entering the school each student becomes a very important part of a larger family. As part of that family our task is to help every individual grow towards maturity and adulthood.
Good communications between home and school are vital in order to ensure that every individual endeavours to achieve their full potential. It is the policy of the school to encourage full liaison with parents on all levels. When parents need to contact the school the Head of Year 7 is the first person to speak with. Senior staff and I are also available to parents when required.
I feel confident that our Primary Liaison Programme throughout this year will have removed many of the anxieties that young people experience on transfer to secondary education, however, those concerns that still exist will be addressed by a supportive group of Form Tutors.
The academic year begins on Monday 6th September. On arrival students make their way to their form rooms. They will then be escorted by their Form Tutors to the Hall for assembly.
We are all looking look forward to working with our new students and their families over the next five years.
Yours faithfully,
Ms M T Holt
The pastoral care of Year 7 students is managed by Mrs McCann who leads a team of Form Tutors. They provide a network of support around each individual student which is consistently maintained as the students progress through the school. The Heads of Year and Form Tutors move through the school with their students whom they come to know and care for very well.
The system of Pastoral Care at Whitworth Community High School aims to:
· Ensure that the individual student is valued and their self esteem enhanced through the celebration of achievements.
· Reflect the whole school ethos and develop a group identity through a consistent and caring framework of discipline.
· Concentrate on the development of the whole person through monitoring, guidance and support.
· Recognise the significant adult role of the Form Tutors.
· Provide and receive information for the whole school community.
· Facilitate the smooth operation of the school providing reliability, consistency and stability.
Mrs McCann and the Year 7 team welcome the involvement and co-operation of parents. Concerns are dealt with simply and effectively. Parents should, therefore, feel free to access the school in person in cases of emergency, by appointment, by telephone, or letter. Routine matters can be communicated via the Planner which has space reserved within it for teacher or parent notes.
All Year 7 students will register in their form rooms
Head of Year 7: Mrs K McCann
7D - Mrs J A Ellis
7T - Mrs E Partington
7Q - Mr K Abbas
7U - Mrs A White
Students must not be late for registration. Must arrive at
8.40 a.m. at the form room.
Students must have their planner available for checking by Form Tutors and Head of Year at all times. All students must have a reading book everyday to use in registration time.
Year 11 students have been selected to help Year 7 students at registration, break and lunchtime. Year 7 students will also be allocated a “Buddy” from Year 8 to help with the transition process.
8.40 - 8.55 Registration with form tutor
8.55 - 9.55 Period 1
9.55 - 10.55 Period 2
10.55 - 11.15 Break
11.15 - 12.15 Period 3
12.15 - 1.15 Period 4
1.15 - 2.00 Lunchtime
2.00 - 3.00 Period 5
3.00 Finish
Students are only allowed to leave school at lunchtime if they are going home for lunch and have written permission from the Head of Year.
Students are encouraged at all times to be responsible for the upkeep of the environment around school and should keep it free from litter and graffiti.
Students are to wear the correct school uniform whilst travelling to and from school and during the whole of the school day.
· Whitworth Community High School uniform is available from Monkhouses, 51-53 Drake Street, Rochdale, OL16 1RX, 01706 345257. The jumper is to be worn at all times during the school day.
· A suitable waterproof coat should be worn to and from school. Denim, leather, suede or artificial variations of these fabrics are not allowed. Hooded tops, fleeces, fashion tops etc. are not to be worn as coats or brought into school.
· Blue jumper with school emblem.
· School tie.
· Black skirt – conventional formal style, woven fabric not more than 10cm above or below knee level.
· Black trousers – conventional formal style from school wear range – corduroy, canvas, denim, tightly fitted or casual styles will not be accepted. Trousers with ‘buckle’ belts are not acceptable.
· White school shirt with long or short sleeves – designer or fitted styles are not acceptable.
· Black socks with trousers. White socks, plain black or flesh coloured tights with skirts; (patterned tights or socks are not acceptable).
· Plain black shoes, (not fashion shoes, trainer style, pumps or boots of any description).
· Blue jumper with school emblem.
· School tie.
· Black trousers, conventional, formal style from school wear range (corduroy, canvas, denim or any other casual style will not be accepted).
· White school shirt with long or short sleeves – designer styles are not acceptable.
· Black socks.
· Plain black shoes (not fashion shoes, trainer style, pumps or boots of any description).
YEAR 11 - As above with the addition of a black jumper with school emblem.
· Blue shorts with school logo.
· White polo shirt with school logo.
· Microfibre fleece top with school logo.
· Blue football socks.
· Towel.
· Blue shorts with school logo.
· White polo shirt with school logo.
· Reversible rugby top.
· Blue football socks.
· Towel.
· Shirts must always be tucked into the skirt or trousers.
· Hats and scarves are not permitted except in very bad weather when travelling to or from school. They are not to be worn on school premises.
· Jewellery – is not allowed except for a wrist watch, one pair of small plain studs, one in the lobe of each ear. Body piercing is not allowed for health and safety reasons.
· Make–up and nail varnish are not allowed.
· Hair styles must be neat and tidy and of a natural colour. Fashionable extremes are not acceptable. This includes shaved heads, shaved designs, bleached hair or dyed coloured hair/braids. Hair should be of a traditional style and should never be below a blade number ‘2’ cut. Mousse/gel/hairspray must not be used. The acceptability of hairstyles are at the Headteacher’s discretion. Students who sport extreme hairstyles will expect sanctions to be imposed until the matter is rectified. Persistent non-compliance will be deemed as deliberate defiance and be treated as such.
The following rules apply to all students at Whitworth Community High School:
I will:
1. Make sure that when representing the school my actions and
behaviour do not damage the school’s reputation.
2. Arrive at school on time and wear full school uniform correctly
throughout the day.
3. Come to each lesson with appropriate school bag and all
necessary equipment.
4. Follow the school mobile phone policy.
5. Respect the school environment:
· Consuming permitted food and drink in the canteen.
· Putting litter in the bins.
· Not chewing gum.
· Not damaging/interfering with school property.
I will not:
1. Wear make-up, fake tan, hair products or jewellery. Neither will I
have an extreme hairstyle/fashion haircut or colour.
2. Smoke in school or be with people who are smoking.
3. Leave the school site without permission or congregate in and
out of bounds area.
4. Take part in any form of bullying.
5. Buy or sell any item from another student in school.
· Students who break our Code of Behaviour and, therefore, fail to respect other students, staff, their property or the school site will be punished. The following sanctions are examples of those which may be used – withdrawal of privileges, detention, isolation, community service.
· The Headteacher may well exercise her power to exclude (permanently or for a fixed term) students who commit more serious offences eg. Violent or aggressive behaviour, insolence or defiance towards a member of staff, possession or use of tobacco, alcohol or illegal substances such as drugs. Students represent the school whilst they wear the school’s uniform. Students who commit offences on public transport will be liable to a range of appropriate sanctions.
School Terms and Holiday Dates 2010-2011
Autumn Term 2010
6 September7 October22 October
1 November
17 December / School opens to students
School closed/Open Day/Evening
School closes – half term
School re-opens
School closes – Christmas break
Spring Term 2011
5 January18 February
28 February
8 April / School re-opens
School closes – half term
School re-opens
School closes – Easter break
Summer Term 2011
26 April2 May
27 May
6 June
22 July / School re-opens
May Day – school closed
School closes – half term
School re-opens
School closes – Summer break
Wednesday 1st Sept/Thursday 2nd Sept/Friday 3rd Sept
Thursday 7th October 2010
Tuesday 4th January 2011
Homework is an important feature of life at Whitworth Community High School. It is given by teachers to give students a chance to work independently, practising skills learned in class, or finding things out things for themselves.
In Year Seven, homework should take up to 1 hour per night.
Helpful advice to students
1. Do your homework as soon as you get home.
2. Check that the front page of your planner is completed correctly, including signatures of parent/guardian.
3. During registration period on Thursday, enter the subject headings for the week ahead neatly.
4. Enter the date on the top line each week.
5. All homework must be entered. If none is set, enter “none set” in the appropriate space.
6. Your planner must be signed by your parent/carer each weekend.
7. Your Form Tutor will check your planner during registration period on Thursday and only sign it if the planner has been completed accurately.
If a student is absent from school for any reason, we do ask that parents contact us by telephone. This should then be followed up by a note in the Planner on the day the student returns from the period of absence.
In a school the size of ours, it is vitally important that we do have such a check. We have a computerized system which will text parents/carers should your child not arrive at school. Your
co-operation is sought in reducing absences to an absolute minimum.
The Education Welfare Service will become involved when absence falls below 85%.
Unavoidable Absences
Parents are asked to avoid family visits or holidays in term time. In cases where this proves impossible, the student should collect a Holiday Form from the Head of Year, Mrs McCann.
Medical Visits
Please try to arrange visits to the Clinic, Doctor or Dentist out of school time. If this is not possible, please send a letter/note in the Planner to your Form Tutor at least 24 hours before the visit.
We feel that punctuality is very important. Students should be in school by 8.35 a.m. ready to start morning registration at 8.40 a.m. It is important to establish good habits early.
A wide range of food is on sale in the dining room at lunchtime. Hot snacks are on offer before school starts and at break time.
All students must have the following items at all times:-
A bag.
A blue/black ink or ball point pen (+ replacement).
A lead pencil.
An eraser.
A pencil sharpener.
Six different coloured pencils.
A 30 cm ruler.
A pair of compasses.
This will be checked by your form teacher/prefect during registration.