I Like Where I Am

Spelling Words

1. joy

2. noise

3. royal

4. moist

5. broil

6. cowboy

7. spoil

8. joint

9. foil

10. enjoy

11. destroy

12. loyal

13. employee

14. corduroy

15. turquoise

Challenge Word

16. landmark

Word Wall Words

1. trouble – something that is difficult or upsetting

2. giant – very large

3. chuckle – to laugh quietly

4. fair – just and by the rules

5. strong – having great power or strength

6. block – part of a city or town

7. tears – drops of salty water that come from your eyes


Monday – Math review sheet

Tuesday – read leveled reader and spelling choice

Wednesday – spelling choice

Thursday – pretest at home and read I Like Where I Am

Math Test will be on Tuesday!