Meeting ofAugust 1, 2010
Stakeholders Present:
Ed BeckerParks Primary Representative, City of Hillsboro
Ron GarstEnvironmental Primary Representative, Tualatin Riverkeepers
Ed HodgsonFisheries Alternate Representative,Coastal Conservation Association, TV Chapter
Jim MeierottoWater Districts Primary Representative, Tualatin Valley Water District
Jan MillerSewer Districts Primary Representative, Clean Water Services
Tom NygrenWashingtonCountySmall Woodlands Association, Primary Representative
Jonathan SchlueterBusiness and Industry Primary Representative, Westside Economic Alliance
Neil & ArdisSchroederWashingtonCounty Small Woodlands Association, AlternateRepresentative
Carla StaedterParks Alternative Representative, City of Tigard
Ross A. Van LooCounty Primary Representative, WashingtonCounty
Dave Waffle City Primary Representative, City of Cornelius
Staff Present:
April OlbrichCoordinator
Guests Present:
Seth Chicas Pacific University TRWC work-study student
Lindzee ChicasTualatin Basin resident
Alethea GallmanNetwork of Oregon Watershed Councils Education and Outreach Director
KristelFeslerCity of Hillsboro
Mary Elizabeth McAndrewTualatin Basin resident
Gordon MillerTualatin Basin resident
Avis NewellOregonDEQTualatinBasin Coordinator
Kerry NussbaumerV/C Construction
Pat NygrenWashingtonCountySmall Woodlands Assn.
Nathan SchulteSOLV
Nancy WilmesSOLV
Introductions: The meeting commenced at 8:00 p.m. with introductions. Prior to Ross Van Loo convening the meeting Ed Becker led the group on a tour of a wetland remediation project at Jackson Bottoms. Council members and guests then gathered for the annual potluck.
Network of Oregon Watershed Council Updates:Alethea Gallman provided an update on Measure 76 that will appear on the November 2, 2010 ballot among the statewide issues. Measure 76 is a constitutional amendment dedicating Lottery funds to the protection of parks, water resources, fisheries, wetlands and other resources. The focus of the campaign is on “water” as the primary resource. She also discussed the educational programs offered by the Network including workshops on GIS mapping and assisting new watershed coordinators. A tour of the Tualatin and Nehalem watersheds is scheduled for October 9th.
TualatinBasin OWEB Small Grant Projects: April described several new maps including a map of watershed restoration, manure storage fish passage projects and other activities prepared by Council member Adam Fleenor. She then showed slides of several of the OWEB assisted projects including CarterCreek, the Elmwood neighborhood near MetzgerPark, Radloff property, Mt.Richmond wetlands. Nathan Schulte and Nancy Wilmes from SOLV spoke about CarterCreek. Mary Elizabeth McAndrew discussed the project in the Elmwood neighborhood. April thanked all the project sponsors for their work. April also encouraged participation in the upcoming August 11 Native Plant Co-op Nursery work day and showed pictures of past workday activities.
Member Announcements and Updates: Jim Meierotto talked about the work of the Regional Water Providers encouraging water conservation in cooperation with KATU this summer. Ron Garst announced a river cleanup day on September 25th. Jonathan Schlueter announced that Metro’s Chief Operating Officer will offer his recommendations for changes in the urban growth boundary (UGB) on August 10th. That will also be the topic of the Westside Economic Alliance breakfast on 8/26. OSU Extension Service is adding another module to their “Master” series with training for people wishing to be “Master Naturalists” beginning in November. Tom Nygren offered information about a program for estate planning of forestry lands and farms called “Ties to the Land” that is coming up.
The meeting adjourned at 8:52 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Dave Waffle
Vice Chair
Refreshments for September 1, 2010 meeting: Ardis & Neil Schroder
Roving Steering Committee member for August 19, 2010: Autumn Bryant
August 2010 TRWC Minutes
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